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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. It depends on how expensive the book is :D We have 3 using R&S grammar 6 and Henle and each have their own book. Two of my kids are using Saxon Alg 1/2 and Apologia Physical Science and they share the books.
  2. I asked this type of question once once and got some great responses. The one that stuck with me the most though was basicaly that if my child doesn't go to college, the education I give during high school will be all the formal education she gets. Wow that struck a cord with me. So now we do a college prep edcation no matter what the child's future plans. Here is the thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96095&highlight=college Edited to add: This same child is now planning on college. It's amazing what a few months difference can make.
  3. I have 5 kids doing the 4 year rotation, will add another in the fall, and keep them all in the same cycle. We use TOG right now, but have used SOTW/WTM recommendations in the past.
  4. Maybe just start reading the SOTW to them a few days a week. Do oral narrations for now to get things going. Once you are in a routine add in written narrations and additional reading.
  5. I am using WG with my LD 10 yo this year and while I do like it, I am planning on switching to R&S in the fall. I have no idea what level to put him in because of his learning issues. For a child that didn't have learning isues I would go a year under what grade they are in.
  6. I agree. Panic and fear are not from the Lord. Pray for peace over the situation. :grouphug:
  7. Thank you everyone for sharing your view's on the vax. :001_smile:
  8. I don't think anyone was attacking you, but offering hope and encouragement that you can do this. That your son will do fine with minimal school for a bit. However, it sounds like you really want to put him in the private school and if that's what you want, then you need to do what you feel is best for your family at this time, no matter what anyone on here thinks. :grouphug:
  9. It wont hurt your 2nd grader to do the bare basics while you are sick. A math worksheet, a lesson in R&S grammar ( or something else not very teacher intensive) a penmanship worksheet and alternating days reading/narrating(oral, keep it simple) science and history ( sotw-get it on CD) You are talking an hour to an hour and a half. Split it up as needed. Your preschooler will be fine. I don't do anything formal for preschool. Read aloud/books on tape. Educational toys, play doh, toys etc. Get some good books on tape and they can listen while you lay on the couch.
  10. They aren't testing here either. I was sick ( not flu related) on friday and they tested me for the flu. I asked the nurse if they had a lot of confirmed H1N1 and she said they aren't testing but if you test positive for infuenza they are assuming it's H1N1 and treating for it. I heard they don't have any of the vax but earlier on the news they mentioned a free clinic in FV that will have a limited amount of the H1N1 for at risk people. We have never gotten flu shots before and so far we have decided against the regular flu and the H1N1 but I am not 100% sure.
  11. could you plesase share why you have made this descision? I'd especially like to hear from those who do other routine vax ( hib, MMR, polio etc) and have chosen to avoid the H1N1 vax. I am still on the fence on whether my family should get it. Thanks! :)
  12. ROFL! I was thinking the same thing. Where is my Dh... :lol:
  13. My kids have gotten A's, B's and some C's. I do have them correct their work and work towards mastery but in the end they get the grade they deserve. The thing about all straight A's like that is on ACT and SAT they can't redo it. The score they get is the score they get. Nothing could be worse than an all straight A report card and then not so stellar ACT/SAT scores. KWIM.
  14. If you have any worry that she might be dyslexic I highly recommend testing. It will give you an idea of her weaknesses and strengths. It will also open the door to accommadations such as recording for the blind & dyslexic, oral testing, more time on test and so on. No one but you, your Dh and your child needs to know the reslts.
  15. If I had just a 2nd grader and wanted simple, I'd do: CLE Math or MUS SOTW ( M W F) Apologia Science ( T TH ) R&S English 2 WWE/HWT SWO
  16. Ok, you all are scaring me. :eek: We will be starting the third declension in a couple of weeks.
  17. We use R&S but skip all the writing. In the younger grades we use copywork ( I just bought WWE ) but 5th on up we use IEW.
  18. When I was doing this, I would crush a whole clove and spread it on a piece of ww toast every morning for breakfast.
  19. I was sick last week ( not flu) and went to the Dr. They tested me for the flu anyways and I asked the nurse how many people are testing postivie for swine flu. She said they aren't testing for swine but anyone who test positive for A is assumed to have swine and they will treat it as swine. So I have no idea how they are getting the numbers they are coming up with.
  20. I never used to check their work. It was the thing I despised doing the most. But it caught up with me when I had kids skipping things, or doing it wrong for weeks on end because I wasn't on top of it. We had to back track a lot to fix MY mistake. So now, I go over everything.
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