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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I found this link to search for colleges that participate in the southern states http://www.sreb.org/programs/acm/acmindex.aspx
  2. Thank you all! We have a nice list started :)
  3. Yes, I wasn't sure what to call it. Thanks for the info everyone and links.
  4. We are looking for Aeronautical engineering schools, ideally in the midwest, but anywhere in the US is fine. We are looking at Embry Riddle, but I don't know of any others. Thanks!
  5. Thank you so much!

  6. I have had sinus issues forever it seems. I usually take sudafed and it usually helps. But lately even sudafed isn't working and I have now had a sinus head ache for days. It is causing ear pain which I think it from a eustachion tube malfunction. I really need to get this under control but I don't know what to take. I looked at clariton but I think that's just antihistamine? What about a decongestant? Mucinex has something that is supposed to thin the mucus, but it's not in the clariton or sudafed. Do I need to take 2-3 different things? :confused:
  7. My little ones only do school 4 days a week anyhow so I would definitely count it as school.
  8. I have a tabs for: reading charts/week plan info, SAP, Lit, Maps and written work. They have blank lined paper in the written work section and each week they start a new sheet with the week labeled and highlighted at the top. They highlight each section as they go down the paper ( thinking, accountability church history). We aren't using WA so I don't have a writing section.
  9. Thank you. I googled and came up with the same thing, but I didn't think I had allergies. I do have sinus trouble so it makes sense.
  10. If you have TMJ do you also have ear pain? A few months before my ears started ringing I would get a brief, very sharp pain deep in my right ear. It happened maybe 1-2 every few weeks. I was just beginning to get concered about it when my ear started ringing. I assumed the pain was part of the ringing and let it go. The ENT couldn't find anything physically wrong with my ear during his exam. The past few weeks it is coming more often and for the last two-three days my ear is uncomfortable all the time with bouts of the deep pain every now and then. I am going to make another appointment wit the ENT, but I am curious if anyone else has had an experience like this?
  11. I thought this too and then I called my local police station, who had me test my phone by dialing 911.( if you do this call the non-emergency number FIRST! lol) It took a bit( 3 min?) but they were able to locate my street.
  12. Thanks again. Great tip on removing the skins, I will try it.
  13. I understand. I know my kids wouldn't be able to handle a 12 hour day here either. We are probably more in the 5-7 hour day at the most and I am fine with it. I can see how her day looks like a lot but I still think it really isn't that different from most highschoolers and if it is working well for them than more power to them.
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