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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I have seen this before, but I can't remember where. It;s a notebook of handwriting paper with spaces for each letter. Sound familiar? Do you have a link where I can purchase some? Thanks!
  2. :grouphug: I underdstand! My 10 yo is dyslexic, ADHD, seizure disorder as well as short/long term memory issues. It is so hard to watch him struggle!
  3. All I worry about in K is math, penmanship and phonics/reading. We spend @ 15-20 minutes on each of these but we do breaks in between. So for me, a K day would be @ 45-1 hour at the most. The rest of the day is fun stuff like art projects, read alouds and PLAYING!
  4. Have you started using this? I am curious how it is going and whether you like it or not? I have been eyeing this for a while :D
  5. I have the 1828 one( Is that what you meant?) and love it! It is a beautiful book and has more detailed definitions, plus has definitions the modern dictionary doesn't have. I got mine brand new off ebay for $40 and $3 shipping.
  6. I am using CLE with my first grader. It takes me about 10 minutes to do the review and teach the lesson. She spends another 5-10 doing the independent part of the lesson.
  7. I would keep them together and start with R&S 3.
  8. We check out books for fun reading or special subjects we might be interested in but I have been buying all my TOG books in order to make life simpler. Also, we will be going through TOG atleast 2 more times so buying the books makes sense.
  9. I am using this with my 11, 10 and 6 year olds and they are enjoying it.
  10. I purchased a like new, newest edition, of the Western Civilization book for less than $40 off Amazon.
  11. I haven't used Saxon Teacher. I purchased it but sold it to buy the Art reed DVDs. My kids have used DIVE, and did not like them, so they didn't use them often. I think the kids said the DIVE didn't explain things well or maybe it was just my kdis didn't understand them well enough? But the DVDs ended up being unused. I think his review is well done though.
  12. Yes, becasue you are getting a live teacher in front of a board teaching the concept for each lesson verses a white board only with DIVE or Saxon teacher. The lessons are @ 10-15 minutes long and my math phobic Dd told me she finally gets it! Also, these DVD's are only $50 per grade, which is a deal.
  13. Is 1000 IU a day too much for a 42 pound six year old and 41 pound four year old? Thanks!
  14. For the upper grades there is this alternative too : http://homeschoolwithsaxon.com/onlinevideo.php We are using it this year with Alg 1/2 and Adv. Math and so far we really like the way he teaches and the kids are understanding the lessons much better.
  15. We are living as tight as we can, have no extras what so ever and are slowly paying down out debt. I would love to cut out fluff and still have a $1200( or whatever lol) snowball each month. It isn't happening here. I used to get very frustrated reading his books and listening to others talk about their large snowballs or how they paid of a gazillion dollars of debt in 4 months LOL. I am impatient to get the debt gone, but I know we are doing the best we can and unless I go back to work ( which we tried and it doesn't work) or DH get a second job, we will take @ 3 more years and we have been at this for over two now. It will happen eventually.
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