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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I really never thought of it but not a bad idea! I am not sure if I will save curriculum but I am working on building a good library.
  2. I haven't seen this myself but came across it the other day. I have no idea what ages/grades it is meant for. http://www.prepareandpray.com/detail.tpl?sku=1002
  3. My start this book next week and plan to do every problem.
  4. We are starting our 2nd year of TOG and our first year with a HSer. I admit having a HSer in TOG does make me nervous.
  5. My son was in 10th last year and did: Saxon Alg II Apologia Chem and Adv. Chem Notgrass World History & Lit ( and additional books) IEW SWI C SOS Spanish I Henle
  6. B and I generally only shop twice a month now. I will run in and grab fruit and veggies in between big shopping trips.
  7. Unless they are in your yard uninvited, yes, you should butt out.
  8. Our kids usually start in their junior year and take 1-2 classes per semester.
  9. :iagree: 100%. And while I do believe we were created to be vegetarians I do not feel it is a sin to eat meat. Also I believe God told them to eat meat after the flood. I think not eating meat is healthier, but that's a whole 'nother thread :lol:
  10. I was going to post these verses. It's MY belief that in the garden man was to eat herbs, seeds, nuts, fruit etc. After the flood is when man began to eat meat.
  11. I have heard that also and had they used the pre-calc maybe they would have had a different experience. Hard to know.
  12. Neither did it through pre-calc because it wasn't finished yet. My son ended up doing remedial math last year at the CC and enters the CC as a freshman this fall.
  13. I just got our room set up this week too. I still need to make copies and get the binders set up but then we will be ready. Summer went by way too fast!
  14. We have 10. Now that my kids are older it is a lot easier to get out and about so I don't know if I have any real challenges except maybe all the running kids to various events and appointments. It can get overwhelming. As far as comments we have used the "yes we know what causes it and we enjoy it" comment too and it usually stops further comments lol.
  15. NO, that means for you and yoru husband you made a choice that was between you, your husband and God. It doesn'tmake you better or worse than anyone else. Just because someone chooses to be qf doesn't mean they are better, it means they made a choice for their own family and it has zip to do with YOU. How you feel or react to their choice is your own issue to deal with.
  16. I posted this a few months ago in a thread @ TT. This is just my experience with TT and I know others have used it and love it. We switched to TT when my oldest was in Saxon Alg 1 and having a hard time. She did wonderful with TT and I was thrilled. She went from D's and F's in Saxon to A's with TT. That alone made me wonder about TT. Her first college Alg class was a disaster and she ended up dropping it. She was not ready at all. In the meantime, after all the negative reviews I was reading, we decided to switch math again with the younger kids. One of my sons at the time was in 8th and had just finished TT Alg 1. I had him take the Saxon Alg 1 placement test to see where I'd place him. He absolutely bombed the Saxon Alg 1 placement test after finishing TT Alg 1! We spent the summer doing Aleks to catch up and this year he is using Saxon Alg 1 and is scoring 90's consistantly. So, in my limited experience TT is not only not rigorous enough it is far behind other curriculum in scope and sequence. My 11th grader is still using TT though because we didn't have time to start over using another program. He is going to have to take some math next year at the CC to get him ready for college math.
  17. If you feel people are judging you because of their beliefs, that is how YOU feel. Doesn't make it true. You on the other hand are judging eveyone who is qf as being "better than though and abused." You can't have it both ways. I personally could care less how you or anyone else believes @ birth control. I have my beliefs and thats all I need to worry about.
  18. I second renting books through Chegg. My dd rented her books and it cost less than half of new through the school.
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