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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My soon to be 6th grader used Abeka for K-5 and has done well with it. I bought CD basic math for fall but I am thinking of waiting until 7th for that so he will do pre-alg in 8th and Alg I in 9th. I dont think I want to do Abeka 6 though, so now I am not sure what to use with him. Any ideas? Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the replies. Sounds like this is not what I am looking for.
  3. Someone posted this in another LOF thread: "My only complaint is that I wish sometimes that the answer was explained in steps as we both struggle with math and I have a difficult time working thru problems if we both don't know how to get answer" and I am wondering if these books would still be a good fit for a student who scored low on the IOWA math sections: problem solving appraoches and procedures. I am trying to find somethign for review before we do CD Alg I and was hoping LOF would work. Thanks again!
  4. Especially if you have more than a few DC? Every year I start off with a pencil box for each DC filled with pencils, crayons, glue sticks, rulers etc. By December the pencil cases are trashed and not a pencil in sight. :glare: I need to do something different this year. Number one is working on taking care of our possessions and not losing/trashing things, but other than that I need a system that works. I am thinking of instead of individual boxes, having a large container for each item. We can grab the colored pencils as we need them and so on. Not sure on pencils though. I was thinking of a large box for these too and each day they can get a pencil and get going, BUT I can see them just grabbing a new one each day until the box is empty. Just where DO all these pencils go? :confused: :D So, do I color code them? Small container for each? Large container for all? Just keep buying box after box of yellow pencils and buy stock in Staples? :lol: Seriously, how do you keep from losing pencils and your mind?
  5. :iagree: It's not like we are talking about a cheap book here either, we are talking about hundreds of dollars.
  6. Do you think this would be doable? He is pretty good at math and I am looking for something to use before he does CD basic math. Thanks!
  7. We love BBQ lentils. Or turn them into the Honey baked lentil recipe that has been posted here. Or add them to soup.
  8. We had a pond on our property in Maine and never had snakes and I don't think the mosquitos were any worse than the places we lived without a pond. If it were me I'd go for more land. You can always add on but you can not get more land.
  9. Did you buy it from CD or off amazon? I really need a solutions guide!
  10. I did get the Alg I on the cheap ala Pongo LOL. I am planning on using the new geometry course from CD so I am not sure if I will be able to piece it together or not. Laurie, We always skipped the review too and now I am wondering if this is my DD's problem! I am thinking we might go back and do some review from the pre-alg book over the summer.
  11. If you plan to stick with CD the next step would be Alg I. Our plans were CD Alg I, but my Dd needs more review. I am not sure what we are using this year but we are planning on continueing to CD Alg 1 the following year.
  12. At our SAMS they don't really look at the card. I just wave it at them and keep walking LOL. The cashiers take the card but they just swipe it through before scanning the stuff. My sons have shopped for me and used my card, but they are not minors so I don't know about that part.
  13. :iagree: her feelings do count and they are real, but the descision is ultimately up to you, your Dh and God. I would assure her that you will do everything you can to keep her incontact with her friends and do that. Join a home school group, make play dates or whatever. But in the end it's your descision.
  14. Years ago when we lived in a small town in NH, I got stopped and a few weeks later Dh got stopped. Same car, same cop and I was in the car with DH. After the cop writes DH the ticket, he leans down and says to us both " is there anyone else in yoru family you'd like me to ticket?" :lol:
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