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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. With my first I was showing @ 16 weeks. With each subsequent pregnancy I showed earlier and by the time the last few came I started showing next morning :lol:
  2. Thank you. I will have to look at the samples and see if it would work for this child.
  3. While I do agree most didn't have the normal symptoms, I can't believe a young mom of 3 didn't recongnize the symptoms of pregnancy and then labor! I can see your point @ the 52 yo who thought she was through menopause. That makes sense. But this other woman? Either denial or she wanted to be on TV lol.
  4. I do have the book. I will look at it later. Thanks!
  5. Crosspost-I am wondering how self-teaching the LOF books are? Are your students able to do the algebra and additional books independently? Thanks!
  6. I am wondering how self-teaching the LOF books are? Are your students able to do the algebra and upper level books independently? Thanks!
  7. For the last few months my wheat bread will sometimes sink on the top. The texture seems fine and it taste ok, but the loaves aren't nice and rounded, they are very soft and flat. It's frustrating because one day it's perfect and the next it's flat LOL. Any ideas why this would happen?
  8. I admit I can almost see a first time mom maybe not knowing. Sometimes these woman would spot throughout. That kind of thing. But a mom of 3 not knowing she was in labor? I mean it's not something you easily forget LOL. I had to laugh too at each story the commentor would say something like" and with no pain medication XYZ delivered...blah blah". I am NOT saying it's wrong to have meds, but people DO have babies without them. Even on purpose :D It was so dramatic that they did it without LOL. Anyways it was an interesting show.
  9. I was watching this last night and I can't imagine not knowing lol. This one lady had 3 kids and didn't know she was pregnant with the fourth. Now, I can almost see somehow not knowing with your first, but with your 4th? She goes to her job at a fast food restaurant, then goes into labor, and she didn't know she was in labor!?! There are 3 other woman, granted one was only 16, who go into the bathroom to help her. The 16 year old is on the phone with 9-11 when the mom has the baby into the toilet. They are all standing there in shock and the 9-11 operator has to tell them to remove the baby from the toilet. Wouldn't it be common sense if someone delivers a baby into a toilet to quickly grab it out? I know everyone reacts different to shock and stuff, but I am wondering if these people were playing it up for reality TV?I don't think I will watch this again LOL.
  10. After I had lost @ 80 pounds I noticed my hair was falling out. I thought it might be the weight loss or stress or both, but I went to my Dr. I was Vit D deficent and my iron stores were low. I am on both Vit D and iron and it improved.
  11. With having older kids in college we now follow the college/public school schedule. Before we used to go the day after Labor Day until the end of May.
  12. I use rice milk in cooking and for smoothies , but it would be too expensive for my family to switch over for daily drinking. I have seen recipes for making it, but I haven't tried it yet.
  13. Thanks for the reminder. I know they don't need as much protein as most sites recommend. I think I might keep track for a few days and see what they are averaging. I bet they are eating plenty of protein afterall. I just want them to eat/like bean and other type dishes.
  14. I do have rice protein poweder here. I didn't think of trying it with them. Good idea, thanks! I will look for some hemp seed at the HFS. Thanks!
  15. I have tried many different varieties and textures from mashed to whole. Spicey to plain. They just don't like them. I think I am going to have to sneak them in until they acquire a taste.
  16. They have eaten seitan and did OK with it. Didn't love it, but did eat it. As far as quesadillas or burritos they only want cheese in them. sigh. I do make my own refried beans but they don't like them. Maybe I should try spreading( aka sneaking lol) just a tiny bit on the burrito and adding cheese, veggies etc and they wont notice.
  17. We do eat more varied that what I listed. I wanted to ive a general idea of what our diet consisted of and that we don't eat a lot of processed foods, no real junk ( or atleast we try not too lol) no soy etc.
  18. Thanks again! I will check at the HFS and see if they have the packet of mix. I did find a few recipes to try too.
  19. Thank you for the ideas. We have chosen to avoid soy after researching it some. I forgot that they well eat hummus, so that's a plus! I do like the idea of trying different beans to make dips and they love veggies, so this might be a way to sneak some in. As far as other nut butters, which would be a good choice to try first? I am not sure what falafel is, but I will look for recipes on allrecipes and see what I can find.
  20. My 4 & 6 year old's do not like beans or lentils. A typical meal for us is some type of bean or lentil with a grain or starch such as brown rice or potatoes and veggies. They will eat the grain/starch and veggie but wont touch the beans or lentils. I have tried a variety of dishes and also figured in time they would get used to it. We do not eat any soy and no fake meats or anything like that. They do eat eggs, cheese, yogurt, PNBT and drink milk, but I am worried that they aren't getting enough protein. After reading the China Study I wanted to stop the cheese and milk products, but until/unless they start eating a better variety I don't think it's possible. Honestly, I am getting ready to throw in the towel and start serving meat again. Any ideas?
  21. I hated my PS years and sadly, I got into a lot of trouble in the high school years. I did not recieve a good education due to my own mistakes. I wish I had gotten the education and the experience my kids are getting. However, my mother would have never been a good homeschool mom and I was better off in school.
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