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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My upcoming 8th grader: Bible Study Guide For All Ages LOF Decimals & Percents and Fractions Apologia Physical Science TOG year 2 IEW Medieval Based Writing Lessons Rod & Staff English SWR spelling Intro to Logic I Henle Latin Vocab From the Classical Roots A Meet the Great Composers Short Lessons in Art History
  2. I'd love a resource that was a list of words grouped by sounds, so when we covered say the sound oi we'd have a whole list of oi words. I know some words will be covered in each lesson(if we use swr) but I'd love a list of these words for additional practice. Any ideas? Thanks!
  3. I need summer. I love summer. My kids love summer. I am so so so thankful we are done until the end of August.
  4. We have used SWR in the past and while I liked it, I didn't feel like it covered very well the syllabels and the rules that apply. I am not sure if this was SWR or my own fault. I might have missed something and I don't have the materials to look through. I have bought AAS for fall because I like how the syllabels/rules are taught in clear, easy to understand lessons. But, after looking over AAS I am thinking SWR might be easier to teach with 4 or 5 students. What do you think?
  5. if you are doing latin and reading good lit is that enough vocab or should a vocab program be used too?
  6. That happened to me the first time too. Keep trying! I was able to find everything at Amazon, much much cheaper than via CD.
  7. http://drmcdougall.com/ lots of good info here and there are forums for help making it work. Here is a link to the basic program for free so you don't have to buy the book or while waiting for it to arrive. http://drmcdougall.com/free.html
  8. Thank you all and than you Elizabeth for the link to the lessons!
  9. Today I realized that while my 12 yo can read, he stumbles when he comes to words with two vowels such as relied, cautious, complain etc. He is a horrible speller and for a while I was wondering if he was dyslexic, but I really don't think he is. We did use SWR two years ago and I thought he had these sounds mastered and was just struggling with spelling in general. :blushing: Do I start over with phonics? I am planning on using AAS with him, would that cover these issues? I am open to all suggestions!
  10. My 4th was 10.15 oz and 24 inches, my 10th was 12# and 24 inches LOL. The rest of my babies, except # 2, were between 21-22 inches. :D
  11. Not about shpping cars, but when we were going to move from Maine to Arkansas, our Maine plates were ready to expire and I didn't want to pay to register the van in Maine, then again in AR once we moved. Dh was already living in AR so I mailed the paper work to him, he registered the van in AR. When he came home to move us he brought the plates and we drove around Maine for a bit with AR plates and of course had them for the drive through Canada and across states.
  12. We have 3 college students this coming year. Unfortunately we aren't in the position to help them at this point. They all work, have gotten grants, some scholarships and student loans for the rest. They have chosen cheaper colleges rather than going to more elite, expensive ones. We did buy/contribute $ a lap top for each of them before starting college. Each of them has bought their own car during high school and pays their own insurance. Edit this to add: Neither my husband nor I feel it's our obligation to pay for our children's college. We both went to college ( me briefly, Dh for a BS) as adults and paid our own way. If we had the # we would gladly pay for them, but we don't feel it's part of obligation as parents.
  13. I am very quiet in labor and delivery, including my 12 pounder :D During my 5th labor I yelled at the Dr and was pretty grumpy, but I didn't scream. I am blessed in that my babies come very very fast once I start pushing.
  14. Thank you, Beth. Very helpful post and that checklist is great to have!
  15. My 16 yo is using Saxon and this is the plan he is following too. He will be in 11th in the fall using Saxon Adv. Math.
  16. Thanks everyone! I have decided to keep him in pre-algebra and start Alg in 9th. I am thinking of LOF, but I am not 100% sure.
  17. I am definitely going to give him more time. You all have convinced me! :D We will do some kind of pre-alg this year and he will do Alg I in 9th. I am thinking of LOF maybe? I did see the eye Dr who said under my eye lid was irritated but it wasn't that scary sounding eye infection :lol: . I had to use steroid drops night and day for a week and it is better, but I still can't leave my contacts in over night. As long as i clean them nightly I can wear them fine all day. Weird.
  18. Good to know, thanks! I am looking for these for fall so it might just work for us.
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