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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Nan, I know I should know this, but my mind is blank! What do you use for a history spine with your WEM studies? Are you following the WTM great books plan? Thanks :)
  2. Thanks mom07, I was hoping you'd reply :D One question, is there a list of the books used in the unit studies? You mentioned Beowulf and Iliad below, is there a complete list I can look over? OK, two questions lol. Do you try to match up your history studies to the book/unit studies?
  3. Could someone please explain how this is set up and how it works? I briefly looked at the web site and couldn 't get a feel for it. What grades/ages would this be good for? Thanks!
  4. :grouphug: Sorry you are going through this. I undestand completely.
  5. Thank you all for understanding. I had a longer post typed and edited it because I feel awful for stressing over this. I dont know what we will do. I meet the reading therapist on tuesday.
  6. If you had the chance for your 10 yo to do OT at a different place than where he currently goes in order to recieve multiple services ( OT, ST and reading) at ONE place, with back to back appointments, instead of driving to multiple places on different days, would you switch from the therapist you have been seing for 15 months and both LOVE? Whew that is a long sentence :D ACK! I just realized I spelled therapy wrong in the title.
  7. The kids have a choice of oatmeal & fruit, home made whole wheat toast & natural PNBT or toast and eggs. I usually eat oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts or a whole grain bagel with either natural PNBT, all fruit jam, or avocado. We generally have bananas every morning. Lunches are typically left overs that I purposely cook extra of the evening before. If we don't have leftovers the kids will have grilled cheese, PB&J, quesadillas, tomato & cheese sandwiches or something along this line. We always have carrots, broccoli and other veggies with dip. Right now my daily lunch is this salad: Few handfuls of spinach, handful of mung and alfafa sprouts, raw frozen peas ( thawed lol), chopped broccoli, shredded carrots, chick peas or kidney beans, a few walnuts broken up, sprinkle of raisins and fat free dressing. I am addicted to this :D If I don't have salad I will usually have a baked potato topped with some kind of bean and either BBQ sauce or salsa and a veggie on the side.
  8. I would probably go with grade 5 R&S. If it is to easy you can always go up a level.
  9. My 12 yo has terrible handwriting so we are going to use HWT's books meant for older kids. print version and cursive version
  10. Try your library. They can inter-library loan it for @ $1.
  11. :grouphug: I know how frustrating it is. I hope you can find a new place quickly.
  12. We lived in a rental when one of my kids had their routine 1 year lead test. It came back high enough that the Dr office called the state ( I can't remember what department it was). they came in and did an inspection of our apartment and the LL had to do some work. We moved in the meantime because I was freaked about the lead. The child had to be closely followed for a while afterwards. There is some good info here: http://lead-info.com/ I remember finding the same type of info below and if I remember right they recommended using diswasher solution to clean with. http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/pubs/5054.html "You can periodically wet mop and wipe surfaces and floors with a high phosphorous (at least 5%) cleaning solution. Wear waterproof gloves to prevent skin irritation. Avoid activities that will disturb or damage lead based paint and create dust. This is a preventive measure and is not an alternative to replacement or removal" I highly recommend having your baby screened.
  13. My oldest 3 have graduated. We have done our own thing, graduated them when we felt they were ready. The oldest two were accepted into universities and our 19 yo recieved a scholarship. The third is going the CC route to save money. All they included with their applications were a transcript, ACT/SAT scores, two referral letters and an essay. Only one school, in NY, asked us for detailed class descriptions.
  14. Thank you all. I know you're right, I just needed to hear it :)
  15. Use this summer to work on discipline and getting a schedule that works for you. Have you heard of MOTH? Then come fall, ease into HSing. Don't try to jump in to a full schedule day one, especially with a new baby. Concentrate on core subjects by adding in a subject at a time until you are confomrtable. Once you and the kids are intoa routine and the core subjects are getting done, then think about adding in extras if you wish.
  16. Could LOF be used as a stand alone math curriculum? Is it enough for standardized test? Would it prepare a child for college level math, assuming the child went through adv. math and possible the trig book?
  17. I had planned for my upcoming 9th grade DD to do Physical Science in 9th, Biology in 10th and Chemistry in 11th. However, there is an opportunity to take a chemistry class at our co-op this year and it is open to all 9-12th graders. I have no idea if they will offer it the following year or not. I would love for her to take this class, but I am not sure if science should be done in any certain order. My older kids did physical in 8th, but followed the same order. She will be using Chalkdust Alg I next year but is not a very mathy kid. What do you think?
  18. We have used Abeka, Easy Grammar and R&S and R&S wins hands down.
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