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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. If you use this how do you set up your various read alouds and lit for the year? Can you set this up at the beginning of the year or does it make more sense to do this monthly?
  2. Nope. My only options for food are WM, Target ( limited selection and pricey imho) Harps and Price Cutters, which are insanly expensive, and an old IGA. We do have a Walgreens, but no CVS, which I heard has a lot of neat deals. OOPS edited! I just realized Harps does double coupons up to 50 cents. However, I could buy the same item at Wal-Mart cheaper withOUT a coupon then I could at Harps with a double coupon.
  3. I do think it would be easier if you have a garden ( I do think she does) some laying hens, a milk cow or goats, fruit trees etc. We are looking foward to the day we can buy a place with land and be more self-sufficiant.
  4. She says it breaks down to .54 cents per person per day. Milk alone would cost more than that. I don't see how it could be done either but to each their own .
  5. I found this site yesterday and didn't really look around that much, but it looks interesting. I don't think I could do this mostly because we don't eat a lot of things that take coupons such as prepackaged stuff and I don't have anys stores nearby that double and triple coupons. http://jane4girls800dollarannualbudget.blogspot.com/
  6. I think a lot of it depends on what you like to eat. My friend feeds her family cheaply by using coupons, but most of the stuff she buys is not stuff my family likes to eat ie: prepackaged foods etc. Also, she has stores available that double and triple coupons. I do not have that option. I do shop at SAMS and a food co-op and then pick up odds and ends at Wal-Mart. For me, SAMS and the co-op save me the most money for the types of foods we eat.
  7. He is very good about that and about following my wishes as far as not doing certian vax or doing them on my schedule. I will talk to him about a titter. Thank you all!
  8. I do split vax now and never do more than one at a time if possible. But at the time I wasn't doing that. I did call the Maine pedi who said the polio would have been when he was 5, so 2003. NH pedi said same thing, except he was seen in 2003 and didn't get it. grrrrr. Would having three polio give him enough immunity? I'm not worried so much about the DTaP, except I'd like him to be up to date on tetnus.
  9. I wonder if this is it. I am going to call Maine and find out when they would have dne it. I bet you're right! Thanks!!!
  10. Right. They have his MMR for the 2003 visit but nothing under the polio.
  11. Please don't start a vax verses non-vax discussion. Thanks! :) I brought my 11 yo to the Dr yesterday for a checkup and they noticed that on his vax record he only has four DTaP and three polio vax. The last shots were listed as in 1999 when he was one. He had an exam in 2003, when he would have been five, and got his last MMR. Wouldn't it have made sense to get the last polio at that time? I did call the pedi ofice in NH and they said the files would now be archived, but that as far as DTaP, back then they recommended the fith one after 10 years which means 2009. So that's fine. But the poilio should have been 2003. I have his records from Maine and they have the box checked "up to date" under immunizations, but again the polio and DTaP are missing the last doses. So I have no clue if he didn't get these or if he did and they didn't get written down. My new pedi doesn't want to give him the vax until we find out if he had them but the Doctors tell me there is no way to know. What do I do now? Would he have enough of the immunity with the ones he aleady recieved?
  12. :iagree: I used SWR , switched to AAS and went back to SWR for the reasons stated here.
  13. Nothing amazing to add to whats already been posted except that my upcoming 9th grader will be doing D level TOG this year.
  14. I haven't used ST yet but DIVE has one DVD an ST has 6, so I am assuming there is a lot more content with the ST.
  15. SO glad you were able to find out who this person was and can relax some!
  16. See I thought this was how is used to be. I know back when we first started HSing in NH they didn't have to offer anything. But I also thought that new laws make it mandatory. Confusing. I would definitely call HSLDA, even if you aren't a member, and ask.
  17. I would call HSLDA and ask them. As far as I know, every state has to offer special needs services to all students regardless if they are homeschooled or not. While he isn't mandatory school age that might be the issue, but once he is K age ( if K is mandatory in your state) I do believe they have to offer it.
  18. It would creep me out and I would be careful. BUT my Dh did deliver news papers while in college and the first thing I thought of when reading your OP was news paper delivery. Add that the guy has a 2:30 Am taffic violation makes me agree even more. My DH would pick up his papers at 1 AM and finish his route @ 6 AM. The guy could be choosing differnt streets each day in order to make it less boring. I was thinking that while he might be a painter, with the housing market the way it is he might be doing a paper route to earn extra money. Maybe he is a Dave Ramey fan lol. I hope you are able to find out if he is a delivery person and give yourself peace of mind.
  19. Too much work and it would take too much space. Each kid has a weekly schedule we fill in on friday afternoons for the coming week. It works for us. :D
  20. I looked through the CD basic math last night and I do think he can do it. He is a really good math student and after finishing Abeka 5 this year, I think he is ready. I am not sure he will be ready for pre-alg in 7th but he is really good at math so I am going to wait and see. Now, my other son who is entering 8th this year just finished CD pre-alg in 7th. He is an average math student and I wish I had waited with him. So my advice for average students is to maybe do LOF( or keys to...?) for a year and then do the pre-alg in 8th.
  21. LOL I so relate to this. I even bought one of those pens that CHAIN to the desk, like banks have. kwim? They broke off the chain and the pen went into the abyss. :lol:
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