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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Yep. I know that's what my problem is. I need to just DO it lol.
  2. Have your iron stores( not just iron levels, but iron stores) checked and also your VIT D levels. I was low in both iron and V it D. Since starting supplements my hair loss has slowed.
  3. If her middle ages book were out I'd use it for sure! I even thought about redoing ancients so we could do just that LOL! We have already used SOTW 1-3 though. I guess I could use it with the 1st and 3rd, older kids could listen as I read it aloud and use it as a spine for them to do reading at their own levels?
  4. They are 15(sept), 13, 11, 10 (sept), and 6. Grades 9, 8, 6, 3 and 1st. We did SOTW 1-3, then a year of US with SL and TQ, then TOG year 1 last year. We are on year 2 this year. Thanks!
  5. Seriously. I am going round and round over this and driving myself and my good friend Tracy insane. HELP. One day I am all set. The next I don't have a clue what I want to use. We used TOG year 1 last year and my kids HATED it. Said it's too much reading. It's boring. They want text books. I hated it too really. I never made connections. I had a hard time teaching things that didn't have laid out answers. What I'd absolutely love is something with one or two simple spines. A few historical fiction and literature books thrown in to round it out. We can dig deeper if we want and spend time researching famous people or events. They can write a simple summary at the end of the week. I keep going back to TOG because it's all laid out for me, but in my heart it's way more than I need or want at this point in time. I thought of MFW but I am not sure why I decided against it. I also looked at AO but can't seem to make it work with the ages I have. I think one of my problems with pulling together my own thing is I lack the confidence to put together my own chronological list of books, which is another reason I am drawn to something like TOG. I have K-12's Human odyssey( bought, sold, rebought *sigh*) as well as both KF encyclopedias, SOTW , Spielvogel's Human Odyssey and Western Civ, Streams of Civ as well as a slew of other books. Why is this so difficult!? It's just history for crying out loud! Of course I am stll unsure on elementray science and upper level math. I have never had trouble deciding on school before this year :confused: We start school in 4 weeks and I don't want to use 1/2 of what I have bought.
  6. We have 2 chapters left of Charlotte's Web and will start Old yeller after we finish.
  7. Sounds even better! I think I will try to get the looseleaf so I can make copies. Thank you!!!
  8. Thanks! I just posted a question about this in another thread. It looks pretty nice!
  9. Anyone use this? Did you like it or not? Are the supplies needed pretty basic? Would it be way over the head of my 1st grader?
  10. I'd like something I could read aloud, then they could narrate to me ( 6th can write his own) with a few hands on experiments. I don't have a lot of money to spend though. I am thinking physics of chemistry would be fun, but I am open to any ideas. I had planned on just using library books on topics they choose, but I am thinking I need something I have here at home that I can open and go. What do you recommend? Thanks! :)
  11. I was just thinking of this yesterday! I was thinking of picking and choosing from the suggested books and having the kids write a summary/narration at the end of the week rather than answer all the student questions. They could look up famous people or events and write about those. Do the maps. I guess it would be more like an expensive books list LOL! I'd love to hear from others who have tried this or are thinking of it.
  12. Get a subscription to Countryside Magazine! Also check out www.homesteadingtoday.com
  13. :eek: The study is going to last 42 days. What about long term efects? No way no how would I sign up for this.
  14. We pay $582 a month. :glare: Of course I have kids driving that are 20, 19, 17 and 16 and we have my van, Dh's truck, DD's car, DS's truck, and DS's car. All of the vehicles are older though and we don't have a lien on any of them. Only my van has full coverage.
  15. A few of my babies have been born after 42 weeks. It sounds like your body is getting ready, but isn't quite ready. Hang in there, it will be over soon.
  16. As far as I know almost every state if not every state has planned parenthod type places that give out free contraceptives.
  17. We are to love the sinner, not the SIN. We are to love our neighbor. Loving our neighbor means showing them the love of Christ unconditionally.
  18. Thanks, Dana. I signed up for the free trial and I really like what I see so far!
  19. Thanks. I am thinking that might be easiest at this point.
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