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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I was thinking about this this morning. Obviously, I am not MJF :D, but in her 12 hour schedule she has 1 hour for breakfast/chores, 1 hour for lunch and 1 hour for tea time . If you take those out of the picture, you are left with a 9 hour day. This is still less than PS where kids have school from 8 to 3, then 3-4 hours of home work every day. Never mind a 30 min bus ride both ways.
  2. I have tried a few and I haven't found one that I like. Right now I buy my hummus in a big tub from SAMS and we all love it, but I'd like to make my own to save money. Thanks!
  3. This is what my 4 and 6 year olds take and they like the taste. Thy ask for them if I forget .
  4. I absolutely love this: http://www.neutrogena.com/econsumer/ntg/productdetail.browse?segment=women&catId=2&subCatId=8&productId=424&target=/products/cosmetics/mineral-sheers-powder-foundation-compact.jsp
  5. My DD is in 9th and daily she does: Bible Saxon Alg 1/2 & Art Reed's DVD lessons Apologia Physical Science TOG II R&S english IEW's Medieval Writing Lessons TTC/WTTW VFCR( M W F) SWR Henle
  6. I used one of IEW's themed based books last year with my 5th grader and we had a great year! We are using another one of the themed books this year. :thumbup:
  7. is anyone using this? Specifically the reading? I'd love to hear your experience with the program. Thanks.
  8. I don't know. We have never gotten the regular flu shot so to take this one just doesn't seem right to me. Yet...
  9. I do think they will be taken away in the near future. Especially if we ratify the UN rights of a child.
  10. We spend about an hour to an hour and a half in 2nd grade. I wouldn't pile on busy work to make his time longer. Let him play and explore which is real learning at this age.
  11. On the news last night I heard that 19 kids died from swine flu last week alone. They said this is more than usually die from the regular seasonal flu. Granted they also said most of those 19 deaths were from kids with underlying conditions, but some were not. I admit these numbers have me concerned. Still not sure I want to get the vax and feel it was pushed out way too soon. I hate these types of descisions.
  12. This is what I believe too. A day is as a thousand years. I believe the clock started ticking after the fall.
  13. I never heard of it until yesterday when he was mentioned in the Nobel thread. I definitely want to read it.
  14. I think it really depends on the child. My 10 yo is using MUS and doing very well with it. He neds a hands on visual type program. I chose CLE for my 1st grader and she is doing well with it. So, look towards your child's learning style and decide.
  15. This year I have kids using Saxon, MUS, Chalkdust and CLE. Unless I am crazy too, then no you're not. Hmm I think we may be crazy :lol:
  16. When I mentioned HSing to my husband, he told me I could "give it a try." He thought for sure I'd give up and send them back. :glare: Now, 8 years later he is 110% behind Hsing and tells everyone "we" homeschool :D
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