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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I get up around 5-6 at the latest. Start the coffee and sort and put a load washing while I wait for the coffee to brew. After it's ready I grab a cup and do my quiet time. Usually by now atleast a few of the kids will have woken and play/read quietly :glare: . After I am done, I wake up anyone who isn't awake ( this is always fun lol) and we do breakfast. DH leaves around this time. After breakfast is when I am supposed to walk on the treadmil, but some days I grab a second cup and check my email, FB and message boards. :blush: :lol: While I shower, the kids finish their chores and we usually start school at 8:30-9:00 AM. We do prayers/Bible together and then I work with my 10 yo and 6 yo alternating between the two. ( the older ones do math and science during this period) . My 4 yo sits at the table with us and does his R&S preschool books. We are usually done around 10:30-11 and we take a quick break ( usually I hop on the puter). After break I do latin, english, writing and spelling with my 9th, 8th and 6th graders. We stop around noon to eat lunch and finish whatever we have left afterwards. In the afternoons I read TOG or do science with my 6th, 3rd and 1st graders, alternating days. We do a read aloud and the little ones we usually do some sort of craft on their own. Generally I am finshed my part of their day around 3 PM and usually am back on the puter( notice a pattern here? :tongue_smilie:). I spend time with my 11th grader in the afternoons as he needs me. We meet on Fridays( light day for the little ones) for literature and to go over his week's work. This is also the time I correct any work and make sure the older kids have finished/corrected everything on their schedule. Tuesdays and Fridays are OT/ST for my 10 yo so I try to plan/start dinner before I leave at 3, if not my 15 yo usually does this. I get home at 6. Every other Thursday we have co-op clases and have to leave around 12:30 so we start earlier those days and we skip the non-essentials. I do my big shopping and SAM's click and pull on co-op days, while we are out anyways. The rest of the week we fold/put away all the laundry, tidy up, vacuum the school room etc around 4 while I start dinner. The remainder of the day is spent reading, puter, TV etc. I live a pretty boring life.
  2. We use click n pull. I order everything online including fruits and veggies. I don't think you can see specials and for meats you can order frozen things like Tyson etc but you can't order stuff from the deli/meat department. So far we have been really happy with it. I hate shopping and love being able to pull up, run in to the CS desk to pay and have my van loaded for me. I am in and out in under 10 minutes.
  3. I made a vegan version of shepherd's pie last night called Skillet Gardener's Pie. It was fantastic! Here is the recipe if you are inerested: http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2008/05/skillet-gardeners-pie.html
  4. Mine was like that too until Sunday when I had @ 6 inches chopped off, layered and colored it. :glare:
  5. I don't worry too much at age 5 and would let her play. Expose her to good books ( read aloud as she is playing) and worry about school when she is a bit older.
  6. I love SAM's and it saves my family a ton. I use click and pull so my order is ready when I arrive. This saves me time and money.
  7. I started and stopped latin two years in a row because of the same type of situtation as you described. This year I am doing the assignments myself and is going MUCH better. So, yes, I think it helps to do it alongside the students.
  8. Thank you all again for the information and recommendations. I am looking into all suggestions.
  9. Thank you everyone! I did go to the Dr Friday and got a steroid shot and a script for antibiotics and nasonex. So far my head ache is gone but I still have pain in my ears. I have been using the nasonex in the morning but by night I am needing soomething more so I am using Mucinex Sinus before bed. I am going to look into either a neti pot ot NeilMed today and add that in too.
  10. I highly recommend Winston. I go over every sentence with my son using the winston cards and he is able to pull out the nouns, verbs etc. I love the visual aspect for him.
  11. I could have sworn I asked this before but i can't find it? :001_huh: Anyhow, has anyone used just the lit portion of TOG? Or considered it and decided not to? Why or why not? My upcoming 12th grader is using TTC and WTTW this year. I was thinking of Excellence in Lt American for him next year but if we are using TOG year 3 I'd be able to study lit with him and my then 10th grader, maybe my 9th grader too. I think doing lit in a group would be more interesting( and easier for me) then him working alone. He has all the history he needs and will have a very full schedule next year doing math, science and writing at the CC so I don't really want him doing the other parts of TOG. Do you think this plan would work well?
  12. I do typically soak my beans but I usually soak them in the fridge. That's the part I wasn't sure on. Thanks everyone. I did cook them.
  13. I understand! LOL Glad to know that he is not out of the norm then. Thanks! He is using Art Reed's Saxon DVD's when he needs them and it does add time to his day too.
  14. Was your son able to go from Saxon Adv to CC calc? Right now that is my plans but I worry whether he will be prepared or not.
  15. It's taking my son @ 2 hours a day. His grades are good, but I am wondering if this is longer than average?
  16. I'd register my kids for art and music lessons. And then buy lots and lots of books.
  17. I have a pressure cooker and have never used it. Why didn't I think of that? LOL
  18. I put some beans soaking last night and forgot them on the stove. Are they safe to cook and eat? Thanks!
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