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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. She might be following the McDougall Plan, which is a low fat plant based diet. http://www.drmcdougall.com/
  2. I am taking benedryl to help with my sinuses and the fluid in my ears and it does seem to help, but I get so sleepy it's hard to take it during the day. Is there anything out there that wont make me sleepy yet not hype me up either? Thanks!
  3. Thanks. We have decided to go ahead and buy it. I don't think my son will use it much now, but as he gets older I can see this as being beneficial to him.
  4. I always fold in the youngest where ever we are in the history rotation. When we used WTM history, I just moved the child to the next level, but stayed on the same year. Now we use TOG so it's easier to keep them all together.
  5. Anyone make their own? How well does it work? Does it leave a film or spots on the dishes? Thanks.
  6. We paid for the classes ourselves so I can't help with that. What we do on our transcript is one semester college class = 1 full year highschool credit. As the others have said I think it depends on the course and the college whether those CC courses will transfer.
  7. No one told me they needed it, but I wanted to up our Vit d during flu season.
  8. My Wm has the borax and washing soda, but not fels naptha. They did have Zote though which is what I am using today for the first time.
  9. My highscoolers have taken community college classes. I usually send them to take writing, math and science starting in 10th-11th grade.
  10. I have my 4 and 6 yo on 1000 IU/day and my middle kids on 2000IU/Day with the teens and up on 4000 IU/day. I am wondering if these doses are too high? Googling brings up way too much info and most of it is conflictng. Do you think at these levels it could cause overdose?
  11. We are on the same schedule. I need the break just as much as they do LOL.
  12. My 6th grader does: bible math science history/geography literature grammar writing spelling latin logic
  13. I wanted to thank you! I made these last night and they were a huge hit. No more canned baked beans for us :D
  14. It drives me nuts too. I buy it and rinse it off. Not ideal but it works. We also used to buy the large cans of applesauce but then I realized it has HFCS in it, so no more applesauce.
  15. NO! We are finishing up tomorrow and then we are off until Nov 30th and I can not wait!
  16. Always has some tiny ones that work good for younger, thinner girls. The pads are wrapped in pink.
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