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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. aka Wal-Mart and the people were pleasant. The store was clean. No one was rushed. People smiled at me as I passed by them. A few even joked with me.:svengo: The cashier was nice and chatted while he quickly rang up my items. And I underspent by $50! :hurray:
  2. :iagree: and paired with good whole grains there shouldn 't be any blood sugar issues. Not all carbs are the same. You can avoid bad carbs ie; processeed foods and stick to whole foods to avoid isues.
  3. What conferences are these? and what policies? I am curious.
  4. I so understand this! :lol: I blink and the house is trashed.
  5. Thanks everyone for the replies! Another question-when you make home made pizza, about how much cheese do you top it with? We have been eating a lot of cheese and I don't know what "normal" is. Added: we use large round pizza pans. Thanks!
  6. My teens are having a NYE party here and I am trying to keep the cost down if posible. I got pretzels, nachos chips/dip and a few sweets but I want one more non-sweet snack to serve. Any ideas? Including my teens there should be @ 20 of them here. Thanks!
  7. Can you share what a week of eating like this would actually look like? Thanks!
  8. It looks nice but high in fat. I think it would be great on pizza, but not sure I'd want to use it too often. I make a low fat vegan cheeze out of nutritional yeast that we use on tacos, potatoes, veggies, mac n cheze etc. http://www.fatfreevegan.com/dressings/melty.shtml http://www.fatfreevegan.com/dressings/pizza_cheese.shtml
  9. You can bake and freeze, then thaw and frost, or shape and freeze. Thaw and bake. I have only done either fresh or freeze shaped rolls then thaw and bake. HTH!
  10. We do give a small gift to the mail carrier, UPS driver and garbage collectors. When we used baby sitters I always gave them a money gift too and when I had my day care I gave my employees a Christmas bonus.
  11. Not for every delivery but I usually do a gift card for Christmas.
  12. I love shopping at WM. I save so much money that I can afford things I couldn't afford if I had to go elsewhere, espeically mom and pop stores. Capitalism at it's best.
  13. :iagree: our last was born at home and it was amazing. SO much better than my hospital births.
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