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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. We used CD Pre-algebra then went back to Saxon. I really liked CD but I didn't like the way the lessons were set up and found it confusing day to day.
  2. Thank you. I am looking for fall and my 10 yo DS will then be 11 in in grade 4, my DD will be 7 and in grade 2 and my youngest DS 5 will be in K. I am not worried @ the Ker as we don't really do science in K. So I am looking for something for the other two. I will look at the link you provided. Thanks again!
  3. I like Apologia Science but want to mix it up some and like having more than one topic all year long. Which one book would you use with these 2 grades? Thanks!
  4. While I do realize this your opinion I strongly disagree with you. I feel God has called me to be a wife, mother and my children's teacher. I am content in my calling and have no need or desire to do something outside the house. It saddens me that a mother would try to make those that are happy and content in their own calling to feel like there aren't doing enough and "need to do more."
  5. We have an 11th grader that works pretty much independently and then are using TOG with 9th, 8th, 6th, 3rd and 1st with a soon to be 5 yo tagging along. I like having the print version too. I am the type of person that needs to hold the book in my hand.:) For grammar we use R&S and enjoy it. We do not use the writing part of R&S nor TOG's Writing Aids and instead use the IEW themed based programs. My best advice is to start slowly and add more in as you go. You don't have to do everything listed in the guide. Pick and choose what you want to cover. As you get into a routine add in more if you wish. I don't us workbooks right now but I do think I will for next year. I can see how it would make life much easier for everyone. Here is a wonderful blog post on how to make them: http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/karenciavo/TOG%2BWorkbooks/
  6. I spoke with Tanya this morning, who was very sweet! She said that yes I could buy individual pieces, but that they couldn't offer a discount on the individual parts. I am specifically looking at buying just the phonics and when we added up the cost of just the phonics & readers the price was almost as much as the discounted price of the whole kit. She suggested buying the kit and selling off the pieces I don't need. She said everything is resellable, even the curriculum guide, as long as you don't copy it TO sell. The discounted price will be available through late spring and they will be coming out with a 1st and 2nd grade kit sometime soon ( I think she said late summer). Also wanted to add that some of the items from the k kit will be used in 1st grade. HTH someone else!
  7. It really depends on the child. My oldest kids are really close and yes, I mostly grouped them together except for english and math. However a few have been grouped together in math such as my current 8th and 9th graders. It really depends on the child's ability level.
  8. :iagree: We have 3 adult children still living at home. We have family standards they have to follow and if they do not want to follow those they are welcome to live on their own. I know in our situtation especially we have lots of littles at home that are watching everything our oldest kids do so the oldest have extra responsibility to adhere to our standards while living here. As far as doing things like moving out, college, jobs, marrying etc they are adults and can do whatever they want, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't give counsel when asked.
  9. Thanks everyone. I think we are going to give one unit of MtM a try and see if we like it as well as we did Atelier.
  10. Thanks, I might just call her. I think I'd really just like the phonics/reading materials because I like the other things we are using.
  11. This does look really nice and the introductory price is actually not bad. It you add up everything individually it would be a lot more. I wish you could order more of the parts individually as I'd like to use some but not all of it. I need to give this more thought. It's almost tempting. :)
  12. Is this CPS study mandatory or can we opt out? I couldn't find it on the site you linked.
  13. Thank you both. His # 1 choice isn't requiring the SAT II's so that is good thing. I need to research his other choices and see what they require.
  14. If a student takes a course at the CC does it makes sense to also do a SAT II test? I am thinking the college will look at the CC grade before relying on the SAT II score?
  15. I have used Atelier and we did like it but MtM is a lot less expensive. If you have used either or both of these which did you prefer and why? Thanks!
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