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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Do you use just the CC cards or the whole program? I think the cards look really nice.
  2. Thank you all for the suggestions. I just looked at the placement test and he would definitely do the K program. I will have to see at the end of summer where he would be, IF we don't just go ahead with the R& or something else. I am going to get him some living books for math and do some fun hand son stuff over the summer. Ellie, I just love that link to the math experiment!
  3. LOL! I ordered it Tuesday and it shipped yesterday. I can't wait to look through everything! :D
  4. We have used IEW's memory program in the past and while the kids and I loved the poems, I want to do something more like what is mentioned in TWTM. I did purchase Living Memory but was lost at what exactly to memorize and how exactly to go about it. Do you just go through random list such as helping verbs, math facts, famous people and so on? Do you explain what the list mean first or just go ahead and memorize them?
  5. If you do go with MP, will you switch to saxon after finishing the R&S 1st?
  6. I was thinking for 1st. My older kids did Abeka K-3 but I figure if we are going to do Saxon eventually, why not start at the beginning.
  7. I keep hearing that it's "pretty basic" so I am thinking it might be better for a younger child? I don't know LOL. My son has done the R&S preschool books too but he still isn't beyond basic counting. I really think he simply isn't interested yet. He just turned 5 last month so maybe I need to give him more time. I got my new WTM yesterday and have been reading through the preschool section today and think maybe we would be better off doing some simple math games and jump into Saxon 1st in first grade. I just want to make sure he has a good foundation in math and readng.
  8. I posted something similar a while back but I'd like more opinions and I am open to more options that just the few I listed below. I want a gentle, hands on approach for my upcoming Ker. I ordered the MP K program and I will look through the R&S math that comes with it, but I think I want to end up with Saxon down the road. I don't think he is going to be ready for Saxon 1st just yet but I think the K might be too young for him? I guess we could do R&S 1 over K and 1st as MP suggest and then switch? I just don't want any gaps. I am also looking at MUS primer and then Saxon 1 in first, but I am not sure that would work either. Any ideas? Thanks!
  9. I haven't used TT 6 but we have used TT Alg 1 and beyond. I have used CD basic math and pre-alg and would recommend going to basic math after TT 6.
  10. So would PR work with a 5 yo boy who knows only a handful of the letter sounds? He just hasn't been interested in school work yet but I am hoping by fall he will be ready. I ordered the Memoria Press K program yesterday but I really wanted an O-G based phonics program.
  11. My 8th grader is doing: Saxon Alg 1/2 Apologia Physical Science TOG II R&S English IEW Medieval Writing SWR Henle
  12. I start with my youngest kids while the older ones work on independent work. After lunch the littles are finished I have time to devote to just my older ones. I tried oldest first but found my younger kids did best working with me early in the day.
  13. I don't think there is a minimum amount. I have ordered under $100 and much larger orders :D I absolutely love click n pull! I order it and DH picks it up the next day on his way home from work. Can't beat that!
  14. This is my typical every 2 week Click N Pull Order: eggs butter sliced cheese shredded cheese milk sour cream potatoes broccoli onions bananas spinach celelry carrots oranges apples coffee honey # 10 cans tomatoes peanutbutter toiletpaper When I run out I get: yeast spices baking supplies white flour sugar pancake syrup frozen blueberries white rice trash bags zip lock bags
  15. For my upcoming 2nd grader: CLE Math 2 R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey-Life TOG III R&S English 2 ETC WWE 2/HWT
  16. Have you looked at the themed based books? They contain the same type of lessons but you don't need the DVD's and they are much cheaper.
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