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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Wait, earlier did you mean MyRide 65 or Contender 65? I didn't realize Graco had more than one 65. doesn't matter, just saw your new post lol I saw a meme comparing Graco 4Ever Extend2Fit vs Graco Extend2Fit. I'm so confused. I thought the 4Ever didn't extend. So there's actually one called Graco 4Ever Extend2fit apparently. Anyway, the gist of the meme was that they are basically the same but one is more babyish and when your child is ready for the booster they probably wouldn't want the 4 Ever design? Also, I stumbled upon this. Apparently there were a few recalls due to a label being wrong? I don't know how that affects the seat installation or what it means. http://csftl.org/recall-graco-extend2fit
  2. We are currently using a Graco MyRide 65, but I would rethink that if I were to start over. Dh picked it out and ordered it without my knowledge. I decided it was fine, but I've realized it's HUGE and in some ways that's a bad thing. In other ways it's fine because it has two cup holders which we love (we put a stuffed toy or food in one side and once in a while a drink in the other side). We make a few long trips during the year (3 or so hours) and frequently make 45 min. drives so I figure at least it looks fairy comfy. The thing is, it's one of the larger models of convertible seats. Dh is tall. We cannot put her in the middle or behind the driver's seat because dh and I share a car and he also prefers to drive when we go out as a family. We have a booster seat for ds behind the driver's side and her huge carseat behind the passenger side. My tech friend sent me a picture of a few different car seats with side by side comparison. It is clear from the photos that the Graco My Ride is on the larger side as it's similar to one of the larger ones in the photo (the photo showed a model called Apt 50. Looks like Cosco makes that one). This may or may not matter in your van. My toddler is 2 and kinda slouches in her seat so I haven't adjusted the harness lately. But here is a video on it: The woman in the video says she can't use that seat rear facing on her third row??
  3. My google image search got a couple Victorian and Edwardian tea dress descriptions.
  4. Last time I wanted to remember the name of a couple from church I put their names into my cell phone after I walked away! lol. I have no shame in writing things down so I can retrieve the info later. But I don't always remember or have a chance to do that. The using the name thing is very good. And five minutes?! That's nothing!! I've known people much longer and forgotten their name. For a five min. encounter I would just say at the end of the night, "I'm sorry, what was your name again?" or ask a mutual friend (possibly the host later). I don't expect people to remember my name. I don't expect them to spell it correctly, either.
  5. I'm debating about joining this big consignment sale as a seller. I live kinda far from the location and have only one vehicle which is not a truck so I don't know how I would possibly haul the big ticket items (changing table, bassinet, pack n play, etc.) without making a number of trips. I don't anyone that well to ask them to do the hauling. I don't really want to take them all apart, either if I don't have to. I figure I'd want to have it assembled on display, afterall. I am trying to sell them on FB but no one has posted any interest. I might give in and donate them but even that will take several individual trips that I'll have to strategically plan on the way somewhere else as to not seem like a waste of gas.
  6. I've never thought to resend an email. I'd probably just make it a follow up like "hey just touching base. Blah blah blah" and remind them of sense of urgency? I don't know the circumstances so I don't know if your deadline is something that affects them directly or not. If it's gmail it will stack your emails and they can look up to see the previous one.
  7. The only time access to alcohol at Sam's was an issue for me was when I wanted to scan a bottle for Shopkick and that part of their store was closed because it was a Sunday ha.
  8. :laugh: My son would probably love handling the scanning. What if you put something back, then there's a delete button? Dh does most of the shopping and goes into Sam's self checkout (most of the time). It hurts my brain watching him scan because he does it so quickly it makes me paranoid about whether it's right or wrong.
  9. I joined a FB group on this style of parenting and they linked me to some stuff today. I guess there's an actual book and cards that go along with this method. I am still learning. https://www.positivediscipline.com/products/positive-discipline-parenting-tool-cards The title says discipline but I'm led to believe it's not really about punishment. I need to look into the book. I just put in her name on Amazon and there are various titles. I have the Peaceful Parent book on audible as well as others, but I haven't been able to finish them all. Some of them probably overlap with similar styles of parenting. One is The Whole-Brain Child. I'm currently listening to Simplicity Parenting though as I'm trying to declutter.
  10. I heard about the Sam's app and if I was just getting a few things I guess I could see that being okay, but in general I have anxiety about keeping it all straight and I don't want to accidentally steal something. You know, the case of water on the bottom of the cart or such. I have actually caught mistakes like this in the line and pointed it out only to have it dismissed. Later I double checked the receipt and the cashier did mess up.
  11. We have some backpacks like that. I have checked out two in the past. We couldn't find a part when I went to return it and I looked all over the living room. That was the only room we used it. It was like a plastic carrot or something. That was years ago! I still don't know what happened. Maybe it was missing before we got the backpack. I told them we couldn't find it. I would have replaced it or paid a fee if they wanted. After that, yes, it did make me think twice about checking them out. But I think they are neat. To me some of those age categories are interchangeable... I don't know that you have to see them as toddler vs. PreK or PreK vs K. The ones we had were about basic counting and directions (above, below, beside, etc.) among others. Those were the two we checked out. I don't know what else is available. My son struggled with a few of the directions in K so he was probably 5 when we checked it out. My advice, have the items counted in front of the parents twice... before and after they are checked out? That might be annoying to some, but I think ours was only counted upon returning and by that point I couldn't remember if we ever had as many as we should have.
  12. I'm trying to figure this out as well. For example, I literally just posted a couple items on a local FB group to sell (I created the group myself a yr or so ago for the homeschool community. I figured we'd see each other enough we could do drop offs at co-op or something). There's some big consignment sale coming up in our area just for baby stuff, but I read all the rules and I know they will take a 30% commission and I will have to lug it there and pay some other fee, so I'm trying to sell now rather than go through extra hoops. I'm also looking into creating an Amazon seller account, but for other items. Then of course there is Craigslist, but around here I don't know how well that would work since we're rural. Might work for you.
  13. We do some of our shopping at Sam's. Dh refuses to bring bags into the store. We keep them in the car. Then I recently got this thing called the Clever Crate. It folds flat til you need it. Then he puts groceries in that and carries the whole crate into the house. We bought ours at Sam's because it was cheaper, but you can also buy online.
  14. Never worked in a grocery store, but if the biggest problem was the bread then my advice is just put soft items on the belt last. They will be more likely to end up on the top of a stack? Dh used to be a bagger many moons ago. He makes me feel like a really slow customer lol. I do try to put things on the belt in some order... frozen/cold together. I might organize my cart before I even go to the checkout if I'm nervous about having time to do it later.
  15. Oh wow. I wonder if there's a way to make them trip a noise alarm if they get into the area to alert you and/or scare them off.
  16. :crying: So sorry to hear. Coyotes got inside a barn?
  17. Maybe. I'm having trouble following between the OP's post and alisoncook's response.
  18. Dropping Prime has crossed my mind, but I don't think we will. My state just announced they will add tax to Amazon purchases in Feb. I better shop now? LOL :(
  19. I saw this after I posted. If a week had passed, how did it end up in the church again? Was it never brought home? I don't really understand. But I am glad you apologized and realize that the church trash can was not a great location. I have realized what some people love others find clutter. To each their own. I don't think she should have said some of the things she did, though.
  20. I didn't read all the replies. You threw the item in the church trash??? Just take it home. Dispose of it elsewhere. End of problem. You don't have to tell her your plans. You can smile and nod at the keepsake suggestion or just apologize to diffuse the situation and not say much else. I think the real issue here is she felt like the discarding was rubbed in her face in a sense. If you received a gift in an office swap and you didn't want it, you would take it to Goodwill, hide it in your closet to regift, etc. But you wouldn't dump it in the office trash (I would hope). Maybe that's the way she thought of it. I don't always talk to ds about SS. He did bring home a craft recently. I don't know how long we will keep it. You can do whatever you like, but as an olive branch I might offer something to the class... a pack of construction paper or such.
  21. I just joined several FB coupon groups and a bargain group. I'm not very good at couponing but I figure I can at least get a heads up about some deals and take a little more time to find some coupons. I don't usually get inserts (we don't buy papers) but I do have a few stores that offer digital coupons (Dollar General, Walgreen's, Family Dollar... I think there are more). I used a couple digital ones this week. I print some like a $3 off one on my razors. I thought that was a pretty good coupon! I might start stocking up on certain items when I can find them cheap. We've also set up a few subscribe and save lists on Amazon. That should help. I need to remember to use my Walmart Savings Catcher app. I also use Shopkick. Have never used Ibotta. I'm in the air on that one. I feel funny about photographing the receipt because it has location and payment method. Maybe I'm just paranoid. The other day I went to a store and asked a manager if they had anymore of the discounted gift wrap. She said no. But then I found a roll with snowflakes and price checked it. It rang up 3 cents. I walked to the check out and she told me to just take it. She wouldn't even ring me up.
  22. Not exactly the same situation but I don't have family nearby or anyone my age I call up to hang out one on one. The only one I ever meet up with is another homeschool mom and we haven't met up in months and it's always with the kids. I hinted for us to get together at something where kids were discouraged from attending and she said she was bringing hers. Lol. I don't understand the preschooler excuse. I mean, I do, but. I have a toddler and I'd go hang out in a heartbeat LOL. I'd just have to do it when dh was available to watch her. Which means it would still happen because I would make it happen. Sorry you are dealing with this!
  23. In some ways your ds sounds like an older version of my son. I will tell him to go brush his teeth or turn off the tv. When it doesn't happen, I will remind him or scold him (maybe not the best approach!) and he'll act like I didn't give him enough time or he was just about to do it (yeah, right). I have not had a test done specifically for auditory processing (they tried to dismiss it when I brought it up at an eval but I might need to further investigate). I got a book on how to help kids deal with EF issues, but I haven't had time to read it. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1440566852/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Sounds like I might need the book that was mentioned up thread as well. My child is only 8 yrs old. I've deleted the YouTube channel from our Roku a number of times. In the past when we had satellite I had a DVR that I put a password on when I found him watching an episode of The Walking Dead that I didn't want him to see. Dh hated the password prompts and removed them. Mr. Claus bought him his own tv two years ago against Mrs. Claus' wishes but never mounted it. Now I have this stupid tv that either needs to get mounted or sold because I'm sick the clutter. If he had the tv it would have limited access (firestick which we would remove each night). Perhaps taking the items away to where he can't get to them as mentioned is the way to go... and/or hiding the charging devices :laugh: I mostly agree (as someone with time management issues) but for me the problem is the passage of time is hard for me to accurately observe? I think that could be the situation with others that struggle as well. Dh exaggerates sometimes. He told me I spent an hour in a store recently. I didn't believe him. Well, today I went to a store and looked at the clock before I went in and when I left. I did spend quite a while there, though it didn't feel like it at all! I didn't even look at that many aisles. So it's possible I did spend close to an hour in the store that day he said I did.
  24. To be fair I was foggy on how to implement it (how would they casually tell someone, "we've seen you here too much" lol). Your post made me think more about how it could potentially work, though. :)
  25. I wasn't suggesting singling people out if everyone has to sign in somehow to state that they received that week/month/whatever. Maybe they get assigned a number or something to show each time they visit. That way it's clear that number 454 has met the allowed quota for that period.
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