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Everything posted by Insertcreativenamehere

  1. My boys use CLE Language Arts for 2nd and 4th grade and I considered switching to BJU because I liked how they include more writing. When I looked at the BJU 5th grade English book, all of the grammar was way, way too easy. It would be like going back a grade. I've decided to supplement writing instead and continue to use CLE because it's so thorough in other areas. We also use CLE Math and have not considered switching because it's working for us.
  2. I'm so sorry to hear this and wish you strength and peace.
  3. I started with FLL for my kiddos but moved to CLE for the following reasons: -- I didn't like the scripted format of FLL. -- I wanted (NEEDED) to encourage more independence and CLE makes that possible. I have four kids (two preschoolers) and need to find areas where kids can work independently while I am busy with their siblings. I've been very happy with CLE so far; it's quite thorough when it comes to grammar, spelling and penmanship. I do supplement writing with WWE for my 2nd grader and Writing and Rhetoric for my 4th grader.
  4. Have you considered Christian Light? I do supplement writing, but I'm using it now for 2nd and 4th grade and have found it quite thorough and straightforward for grammar, spelling, penmanship and phonics.
  5. I used Apologia this year for my 2nd grader and 4th grader and it was way too much for the 2nd grader.
  6. We use Spotify to listen to music from other countries as we are using MFW's Exploring Countries and Cultures this year. It beats requesting library CDs and finding they are scratched and unusable!
  7. Have you considered donating to Book Samaritan?
  8. I have a 2.5 year old with Down Syndrome. He brings such joy to our lives!
  9. We moved to using Xopanex instead of Albuterol because it made my son so jittery.
  10. I'm planning to start Latin with my two boys next year; they'll be in 3rd and 5th grade and both are strong students (although the 3rd grader is not very self-motivated.) I'd planned to start slow with Prima Latina but now that I've seen the teacher's guide, I'm concerned that my 5th grader will find it very boring. However, I don't think my 3rd grader is ready for Latina Christiana. Since I will also have a 3 yo and a kindergartner, I'd hoped to combined them for sanity's sake but am not sure now whether that makes sense. I don't have any background in Latin myself but do have minors in Spanish and French so I do understand how to study languages. Thoughts or advice?
  11. My son acquired c diff in the hospital as a toddler. I'd highly recommend lots of probiotics -- kefir, yogurt, as well as good supplements. My son was on Flagyl to treat it. It's nasty stuff, but did help in our case.
  12. I use Homeschool Planet and it does all of that. It's indispensable to my homeschool planning!
  13. We do one page of math a day in the summer. If we don't finish this year's curriculum, we'll keep going with that, but at a slower pace. If we do get done, I'll either order the next year's curriculum or just print out some Evan-Moor review work.
  14. No, I don't. My boys frequently ask me the meanings of words that they come across in their reading or elsewhere. I also stop to explain unfamiliar words in our read-alouds. We are also starting Latin next year and that will help with vocabulary as well. I think it's enough. FWIW, DS #2 did his first grade year through a K12 virtual academy and vocabulary there was a subject to be completed over the entire year. It was all so easy for him that he completed the whole year's worth of work in just a few weeks. For him, I think it's better to learn new vocabulary in context.
  15. We're reading the Voyage of the Dawn Treader right now.
  16. We are using CLE Language Arts for a 4th grader and a 2nd grader and are pleased with it. It's very thorough when it comes to grammar, but I do supplement writing with WWE (for the 2nd grader) and W&R (for the 4th grader.)
  17. DS2 had a difficult time transitioning to the full-day environment of first grade and had developed anxiety, depression and behavior issues resulting from his younger brother's frequent hospitalizations and life-threatening illnesses. He did virtual school at home for most of first grade; being home was an excellent fit for him. We've since transitioned away from the virtual school and are happily homeschooling on our own. DS1 did PS for K-3rd grade but after his brother had been home for a year, we brought him home as well. He was doing fine in school academically and was even a bit bored, but was losing his love of learning due to the behavior issues of other children. When he saw the curriculum that I was planning to use for his brother, he asked to be homeschooled. Both boys still attend PE and music at their PS and this hybrid approach has worked well. It has been a great fit for us and we are planning to homeschool our rising kindergartner as well.
  18. We use CLE math and language arts for both 2nd and 4th grade and are pleased!
  19. I am using CLE LA this year with my 2nd and 4th graders and we've had no trouble coming in mid-stream. They're in the 200 and 400 series. My boys are coming from public school where the grammar training wasn't as thorough, so we've had to take it slow at times, but it's been great overall. (It's actually been a bit humbling for me to see just how inadequate my own grammar training was. I'm learning quite a bit, too!)
  20. My son was very similar until he was diagnosed with cough variant asthma 2 years ago. He is much healthier now that is asthma is well-managed. Do see a good pediatric pulmonologist.
  21. I don't use it and don't miss it, but I already know Spanish. I don't know if it would be helpful for a non-Spanish speaker.
  22. We're using CLE Language Arts this year, but I'm wanting to separate out the language arts since we do our own handwriting already. I'd also like to use different levels for spelling and an entirely different curriculum for writing. What options are there for a grammar program that is thorough and fairly independent like CLE? Thank you!
  23. We like CLE Language Arts and are using it right now for 2nd and 4th grade. It is very thorough!
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