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Everything posted by Insertcreativenamehere

  1. In Minnesota, you don't have to send her until age 7. Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  2. We bought our current house when we had 2 kids and now we have 4. As our kids get older, some more space would be nice. We have our older boys sharing a room, which is fine, but also our 6 yo dd and 3 yo ds share and I know that isn't going to work long-term. We love our yard, though, so we'd consider adding on if it made sense financially.
  3. We just got a school room this year and it's made such a difference in our productivity -- not to mention the mental benefits of less clutter in our living/dining area upstairs. We have three sets of bookshelves, three school desks (purchased from a private school that closed), a work table, and, a big soft rug and a bean bag chair. It's the biggest bedroom in our house and it's downstairs. I actually like this because it forces ME to focus on school and not multi-task by trying to do dishes or whatnot while teaching. It's also just off our family room so when needed, I can send one child out to read on the couch or watch a video for school while I have one-on-one time with another. I wish I had one of the big Ikea Kallax organizers and some identical Ikea desks for more of a uniform look, but what we have works even if it doesn't look like the rooms I see on the various homeschool blogs.
  4. We've done art, music & PE at the public school. The downside is the driving back and forth and the scheduling, but the price is right! (free)
  5. So I'm planning to start next week (and ending roughly around the time of my birthday in a month) and I'm wondering what benefits you all have seen. I have eczema and have never been able to pinpoint a trigger. My daughter's eczema trigger is dairy, but going off it doesn't seem to help me. Maybe this will help narrow things down. Have you all lost weight? Seen other benefits? Thanks! Kara
  6. I'm thinking of starting here ... doing some reading and learning more about it. Glad there is this thread here for accountability!
  7. Language Arts: Continue FLL1, begin WWE. Some sort of handwriting workbook. Maybe cursive if she's interested. Math: CLE Math Reading: Finish CLE Learning to Read History: Will tag-along with brothers using Mystery of History IV; additional literature at her level as well as Evan-Moor history pockets. Science: Evan-Moor Daily Science as a start and adding living books on topics of interest. Possibly Latin, possibly Spanish (Song School)
  8. My daughter is in K, but we are using FLL and so far, I love it! I plan to add WWE next year for her (her actual first grade year.)
  9. I'd probably go for the Spanish immersion. I still regret that immersion was not an option for my children.
  10. I, too, am praying that they will be able to work things out.
  11. Northern suburbs here! Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  12. A neb would probably work better than a spacer. We do nebs blow-by, too. I'd definitely get him checked out asap. We have too much asthma in our family and sadly, things haven't always turned out well. Better to be safe than sorry! I'm currently running several nebs a day for my 3 year old and 9 year old, both of whom have bad colds. Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  13. I don't have direct experience, but my nephew is in 5th grade in a Spanish immersion school and my MIL is a retired principal and teacher who was a leader in the immersion school movement in our part of the country. I had minors in Spanish and French in college and did some academic research on immersion programs and always wanted to send my kids to one. Due to our family connections, I've spent some time in immersion schools and at the time my oldest was in kindergarten, wished desperately that I could get him into one. Alas, there were none near us and we ended up homeschooling for a variety of reasons. From what I've heard and observed myself, kindergartners do have a hard time at first but they quickly adjust. It seems to be an especially good fit for bright kids who need some extra academic challenge. As I know you're aware, there are tremendous benefits to speaking more than one language and I still regret that my kids did not have this opportunity. Have you observed the schools you're considering to see which environment would be the best fit for your particular child?
  14. Have you considered CLE social studies? Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  15. We are using BJU 5th grade science through DLO and it is extremely thorough and detailed. I'm impressed. The teacher is a little corny, though. Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  16. You might also consider the audio of Child's History of the World. It's available at Audible.
  17. I haven't heard good things about Sonlight LA although I love their book lists. We also use CLE and find it quite thorough for grammar, but add IEW or WWE for writing depending on the grade. Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  18. This is very interesting to read. My son is doing CLE LA 5 right now and I'm planning to jump ship next year. My own grammar education was woefully incomplete but I managed to get a master's degree from a fairly prestigious school. My 5th grader is learning more grammar than I ever did in school. I'm glad he is, but I do plan to shift the focus from grammar to writing next year.
  19. My two older boys have Kindle Fires but we use a screen time management tool to limit what they can access at what time and for how long. During the school day and at bedtime, reading only. They earn extra time for doing chores around the house. Without this tool, screen time would be a free for all. (I also ban YouTube during the school week since it's mainly a big waste of time.) Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  20. We are using CLE math and language arts for 3rd and 5th graders as well as their LTR program for my kindergartner. I recommend them highly. Easy for planning, helps teach some independence. Great format. I save the teacher-intensive stuff for writing, history and science. Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  21. We've been using CLE for language arts for grades 3, 4 and 5 and are reasonably happy with it -- but I hear that it gets much more difficult and obscure in 6th grade. My 5th grader has a good grasp of grammar thanks to CLE, but for 6th grade, I want to focus more heavily on writing as this is an area where he could use more practice. I don't want to drop grammar, but I'm wondering if I can find something that might be a bit less intense -- maybe 3 days a week instead of 5. Suggestions? I've looked at Hake, ELTL, Analytical Grammar, etc. -- but nothing seems to strike me as the right fit yet. What about BJU English 6? I don't know that I'd use all of the writing since we will also be using IEW US History, but I do like the fact that it alternates writing and grammar. Then again, in looking at the samples, the grammar seems far easier than what he's doing this year in CLE 5.
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