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Everything posted by Insertcreativenamehere

  1. We also use CLE and my son is in the same boat. I've added this workbook for extra practice. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1517359910?keywords=cursive%20workbook&qid=1445977534&ref_=sr_1_16&sr=8-16 Kara
  2. That was one of my favorite books as a kid ... I just handed it to my 10 yo earlier this week to read and so far he likes it, too. I haven't told him how it ends. :crying:
  3. We saw one come by our house. My husband was turning into the driveway when the Google vehicle came from the other direction. I don't know how long it took to go online, but we can now see it!
  4. We use Qustodio -- it might fit your needs. I'm not familiar with Familybase but it helps me monitor and control my kids' computer, Kindle Fire, etc. usage. It does work on both Android and Apple devices.
  5. I'm already thinking about next year. It will be our third year homeschooling and all of my children have had only limited exposure to American history. This isn't a big deal for my youngest (currently in kindy) but I think it's time for my two older boys (currently grades 3 and 5) to have a better understanding of our country's story. While we are doing SOTW 1 and part of 2 this year and have loved it, I would like to do a one-year American history next year. I was thinking of using parts of SOTW 3 and 4 but am wondering if it will be enough. I don't want an all-in-one scheduled program like MFW or Sonlight, although I do incorporate many of their books into our studies. I have looked at Notgrass' America the Beautiful and that is an option. Just wondering what other options are out there.
  6. Great idea! I know I have a few things I can contribute.
  7. CLE Reading (4th and 5th grade) has been a hit here. Same with IEW SWI-A for my 5th grade reluctant writer. We are still happy using CLE math & language arts. CLE Learning to Read is so-so, so far ... my kindergartner isn't crazy about all of the writing. MFW Rome to Reformation is getting heavily tweaked; I'm just not good with having everything (Bible; history, science, etc.) tied together because we inevitably get off-track with subject and ahead with another. We'll still use many of the same resources but on our own schedule. (Well, except for the Augustus Caesar book ...)
  8. We are fairly new to IEW, but my 10 yo son has dreaded every other writing program we've tried. We started SWI-A this year and he asks to do it every day! Even my 8 yo son is tolerating it (although I scribe for him) - and he is the most writing-phobic kid I know.
  9. We did about 3/4 of Fable last year and it didn't do much for my 4th grader. I wanted to love it, but he didn't. He is enjoying IEW SWI-A this year and I appreciate the more explicit instruction.
  10. I am doing this program, too, and loving it! It does require a yoga mat as well as a resistance band and/or a set of light weights and a set of heavy weights. I am using some kettlebells I happen to have plus two resistance bands. I have about 20 lbs to lose but am bored to tears with the gym. This is working for me now! Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  11. I have my master's degree in this field from the University of Chicago, although it doesn't meet all of your criteria. My next choice would be American. Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  12. I really like Plant Therapy. You can buy direct or through Amazon.
  13. I use Qustodio for my kids. It's able to track time and also limit sites and put time limit on certain apps. It works across devices, so if my kid uses their login on our Macbook or plays Minecraft on their Kindle Fire, the same rules can apply to all (but don't have to -- your choice.) Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  14. I am using LessonTrek right now but am missing Homeschool Planet's more complete functionality.
  15. Halcyon, can you share the link to the free Excel planner you found online? I love Homeschool Planet but the budget is a little tight this year.
  16. Yes, definitely targeted towards elementary. Once you get on their mailing list, you do get coupons via text and/or mail, so that makes their prices more competitive. I still use them primarily for inspiration, although I do buy handwriting paper, etc. there.
  17. We currently don't have a school room but plan to have one this fall. Last year, we used our formal dining room table and then spread out into the adjoining living room. My DH also works from home full-time and he was easily distracted by us, and us by him. I'd be working on math with one of my kids and he'd come out for a snack and before I'd know it, both boys were on the floor wrestling with him. We're adding a kindergartner this year and I have homeschool stuff coming out of my ears -- I need a dedicated space for it. We plan to move our school downstairs into a larger bedroom and spill out into the adjoining family room for readalouds and independent reading as necessary. This will put on a different floor as DH and I think it will help everyone be more productive.
  18. My MIL helps significantly with my children's schooling. She is a retired teacher and principal and has my older boys two mornings a week. She does their math and language arts with them. In fact, she is my biggest homeschooling supporter.
  19. Yes! However, my DH works from home and our youngest DS has home nursing care 16 hours a day, so even if the three oldest are somewhere else, there is ALWAYS someone home.
  20. I used it in grades 2 and 4 last year and we loved it! Will supplement word problems this year with Challenging Word Problems from Singapore, though ...
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