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Everything posted by Insertcreativenamehere

  1. 1 c. unsweetened almond milk 1 banana (frozen is best) 2 c. spinach 2 tbsp. peanut butter 2 tsp flax seed 1 tbsp cocoa powder 1 scoop chocolate protein powder I have this every day!
  2. I frequently discount programs because of Comic Sans. I just can't take them seriously, regardless of how good the content might be. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
  3. Bozeman is a cute little town. I'm pretty sure there is a Costco in Billings (that's where we buy gas on our road trips.) I haven't seen much of Butte.
  4. We have used CLE LA for years with my 5th and 7th graders and it is excellent, although perhaps a bit dry. In the fall, we're switching to the G&B for language arts -- I like the variety of activities, the focus on art and geography and the emphasis on quality literature. I agree that the grammar is not as systematic or thorough as CLE but I'm willing to try the G&B knowing they already do have a great foundation thanks to CLE. As for my 2nd grader, she is also doing the G&B but if it doesn't pan out and the grammar doesn't stick, I have plenty of time to change course. :)
  5. I have, but only on one or two occasions. I've asked for a hotel night alone for a Christmas gift a few times. :)
  6. With my 12 yo and The Nose Tree, I had him do two sentences (2 days worth) in a single session. It took him about 15 minutes.
  7. Yep. My intentions are to continue on with math and handwriting but we end up doing that far less than I'd like. I hate starting back and having to re-teach those things!
  8. I find it rather charming in most instances, but I'd probably avoid a British spelling program for my kids.
  9. Teaching from Rest Mere Motherhood For the Children's Sake
  10. We pay to access Medicaid for our (biological) disabled son. Because he qualifies for Medicaid based on his lifelong disability and not on our income, we have a parental fee that is fairly substantial but because he has such extensive needs it's worth it for us. He's covered through my husband's employer's health plan as a primary and Medicaid is secondary, picking up anything the primary doesn't -- which is quite a bit. We also pay regular federal and state taxes.
  11. We flew last year with a feeding pump and tube feeding supplies, formula, nebulizer equipment and medications, as well as an epi-pen and other miscellaneous equipment. I was nervous, but it was actually very easy; I had everything in two bags and they inspected those particular bags carefully. We did not have Pre Check but just got to the airport earlier than usual.
  12. My son has Medicaid due to disability​ and for most of his five years, it's been his only insurance. He sees numerous specialists, has had innumerable surgeries and hospitalizations and requires quite a bit in terms of medical equipment and ongoing supplies. Never once have we had an issue with not getting care because of his insurance. We pay a hefty parental fee to access Medicaid but it's well worth it since his needs are so extensive. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
  13. We briefly lived in Auburn, near Kent, when my DH worked in downtown Seattle. The commute was brutal even though he took the train. (We had to live that far out to find affordable housing.) I didn't mind the weather and the sunny days were truly glorious. We ended up moving out of state to be closer to family but if that had not been a factor, I would have been glad to stay in the area.
  14. This is the one we're getting to use for RSO Bio 2. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AM5XB5O/ref=s9_acsd_hps_bw_c_x_4_w
  15. My kids are no longer in public school, but when I had a first grader, they requested 96 pencils per child. There were about 120 children in the first grade; what in the world are they doing with that many pencils? (As it turned out, I pulled him out of school a month into the school year, so he barely got to use those thousands of pencils!)
  16. We always park in the garage. When the car is really full of snow, we do brush it off before entering the garage.
  17. There is a free trial for a year as well, although you don't get access to all the mysteries. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
  18. They just had it on sale for $49 through the month of June, so I wouldn't expect another sale soon. The regular rate is $69. It's definitely worth every penny. We loved it last year!
  19. Christian Light Education math was a great fit for us when we first started homeschooling. The instructions are very clear and it's easy to teach.
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