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Everything posted by Insertcreativenamehere

  1. Do you mean for language arts? Yes, it's all in one. It doesn't have enough writing IMO so we add that. The grammar is extremely thorough and we like it for that reason. It might be hard to jump in there if he hasn't done CLE LA - I suggest the placement test on their web site. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
  2. Princess in Black, Agnes and Clarabelle, Kingdom of Wrenly Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
  3. Thank you. I had a minor in Spanish and have also lived abroad so I feel comfortable teaching, at least the basics. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
  4. I really like the look of their programs but I can't figure out what exactly I need to buy. Their web site is not very intuitive. Can you let me know specifically you are using?
  5. We have had good success with CLE in the early grades. I like the emphasis on fact memorization. Their flash card system is genius. Now in 6th grade and as concepts get harder, we're running into some issues. My son doesn't feel like he gets enough instruction on each concept before it moves onto the next thing. We've dabbled with Math Mammoth and Beast and both of those were too mastery-based and not enough review. I have not used either of your other programs, however.
  6. All my kids went to preschool. It was a very good experience for them. My youngest is now in early childhood special education and gets his therapies there, so it is very beneficial to him. I don't know that I could homeschool both him AND his three older siblings -- it would have to be him or them. He has another year of preschool so we'll see what things look like closer to kindergarten, but for now I'm leaning towards keeping him in school.
  7. I could teach prealgebra but would need to outsource anything higher, so the videos would be a plus. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
  8. I'm considering BJU because I'm wondering if my son would benefit from more of a mastery approach rather than CLE's spiral. There are certain concepts he has a hard time solidifying because he's not get enough initial instruction with CLE to achieve true mastery. I like that BJU includes review as well. I also understand that BJU is a blend of procedural vs. conceptual and that appeals to me as well. I do like that BJU goes into high school math and if it goes well, we wouldn't have to switch again. I've also considered AOPS but I'm not sure it's the right fit. He's bright but not a genius, and he hated Beast.
  9. I'm looking for 5th and 7th grade, although I'd go a level lower or higher as needed. I'd also be interested in 3rd grade for my rising 2nd grader.
  10. My son is finishing up CLE 6 Math and has done fairly well with it. However, we're wanting a one year pre-alg course and CLE has pre-algebra in both grades 7 and 8 (although accelerating through the two is an option, I'd rather go with a one-year course.) I also like the idea of having the videos available if he needs them as well as the focus on mastery with a decent amount of review. Could he go directly from CLE 6 to BJU's pre-algebra? It's so hard to tell from the samples. BJU's course is targeted to 8th grade and there is no placement test. The 7th grade course is a comprehensive review of arithmetic.
  11. This is disappointing! Last I'd looked, everything I needed was still available at RR. Apparently no longer. Bummer.
  12. My kids both burned out on CLE Reading (we also use their math & lang arts) so I'm planning on Mosdos next year. I know there is some uncertainty about the materials continuing to be available -- has anyone heard that?
  13. It looks like they've redone the web site but I got an email that the online component won't be ready until early 2018.
  14. We've used it for the full year and have not repeated anything. There are plenty of extension activities for each mystery. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
  15. I have kids ages 7, 10 and 12 and we do all the mysteries regardless of age. My 7 yo gets a lot out of the mysteries targeted to older ages even if she doesn't do all of the writing.
  16. We switched from CLE Learning to Read to AAR 2. It made all the difference in the world! My daughter loved it and recently finished AAR 2. She's a confident and competent reader. She needed something more hands-on and AAR was just what she needed. (We are using OPGTR for the last bit of the school year since another level of AAR isn't in the budget until fall.)
  17. DS has used CLE with good success for the last several years. Knowing we'd have to switch at some point, we tried both Math Mammoth and Beast Academy this year and both attempts failed miserably. DS definitely needs a spiral program. He's usually quite good at math but needs frequent review to keep things fresh. My plan was to do CLE 7 & 8 next year, accelerating as has been described elsewhere on this board, but now I'm not so sure that will work. We sort of tried that strategy this last Light Unit, trying to get through more of the 6th grade level since we got started late (thanks to the MM/BA debacles.) He bombed the 606 test. Are there other one-year spiral prealgebra options? I'd like him to get to algebra in 8th grade since he's interested in STEM careers and I'd like to keep his options open.
  18. I did the Fable book with my 4th grader the first year he started homeschooling. We didn't continue with the series the next year because he didn't like it. Turns out he just doesn't like writing; he didn't like anything else we tried either (hello IEW, Hake, Writers in Residence, etc, etc.) We went back to Writing and Rhetoric this year with my son now a 6th grader; I talked to CAP and they suggested placing him in Narrative 2. It's going well. I placed my now-4th grader in Fable. The program is easy prep, so it's not really necessary to do as a group unless you really want to. My boys are not really on the same level writing-wise, so I felt it best to separate them.
  19. There are worksheets, but they are oriented more to a classroom. We simply discuss the content and usually forego the worksheets.
  20. What about something from Catholic Heritage Company? Since your children are so close in age, they could both do the same level of whatever looks more interesting to you. Fourth Grade https://www.chcweb.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=6_194&products_id=4182 Fifth Grade https://www.chcweb.com/catalog/HistoryAndGeography/TextsAndPrograms/FromSeatoShiningSeaTheStoryofAmerica/product_info.html I have not used these, but am currently considering other CHC products for next year and like the look of their products.
  21. I use it for my 4th and 6th graders who are reluctant writers. I love Writing and Rhetoric and they like it better than anything else we've tried (which includes IEW, Writers in Residence, Writing with Ease, Hake, etc.) It gets done with a minimum of complaining.
  22. Could he have an ear infection? I feel your pain; I have a special needs 5 yo who wakes up repeatedly at night and due to complex health issues (and the fact that he shares a room with his sister,) I can't sleep train him.
  23. Here in MN, homeschoolers cannot. Public schoolers can. My children are technically enrolled in a public charter although they are educated at home with my choice of materials. I was able to opt them out of statewide testing because it really is a useless exercise for us. Test results are not provided until months after the actual test. I chose to test my kids anyway using my choice of test that would give me more immediate and useful feedback.
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