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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I have a nook and would definitely buy it again. Some of the pros: I can go in B&N and get help immediately if I need it, I can replace the battery, I can check ebooks out of the library. I love, love my nook.
  2. It sounds like she needs a lot more practice driving with mom or dad until she has much more experience and skill. We let our kids get their license at 16, but they know their driving alone is very limited at first. By the time they are 17 they have had enough experience (mostly with a parent in the car) to be trusted to drive pretty much anywhere. My 2nd son, who was always very good immediately at everything he tried, was the worse driver I have ever seen. It did humble him. He totaled his car when he was 17 and refused to drive at all after that. Ironically, he became the driver for a general while in Japan. We prayed for the general's safety. :001_smile:
  3. I definitely would borrow the shovel if I needed it to get my vehicle out. I would want someone to borrow MY shovel if they needed it. When there is snow and people are stuck, neighbors need to be really neighborly IMO. I offered to loan my 4WD to a neighbor yesterday so she could take her kids somewhere.
  4. How terribly sad. I will be praying for her family during this holiday season.
  5. I could have last year. Now I have 3 logic stage and a high schooler. I guess we don't need a board to discuss grown children. :001_smile: I have two of those too.
  6. Our 24yo son lived at home until he married in August. He moved out for 2 months when he was 21, but moved back home because he "missed everyone." He never paid rent, we wouldn't have let him. He worked full time and went to school. He was willing to do whatever I asked him to help out with when he was at home. He was very good about picking up siblings from their activities, going by the store for me, and things like that. He paid for his gas, cell phone, and insurance. It would never have occurred to him to bring a girl over here to spend the night, even when he was engaged. It is just not in keeping with our values or his. I don't have a problem with him having a drink while he is out, but I wouldn't want him to bring alcohol into the house. He very rarely drinks, and never to excess. He did not have a curfew, but always called us to let us know if he was going to be especially late out of courtesy. He is a wonderful young man and I am so glad he stayed here until he married. I wouldn't trade those adult years of getting to know him as a man for anything.
  7. I think about my grandfather all the time. He was born in 1910 and died in 2007. He had lots of stories to tell and a very interesting life. I'm sad that my youngest children won't remember him.
  8. I haven't. I always wait until the last minute. I do need to get on the ball and order the things I need to get online.
  9. My 11th grader takes 7-9 hours per day to get his schoolwork done. He also works part time and hangs out with his friends several times during the week. He does chores in the morning before school (we start school at 7 a.m.) and is responsible to keep his room tidy. He also helps his dad with other things around the house.
  10. You have gotten some great advice, but just wanted to agree that 7-8 hours is too long at those ages. My 11yo works 5 hours a day, my 13yo about 6 and I consider what we do pretty rigorous. We also have time committments every afternoon.We had to start getting up earlier in the morning. The kids are up by 6:00 and ready to start school at 7:00. Maybe you could start earlier?
  11. I use gray. I would never even think to spell it grey.
  12. Yes, it would be a great gift. When my son got married this summer, it was one of the items he left the house with. :confused: I guess some other kid around here will get it for Christmas so we can play it again.
  13. When they were younger, it was church. Now that they are more involved in their individual activities (3-5 days/week), it is at gym, dance, baseball, etc.
  14. We do history four days a week. The first day we read Kingfisher and sometimes Story of the Middle Ages, along with outlining. The second we read from Famous Men, and the third day we read from The Cultural Atlas for Young People, do our mapwork from Map Trek, and our timeline. The fourth day they have a writing assignment. Our notebook has sections for maps and writing, along with their reading schedules by week. They are always reading from a historical fiction book, a biography, and one extra resource. I have two schedules made - one for my younger logic stage and one for my older (8th grade) logic stage children. We are also doing Middle Ages/Renaissance and Reformation this year. I would be happy to share my schedules if you will pm me.
  15. The birthday person gets their choice for dinner, which is always at home. They get to go do something fun, like a movie and dinner, with a few friends around their birthday, but the actual day is at home with family. At dinner, we go around the table and everyone says what they appreciate about the birthday dinner. After about the second go-round, it turns into a roast. Then they get their presents and we all eat cake and ice cream.
  16. I'm so thankful that Imp is doing well. I'll keep praying for that speedy recovery.
  17. Name: I'm Tammy age of dc: I have two graduated 24 (married, working, and still in college), 22 (Marine Corp), a 17yo junior, a 13yo 8th grader, a 12yo 6th grader, and an 11yo 5th grader how long homeschooling?: This is my 15th year have you taught these ages/grades before?: yes Do you follow a particular style of education? (WTM, LCC, CM, Electic,): Mostly WTM done with a twist Do you plan to homeschool high school?: Yes, almost through with my third go 'round with 3 more to go. Any favorite quotes or wisdom that get you through the day?: Can't think of any favorite quotes right this minute, but I have learned not to lose my sense of humor. That helps day to day. The minute I start to take things too seriously, I'm in trouble. It's all small stuff. :001_smile:
  18. This sounds like our house. My dh keeps them all. If it were up to me, I would toss them.
  19. My dh's was also this song! Was your dh born in 1958 by chance?? :001_smile:
  20. US - "The Singing Nun" - Dominique UK - "She Loves You" - The Beatles AUS - "Sugar Shack" - Jimmy Gilmer and the Fireballs Yeah, I'm old. :001_smile:
  21. I have an upper level competitive gymnast. She is at practice from 12:30 to 4:30 five days a week one hour from our home. I also have a dancer who has danced for 10 years and is in a city-wide company. She practices 3 hours 3 days a week, and more during the week before a performance. She has been at the theater this week until 10:00 every night except one (Nutcracker opens tonight!). They have other interests, but have chosen to spend most of their free time on the ONE thing they absolutely love. The day they say they are through, we'll be done. I also have a 11yo son who is interested in lots of things, but not to the degree they are. He plays baseball in the fall and spring and is about to take up karate. My 17yo can drive himself now. By carpooling, having older siblings pick up/drop off, etc. we manage to make sure everyone gets to do their "thing." It is hard and sometimes I want to just quit, but they LOVE what they do, so we manage. I am a homebody by nature, so it is a real sacrifice to me. Their childhood won't last forever and I can stay home when they're grown. :001_smile:
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