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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. My in-laws always treated their children very differently. My dh's sister was in college at the same time as he was. They paid for her college, wouldn't allow her to work, and flew her home once a month. My dh didn't get a dime for college and worked three jobs to pay his way through. They are consistent - she has always made a huge difference in the grand kids. My kids knew they were not grandma's favorites from when they were very small. Which is why, now that they are older, that they really don't care to spend any time with her. They see her twice a year, and we only spend one night because that's all any of us can take. The only other time they talk to her is when she calls on their birthday - the call usually lasts less than 2 minutes. Her loss.
  2. My car is black and dh's truck is red. I don't like white either, but mostly because we went through 3 cars in a row that were white and I got sick of it.
  3. I turn 48 next week and I can totally relate. Sometimes I think I am going to lose my mind before all this is over! My sisters are much older than I am and they were totally finished at 52. Four years to go. Ugh!
  4. My kids go twice a year. Dh and I go when we feel like we need to - usually every couple of years. My dh just went a couple of weeks ago, but I am trying to wait until after the new year. I had a filling fall out and I know they are going to crown that tooth. I hate going to the dentist!
  5. No, I wouldn't want a DVD player in the car. My kids have always, and still do, love long car trips. We have great conversations and lots of silly fun. I enjoy being away from screens.
  6. We have 4 kids still at home, who all eat like adults, 1 dog, and 4 cats. We just changed to buying everything except dairy and fresh produce in bulk (enough for 6 months) to save money. We are spending about $450 a week on household expenses, which for us means gas, food (putting back money to buy bulk again), paper goods, incidentals, pocket money, and the kid's activities. That doesn't include any bills, our 5 cell phones, or clothes. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, it just seems to be what it takes for us.
  7. My laptop died right before I got my IPad and my intention was to replace it with another laptop. Now that I've had my IPad for a couple of weeks, I'm thinking I don't need one. The few things my IPad can't do, I can just use our desktop for.
  8. I grew up calling all soft drinks "Coke." I call it soda now, and don't even remember when I switched.
  9. I haven't been shopping on Black Friday in years. I think there are better deals to be had online without the trauma.
  10. I got 3G mostly for being able to use it in the car on road trips or while camping.
  11. Oh my, I don't think I could eat Filipino. My dh has taken some of our kids (one at the time) to the Philippines and always had the "You will eat what you are served" talk with them first. They did. The only thing I can think of that I really don't like is cilantro. I love liver. :001_smile:
  12. We have 6 kids and have always budgeted $300 per child. Now that we have 2 dils, we spend $300 per couple for the older two, more or less. We have a grandson this year as well - he will be 4 months old at Christmas. We haven't really talked about how much we will spend on him. I'm going to try not to go overboard, because we're probably going to end up with a lot of grand kids. :001_smile:
  13. There will be 11 stockings on my mantle this year, so I will definitely have to limit spending to $25 to $30 or so.
  14. I ate a HUGE lunch and had 2 pieces of pie (and I have been grazing ever since).
  15. I had the opposite problem. Mine was ready an hour earlier than it was supposed to be!
  16. I baked 7 pumpkin pies (2 of which have already been eaten), 3 pecan pies, 2 apple pies, and made 2 cheesecakes. I also baked my cornbread for my dressing. Everything else will get done in the morning. My grandbaby needed rocking. :001_smile:
  17. Even so, checking them out of the library is not the same as having them for your very own.
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