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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. At least I'm not alone - and I know this will end. My other 3 came out of it around 15 or 16. :001_smile:
  2. Definitely fizzling out here. I'm not even going to try tomorrow.
  3. I just sent my 13yo ds to his room for attitude - again. This is my fourth son to go through this stage, and I am too old (and tired) to deal with this cr*p. He gets into grumpy disrespectful mode and is too stubborn to stop, even when he knows the hammer is coming down. This part of parenting is just NO fun. It doesn't help that his little sister, who is just 9 months younger, takes her cues from him and picks up the attitude. Oh well, at least it's quiet with both of them sitting in their rooms.
  4. Same here. None of them have them on 24/7. One dd probably hasn't turned hers on for a month. We haven't had any of our kids turn into couch potatoes yet. :001_smile:
  5. What a way to apologize! Good for you. I'm glad it all worked out and he's safely home.
  6. I have credit cards in my name only, my own checking account, and our cell phone account is in my name.
  7. Well, I don't think it's odd, since my 23yo and 25yo sons both asked for an Xbox 360 this year. :001_smile:
  8. I'm not Irish and have never eaten a perogi, so I tripled the whiskey requirement. Am I in?
  9. I voted things I've done, but could have easily voted the other way. That's a hard one!
  10. I know you are relieved and I hope whatever is going on is easily treated. Thanks for the update. I, too, have been wondering how you were. Continuing to pray for your complete healing.
  11. I have no advice because I just can't do it. I converted an extra room to a library instead (and still have bookcases in other rooms). I used to feel guilty about keeping them all. I finally gave myself permission and happily collect more. :001_smile:
  12. Oh Jennifer, I'm sorry. I hope your allergist has more specific advice than just "watching" him.
  13. Of course we will miss you! Enjoy your break - we'll be here when you get back.
  14. We fight it out, get it over with, and forget about it. Dh's family are so repressed and never say what they really mean. They hold grudges and bad-mouth whoever happens to not be in the room. Lots of passive-aggressive stuff too. I hurt my dh's feelings many times when we first got married because I didn't just think it, I said it. He finally realized it was over when it was over and I loved him just as much. Now he joins right in. Sorry about the argument with your mom. :grouphug:
  15. We are very comfortable with guns around here, and all my boys got a BB gun when they were 8 or so. If they did anything that broke safety rules, they knew it would immediately be taken away. We only had to do that once with one of our boys.
  16. I have always tried to keep things pretty even in $ amount and number of gifts, especially once they get to 10yo and up. The number of gifts don't have to be exact any more (I used to be pretty OCD about that), but I make sure they're roughly the same.
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