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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. They have one at maps.com. It's called The Cold War Alliances Map.
  2. If all the subjects aren't done every day, it is doable. I agree that it would make for too long a day for a 5th grader to do EVERY subject every day. Maybe trade off history/science, Spanish/Latin, memory work/logic? Do one 3 days a week and one 2. You could do first subject 3 days and second 2 days on even weeks and the other way around on odd weeks if you want them to get equal attention.
  3. This was one of my 13yo ds's favorite books and one of few that he read more than once. He was 10 the first time he read it. ETA: I think it would be fine unless your ds is overly sensitive.
  4. I would stay home. No need for guilt - your child is sick. I'm sure they will understand.
  5. I would go on with the birthday dinner without him, and let him know you were disappointed he wasn't there. I would have a serious conversation with him about how worried you were, and let him know as long as he lives in your home to let you know about crazy ideas to run off beforehand. Before he gets home, I would do the screaming thing and have many fantasies about bonking him over the head (with something more substantial than a pool noodle). Get it out of your system. :001_smile: Young adults do not think through the consequences of their actions sometimes (especially how it will effect other people). I'm sorry it complicates your plans. Young adults are sometimes harder than toddlers.
  6. Have you looked at Khan Academy? They have videos and practice problems for every algebra concept free online.
  7. If you just want help for the vocabulary, Smarr publishers has free vocabulary quizzes for Ivanhoe. On their main page, just click on "Replacement Quizzes" near the bottom of the page.
  8. I would take him to have it waxed. He wouldn't have to have it done very often if he plucks in between. It costs $12.00 here for an eyebrow wax, so not expensive either.
  9. :iagree: I also agree that all of us who have boys have dealt with similar behavior at one time or another. Extra work would be an over reaction IMO.
  10. I have always felt that co-ops took too much "school" time away. This year, however, we are involved in one much like Heather described. With the ages of my kids, it is great for them to have a chance to go to classes with many of their friends. Behavior rules are strict - kids are sent to study hall if they disrupt a class. It is great for them to have foreign language teachers. That is something I really don't like to teach. They also take science there and love doing the group labs.
  11. That's so sad. I know what it's like and I feel for them.
  12. Older by a few years, sometimes a lot. Dh is 5 years older.
  13. I also have very curly hair and go out with wet hair all the time, so I wouldn't think anything about it. It is getting cold here so I am going to have to start planning better.
  14. I wear my engagement ring and wedding ring on my left ring finger. I wear a variety of different rings on my right hand depending on my mood, usually just one on my ring or middle finger.
  15. :grouphug: What a tough thing to deal with. I agree with the pps - just keep the lines of communication open. Praying for you. :grouphug:
  16. Nory Ryan's Song and the sequels. Wonderful book! ETA: I read "book" not movie!
  17. Your question made me curious, so I tried to find out. The only thing I could find was an excerpt from an article stating that he deserved the epitaph "the great." That seems to imply after death, but it was very vague.
  18. Yes, I would be there for them and have no doubts that they would be there for me.
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