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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I do not turn off the water while I'm showering, but we do have water-conversing shower heads. I had no idea that people actually did that - it sounds like a very uncomfortable way to get clean to me.
  2. Another non-blogger here - for many of the reasons that Cat already mentioned. I am real, but if someone wants to think I'm fake, I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I do know at least one other member here IRL if someone needs verification that I'm "real." :001_smile:
  3. I think it's sweet your dh is teaching her. When we installed our hardwood floors, my dh thought it would be my 18yo son who helped him - nope, it was my prissy 14yo dd who really got into it. I think she could lay floor by herself now.
  4. This is almost exactly my youngest two's chores when they were 10. They are 12 now and I have added a bathroom to clean by themselves two times a week and mopping the hardwood.
  5. DIYers here. My dh is sure he can fix anything that breaks and it is rare that he can't. I watched him melt down the lid of a milk container and repair a coffee maker one time. :001_smile: He needed the right kind of plastic and that was it. I cut everyone's hair, garden, cook/bake from scratch, and used to sew a lot, but really have let that go for this season - I'm just too busy.
  6. My last two are 9 months and 1 day apart, due to one being adopted. I think it is harder that way, but I haven't experienced twins. The older one was just old enough to hurt the younger one without meaning to.
  7. You are in a very demanding season right now. You have to take it day by day and not worry so much about everything getting done - just do the best you can. Love on your kids and rest when you can. Make macaroni and cheese for dinner. The house will be clean later. :001_smile: I remember when I had 3 kids 2yrs and under and I had to take it day by day - and try to teach my older three something in the middle of the chaos. It was hard. Somehow I managed to make it through - you will too. My advice is not to try to get things done when you have a few minutes - sleep instead.
  8. :grouphug: Praying for Andrew's quick recovery and that you are able to enjoy yourselves for the rest of your vacation!
  9. We weren't best friends when we married - we only dated 8 months before we married and I was VERY young. After 30 years of marriage and many ups and downs, he is absolutely my best friend.
  10. Oh my goodness, I remember doing that with my dd who is now 14 and can make pie crust better than I can - but that first time . . . Hang in there.
  11. All my children have cell phones, and the youngest three got theirs at 10. They are at activities where they are away from me and I want them to be able to call. If you get her one and go with a regular plan, make sure you get unlimited texting! It is expensive if you don't and they go over.
  12. Nakia, I don't know how to set up a blog, but am anxious for you to learn so you can show me how. :tongue_smilie:
  13. Good for you and I'm glad you had fun. I'm jealous any time anyone gets to meet someone on the boards!
  14. My kids love soup and we have it often. They would have loved either one of the soups you served. That being said, when my kids have friends over I try to serve something teen-friendly. I know some kids are just picky or just don't eat the way we do.
  15. I teach Saxon Algebra 2 to students once a week in Enrichment classes. I stress every class that every problem set has to be checked and missed problems re-worked daily. I know it is hard to get to every day (I have four I'm teaching at home myself), but it is essential IMO in this course.
  16. I will be 48 in December, and I get what you are saying. I don't "feel" like I should be that old. I had my 30th wedding anniversary yesterday and now with a grandbaby - I'm getting it. I'm old!
  17. Our grocery bill has gotten way out of control the last few months - and that is with me really watching what I buy. A few months ago I didn't really have to think about it. We buy very few processed foods, and I cook from scratch. I am considering buying more things in bulk, including meat from a local farmer. The only down-side is that it is money up front, but will save us a ton in the long run. bulkfoods.com has good prices on some things and other things are cheaper at our local health food store's bulk section.
  18. Wow, I'm impressed. I've thought about taking a kick-boxing class, but was afraid my 47 year-old self wouldn't make it through the class. I'll decide after I hear how you're doing this morning. :001_smile:
  19. :grouphug::grouphug: That is a lot of sadness to have to deal with at once. I'm so sorry.
  20. I love to do both. Being in the kitchen is a huge stress-reliever for me.
  21. Two out of my six would begin their schoolwork without me if they were up first. They did this by about 3rd grade. The other four? They would NEVER, even up to 12th grade, get started if I wasn't up to get them going.
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