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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Wow, we are never done by lunch. My 4th and 5th graders are done about 1:30, my 7th grader about 2:30 except on Wednesdays when she's done about 4:00, and my 10th grader works until 4:00 or 5:00 every day. I would love to pack it all in a shorter time, but I can't see how it could possibly be done.
  2. So far I have read: #1: The Epic of Gilgamesh #2-4 - The Isolde and Tristan Trilogy by Rosalind Miles #5 - The Help #6 - I am on Chapter 5 of Don Quixote (again). I am determined to get through it this time! I am about to start Fahenheit 451 to read along with my dd.
  3. About 4 hours for my 4th and 5th graders, about 5 hours for my 7th grader, and 6-7 hours for my 10th grader.
  4. If you plan on doing the labs, you need the lab supplies and a microscope. I purchased the lab kit for my son last year at hometrainingtools.com. I already had a microscope I had purchased for my older sons. I know there are people on here who have done Biology without the labs. I guess it depends whether or not you want your student to get a lab credit.
  5. I don't know if I am the Tammy you're talking about, but I'll vouch for you! :001_smile:
  6. Nakia - My oldest son was this way, minus the stomach issues. Anything new made him very anxious, he couldn't sleep all night when we had something out of the ordinary the next day, and worried about every "what if" you can imagine. He worried we would die, that one of his siblings would be abducted or get lost, etc. It would also show up in nervous tics. When he was around 10yo he made an abrupt change. We have had discussions then and recently about what happened. He told me he got tired of feeling crippled by his anxiety. He was very tired of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He reached way down and found his courage. He put his fears in God's hands. He stopped worrying about things he couldn't do anything about. He was a different child overnight. At 23yo he is still my most sensitive, but in a very sweet way. He has a heart of gold and is getting married in August. All that to say, maybe your dd will get tired of not being able to go to activities, join a group of kids to play with, etc. I'm sure a professional will give you lots of ideas to help her. My heart goes out to you. It is hard to watch your dc with that kind of anxiety.
  7. This is my plan (so far) for my 6th grader next year: Bible/Memory - Bible verses, history dates, poetry Language Arts - Grammar Town (Grammar, Vocabulary, Poetry) Writing - IEW Middle Ages Math - Saxon Algebra 1/2 and LoF fractions, decimals/percents History/Geography - Middle Ages/Early Ren. using resources I put together myself Literature - Literary Reflections from William and Mary Science - Physical Science (not sure what I'm using yet) Latin - Latin Grammar Logic - Critical Thinking 1 Art - God and the History of Art, drawing instruction with The Drawing Textbook Music - Composer Study and private classical guitar lessons I really can't decide what to use for science. If anyone has used a physical science program they love, please let me know.
  8. I have the same issues to some degree on Thursdays. I don't have any good answers for you, but I know if I had to clean house on top of everything else I would be a maniac. To get ready for our weekend, I make sure everything is picked up and straightened well on Fridays (kids do their own rooms and help with other parts of the house). I also do laundry on Fridays since it is our "light" school day. On Saturday morning we divide the cleaning chores, and since everything is straightened up and neat and we only have to clean, it takes us about an hour all working together. Maybe you could Wednesday evening and prepare for Thursday and maybe even do some of your prep for co-op? Make sure everything is lined up and ready to go. I am a chronic list maker. If I can get it down on paper, it's out of my head. Then I simply do the first thing on my list and work down from there.
  9. My fifth grader's schedule: Monday through Thursday: Bible/Memory Work Math Spelling Writing Logic Grammar Latin Literature History - Monday through Wednesday Science - Thursday and Friday Guitar practice every day for 30 minutes with lessons on Thursdays. We do Bible/memory work, science experiments, art history, history or art projects if we have one, and composer study on Fridays.
  10. I love Earth Fare. I live in NC and shop there all the time. It is based here out of Asheville. My dh recycles their shipping peanuts for them (we have a shipping business). I like that they have a bulk food section at great prices.
  11. All of my boys have done this while sleepwalking. That would be my guess, and I would agree that maybe you "thought" the closet was locked? Once my oldest son went on a campout with some friends. The dad thought he woke to rain in the night, but it was my son peeing on his friend's sleeping bag. He was SO embarrrassed.
  12. How beautiful! Congratulations, I am so happy for you. :party:
  13. My 10yo dd has had pubic hair since she was 8 and now has to wear a bra. My 12yo started her cycle about a year after the pubic hair, so I'm expecting it any day now. And yes, she's hormornal. :001_smile:
  14. This is me, except 2 on the verge. It can get interesting. Poor dh.
  15. I have dinner ready about 6:30, and whoever happens to be home eats then. My two dds and whoever (usually dh) picks them up from gym/dance usually doesn't eat until between 8:00 or 9:00. We used to have dinner together every night, but with the girls' schedules now it is simply impossible.
  16. I would keep them together in the cycle. This is the way we have done it for all six of ours and it has worked well.
  17. My two oldest sons were very similar in their approach to school and WTM worked great for them. When my third son got to high school, I had to rethink everything. He learns so differently than his brothers did. I had to buy different curriculum for him last year in 9th and use a totally different approach. That is one of the beauties of homeschooling - we can tailor our approach to our children's needs.
  18. This is how we do it too. I count it as father/son time. :001_smile: We park our cars that have to get out at the bottom of our driveway (at our barn) and trek down the hill until the snow is off the driveway.
  19. You shouldn't have any trouble going right into 7/6. Like others have said, there is review at the beginning. I have one who will finish up 7/6 early and I plan on finishing our year with LoF Decimals and Percents and Fractions.
  20. Nakia - :grouphug: I'm so sorry. Let me know if there is anything I can do or if you need anything IRL. I'll meet you somewhere if you want to talk. Know that I'll be praying for you.
  21. I have the one by Lewis. Do you have any specific questions? He expounds on Medieval literature in general, then goes in depth on Dante and Spenser. He also touches on Tasso and Comus. Let me know if you want to know anything else.
  22. I do not give my middle schooler a grade on daily work - other than "completed." I grade the paper immediately when she finishes and any missed problems are reworked until 100% correct. Tests - she gets what she gets. If she misses a problem because of a silly mistake, it still gets marked wrong.
  23. I use a medium-high heat setting to brown a roast.
  24. We spend about $1500 for four children, but I have already graduated two and have lots of things that we use for each child. That doesn't include activities which I'm ashamed to say is about $1000/month if you average it out for the year. Most of that is due to competitive gymnastics and includes travel for baseball, gymnastics, track, dance competitions, etc.
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