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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I showed my dh the OP's post yesterday and told him that is EXACTLY how I feel. He took me out to dinner and a movie last night for the first time in months. :001_smile:
  2. I like Saxon. My oldest two used it all the way through, as will the other four.
  3. We were watching, but my 12yo dd got so upset watching the children that we had to turn the channel. I hope they raise lots of money. The conditions down there break my heart.
  4. My 16yo always listens to music while he's working on schoolwork. He works downstairs away from the rest of us most of the time. He comes upstairs off and on all day. I do walk down there if he hasn't been up in a while to make sure he is working. He is very diligent and never dawdles. He gets all of schoolwork done in a timely way, so I don't see why I should restrict his music. Maybe the music isn't the problem. Have you tried giving him time limits on assignments? Is the work that difficult for him or is he just wasting time? I'm with you - I would be at my wit's end too. That would drive me nuts.
  5. This post has made me feel so much better! I am not alone. I could have written the OP's post today word for word. I'm up for the thrift store anytime. Do I have to shower first? :001_smile:
  6. My plan is to get my square done this weekend. I do not sew that well, but am going to make a stab at it. I will get my very creative 12yo dd to help me. I will pm you when I'm ready to send it out.
  7. If he is doing great in Physical Science I don't see any need to go back to General Science. My question would be how you progress from there. Do you want him doing Biology in 8th? Biology should be done when he is doing Algebra or above. Apologia Biology is hard work compared to Physical Science, so if he isn't ready for that I would be looking at something else for next year, but not necessarily going back to General Science.
  8. Yes, mine did. The oldest two had learned already because they wanted to, and the rest just seemed to learn along with their older siblings.
  9. What a beautiful video. I will pray for her and her family.
  10. When we moved into this house all 6 kids were still at home, 4 boys and 2 girls. There are 5 bedrooms. My solution was to put 2 kids in each room and turn the extra room into a library. I had shelves built all the way around the walls. I figure sharing a room (even a neato with a slob) is a lesson in patience and how to get along/share space with someone else (and I got a library).
  11. I keep all mine. Between dh and I, we have a shelf full of Bibles.
  12. I am honored to continue to pray for you Molly, and I will add your specific requests. Your faith and strength in the last year have been incredible. You have been such an encouragement to me. I'm sorry you're feeling poorly - I don't blame you a bit. :grouphug:Molly:grouphug:
  13. Yes there is sex and profanity, but I couldn't put it down. She is a fantastic writer.
  14. That sounds like what my 11yo ds and I had the week after Christmas. It was the most painful stomach bug I have ever had. The only thing either of us could keep down was a sip or two of water. The good thing is that the vomiting only lasted 24 hours. We didn't feel "normal" for a week though, and it took a while before either of us had an appetite. So sorry your dd is sick.
  15. I have read it twice. Once before my older boys read it in high school and last year before my then 9th grader read it. I really enjoyed the book, and so did my older two. My third son, not so much. He is my kid who would only read non-fiction if I let him.
  16. We start at 8:30 every morning. My 4th and 5th graders are diligent and work hard. They are usually done by 1:00. My 7th grader dawdles and whines and needs lots of reminders to stay on task. She is usually done by 2:30 only because I stay on top of her moving her along. My 10th grader is usually done around 4:30. I am done at 2:30. Anything after that they need to be able to do without my help. I have to leave every day at 2:30 to get my 10yo to gymnastics. My 12yo has dance three days a week, so she has to be done at that time as well, other than reading she can do in the car.
  17. I save most everything. Some things I have really gotten my money's worth - for example, my lower level Saxon math book has gone through six children. Sometimes something that worked for child #1, but not for child #3, might work for child #5, and so on. I have been buying stuff since 1995, so I have a ton of stuff. I'm attached.
  18. We have had all of these for years (they're cassettes if that tells you anything). The ones in Volume 1 are the ones my children have enjoyed the most.
  19. After schooling and buying things along for 14 years, I don't think I spend that much on curriculum - especially for four kids, one being in high school. It's the activities/sports that are killing us. When I signed my cute little 4yo dd up for gymnastics, who knew she would be so good at it. Likewise with my other dd and dance, who goes through pointe shoes to the tune of once every two months. Add to that guitar lessons, baseball, and track. Between fees and traveling, our cost for activities/sports easily add up to $1,000 a month. It is ridiculous, but it's just what we do right now instead of home repairs or a new car.
  20. I know how you feel. I sent mine back to Japan. :grouphug:
  21. Our adoption story so far is very positive. Our daughters were both adopted as newborns, straight from the hospital to our home. They know how much they were desired by not only dh and I, but their brothers as well. We talk openly about adoption and tell them often that we are the ones who are thankful and blessed to have them. We have not had any issues that were any greater than their biological siblings'. We have dealt with some racism since we moved to NC (they are AA and we are caucasian), but they have handled it with maturity beyond their years. Once my 12yo dd told me to "chill" because that poor person just didn't know any better. :confused: We talk about what a selfless thing their birth mothers did in giving them a chance at a better life. Our adoptions were closed. So far neither one has expressed any interest in finding their bm, but they have been told I would help them when and if they want to. Adopting has been the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to our family. I simply cannot imagine life without my girls. I am blessed beyond measure to be their mother.
  22. My neice just had a baby girl and she also has a last name that starts with a W and is two syllables. She went with Alexandra Skye. I like the these names with Josephine Rae Ava Rose Grace
  23. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. My bil had surgery for prostrate cancer 2 years ago. Thankfully, the surgery was a success and he is doing fine now. Good luck with your talk with your children. My bf IRL just went through this with her dh (colon cancer) and had to sit down and tell her 10 children (18 mos. to 22yo). She came from a stance of faith and talked to them very openly about it. She was available to listen to/talk about their questions and fears. His surgery was also a success and his is recovering well. :grouphug: and prayers.
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