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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. Yes, I have four learning Latin now. My 10th grader is about halfway through Wheelock's. My two that have already graduated completed Wheelock's in high school.
  2. I'm still trying to decide who I'm going for so I will vote in a few minutes when my dh and dd are not both looking over my shoulder to see if I'm going for their team. Dh is going hard for the Colts, and dd says "Who Dat? Saints all the way." We are also having a Superbowl party and the guests are divided as well. It should be fun.
  3. I read early in the morning before the kids get up, while they are doing their independent school work, and at night. I also read while I am waiting at gymnastics, dance, guitar practice, etc. When they were smaller it was much more difficult to get that much time to read.
  4. My kids wish you were their mom. Public school was cancelled Friday and tomorrow here, but it's school as usual at our house.
  5. My dh and I exchange cards and sometimes a small gift. We buy the kids something small. My 12yo creative dd makes gifts for her friends.
  6. I love books. I have thousands of books and have a library in my home. I never thought I would enjoy an e-reader. My Christmas present from dh was a nook. I absolutely love it. It can't replace my "real" books, but I love being able to slip it in my purse and go - with LOTS of books. I'm not sure about all the more serious implications of e-readers, but I am enjoying my nook.
  7. I brush in the morning and at night. I have a couple of kids that always brush after lunch - a habit they acquired while wearing braces.
  8. I would vote for Pyle. My older three enjoyed Pyle and my fourth son will read his books next year when we do Medeival history.
  9. :iagree: You said Tuesday, so I would think the first Monday following that because it is the "next" week.
  10. Christiana - I also use the Western Civ. text from 9th grade to 12th. I just wanted to let you know of a great site to use with the text: http://www.wadsworth.com/cgi-wadsworth/course_products_wp.pl?fid=M20b&product_isbn_issn=0534646026&discipline_number=21 Sorry, I don't know how to rename links. :001_smile:
  11. We live in a rural area outside the city, so we really don't have that many people just drop by. My friends around here that would just drop by are close enough friends that I don't really mind. If they do come by, it is usually for a specific reason (like bringing back a book they borrowed) and don't stay but a minute. If it happened more often and disrupted our day that would be a different story. Back when we lived in a neighborhood, it was common for neighbors to be in and out of each other's homes. I miss that sometimes. I do have teenage boys who are friends of my son in and out of here all the time. They consider this their other "home" and don't even bother to knock. That doesn't bother me.
  12. My thoughts as well. My children go to a local private school every year to take the WJ.
  13. I also have a 5th grader in 7/6. Same scenerio around here. It really is just careless mistakes. I also have him redo all the missed problems. You would think at some point he would realize that it would save him time and trouble to be more careful the first go around. Not so. I have had two sons go all the way through Saxon Calculus before graduating high school and have one son in Algebra II right now. I also have a dd in Algebra 1/2. She is just now starting to take more time with her math and do it right the first time. My sons all did the SAME thing at this age. My sons started taking more time and care when they got to Algebra - all of them. I'm hoping it's just a maturity issue.
  14. I lived just north of Asheville and we have about 6 inches this morning. It's supposed to snow more this morning and through the afternoon. It is beautiful. We have had so much snow this winter that my kids haven't even asked to go outside. I think they are over it and wishing for Spring. :001_smile:
  15. Thank you for letting us know you feel better, Molly. Continuing to pray for you as always. :grouphug:
  16. Hooray! I know you will be glad to get back to some semblence of normal (if there really is such a thing). :party:
  17. Yes, you described where I live. We live just north of Asheville. It has everything on your list.
  18. Me too. I'm trying to finish it this week. I'm also reading the 2nd book in Robin Hobb's Assassin series called Royal Assassin. I didn't realize it was 2222 pages long when I downloaded it to my Nook. Between that and Don Quixote I'm going to have to spend a lot of time reading.
  19. I get 8 hours of sleep. On weekdays I go to bed at 10:00 and get up at 6:00. On the weekends, I may go to bed a little later but sleep a little later as well.
  20. I used Saxon all the way through for my oldest two (except K-3 because it wasn't around then), and they did very well in college math. That's enough reason to stick with it for me. IMO Saxon is a great math program. My 16yo is in Algebra II and my youngest is in Saxon 67. I plan to use it all the way through high school for all of them.
  21. In my thinking 2-3 is average, and 4 or more would qualify as a big family. We have 6, so I consider that large. When we lived in Florida, we got comments all the time about our family size. We don't seem to get that here in NC. The only really negative comment we ever received was from a lady selling honey at a roadside stand. She lectured us on "overpopulating the earth" and such right in front of my kids. They just thought she was nuts.
  22. We are on our 5th set of braces(2 more to go, one child had to have them twice). We went to the orthodontist our dentist referred us to and have been happy with him. Our first son's braces were $2500 (12 years ago), and our current braces are $4500. That does include all the x-rays, retainer when she's done, etc.
  23. So far I've read: 1. The Epic of Gilgamesh 2-4. The Isolde and Tristan Trilogy by Rosalind Miles 5. The Help 6. Fahenheit 451 7. I am still trudging through Don Quixote. I am also reading Robin Hobb's Assasin's Apprentice. Why is Don Quixote so hard for me to get through?
  24. We ate at Papa's and Beer (great Mexican food) and saw The Book of Eli. He also took me by Barnes and Noble to browse and have coffee. It was wonderful.
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