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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. My 11yo ds gets migraines as well. The pediatric neurologist that diagnosed him told us to never use caffeine because it can cause rebound headaches. He did put him on preventative meds for a while, but we really could not tell it made any difference so we are not doing that now. He will usually go to sleep after he throws up, and feels better, but weak when he wakes up. If he has just taken Ibuprofen I just don't worry about it. I know he will go to sleep after he throws up. The neurologist also told us that boys usually outgrow it at puberty, while it intensifies for females. I am hoping he outgrows them in the next couple of years. I hope you find something that helps. I know it is hard to watch your child suffer like that.
  2. My first son wasn't too hard - he has always been my easy child and eager to please. I thought the devil had moved in with my 2nd son. It was SO bad at 11 (and 12, and 13 . . .). He's 22 now and the last time he was home, he acted shocked that my 16yo would speak disrespecfully to me and really let him have it. :001_smile: It made me wonder if he has selective memory. My now 11yo son number 4 has not entered that stage. He is still my sweet boy. I hope it lasts.
  3. I am half Native American, my dh is Scottish, and my adopted daughters are African-American. We have friends of many races and go to a large church that is multi-racial. Our closest city is very mixed and we see a diversity there. Having said that, we live in a rural area 12 miles outside the city limits that is full of "good ole boys" with their confederate flags in their truck windows. We never encountered racism personally until we moved here. I teach my children that it is ignorance that causes people to act that way. They have amazed me with the grace they extend to people (I have a MUCH harder time than they do).
  4. Yes, I did this a lot as a child. I can still remember the dreams. I did it once after I was married and my dh called my sister in the middle of the night because it frightened him. :001_smile:
  5. Yes! My day was yesterday. I was just plain mean. Denise, we are only 6 months apart in age. This part of aging is just no fun (for my family either!).
  6. My kids had what I thought was a great public school. Then my oldest was tested and went into the gifted program for 3rd grade. I hated the way they separated the "gifted" kids from all the other children. They didn't even go to P.E. or lunch with anyone else. They tried to give them such an air of superiority. The same year they moved my second son from K to 2nd grade. He was still bored and emotionally much younger than the other children. Then he was tested and was going to move to the same gifted program as my older son. The lady at the testing office told me that my son was very gifted and the public school system had nothing to offer him. I pulled them both out to homeschool them. That was 1995, and they are graduated now. I am homeschooling their four younger siblings. I love how close my children are to each other and to dh and I. I know this is a result of spending so much time together. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  7. My two older boys loved to read, so my third son is the first child that I have had to really think about what is reasonable. He probably reads 2 hours a day for all subjects, but I have to break it down and tell him how much to read each day. He was procrastinating and saving all his reading for the last minute, which did NOT work. :001_smile:
  8. We started out with Introductory Logic and switched after the first couple of lessons to Traditional Logic. I'm not sure about skipping to Traditional Logic II, but there are only 14 lessons in each Traditional Logic book, so you could cover both in one year (that's what we did).
  9. I will spend about $1400 for next year, but spend much more on my oldest for high school than I do the other three. I also reuse lots of things as I've been doing this for 14 years. I only wish what worked for the older ones would always work for the youngers, which hasn't really been the case. That would save me some money.
  10. :iagree: My grown kids are very grateful for everything that was done for them and say so often. My 16yo is grateful more often than not. The other three . . . not so much. :glare:
  11. I use the books from Greenleaf Press, so I use their guides. I do some of the activities they suggest, and sometimes I use another source. Sometimes I use their discussion questions for a writing prompt. We don't really do everything they suggest, because I use lots of other books along with it. I like Days of Knights and Damsels, and Leonardo da Vinci for kids for activities. I don't think my kids even notice that we have moved out of the Middle Ages book into the Ren/Ref book. :001_smile: We just start the second when we finish the first. This will be my third time going through this time period for logic stage. If you want to know what books I finally settle on this go round, I'll let you know.
  12. I'm planning for Medieval History next year too. I'll have a 5th, 6th, and 8th grader. The book I use for church history at this age is The Church in History. It gives a very thorough history of the church without glossing over things. It is from a reformed viewpoint. I've got a stack of books on the floor in my library right now that I'm going through and deciding what to use. I know for sure that I'm using Famous Men of the Middle Ages and Famous Men of the Renaissance and Reformation. My older boys really enjoyed the Howard Pyle books when they went through in logic stage, and I know I'll use those.
  13. Both of my oldest sons did Advanced Math in one year. They did not take 2 hours a day to do math either. I'm sure it depends on the child. My third son will be working through this next year, so I'll keep this in mind as he is so different from his brothers.
  14. I would choose Teppan Edo hands down. The Rose and Crown was a fun experience, but not really great food. Teppan Edo was both! We absolutely loved Teppan Edo.
  15. There is nothing like a beautiful library. The most beautiful one I have seen IRL: http://gosoutheast.about.com/od/photoswebcamspodcasts/ig/Biltmore-House-Photo-Gallery/The-Library-at-Biltmore-House.htm I wanted to hide and get locked in overnight.
  16. I vote 5. I was very reluctant to get a digital reader, mostly because I intensely dislike reading books on my computer. I got a nook for Christmas though, and have to say I love it. I like being able to take it with me and download a book whenever I want a new one. Instead of taking a pile of books when I leave the house, I can just grab my nook. I still love real books, but have to say I love my nook too. I forget it is not a "real" book when I'm reading.
  17. I started having night sweats at 40. My nurse practitioner told me it was perimenopause. That would be my guess, but you should probably see your doctor to rule out other causes.
  18. My daughter had the same battery of tests done when she was 8. They told us to let things run their course and that she would probably start her period by 9. She started two weeks after turning 11. She did have to wear a bra by 9, and now at 12 is a C-cup. I hope you get some answers and some peace tomorrow.
  19. All of my children have happily eaten salads from the time they started eating table food, except for one. My 12yo dd has just started eating salads. She decided she likes croutons and if the salad has croutons, she will even choose to eat it for a snack. I think maybe it just had to be her idea and not mine (the age :001_smile:).
  20. Here is a mini-unit. I'm not sure it's what you are looking for, but here it is: http://www.easyfunschool.com/article1848.html
  21. I voted other. My oldest two sons did not have formal grammar in high school. They were natural spellers/writers and really did not need it. They had a solid grasp at that point. My third son, however, is doing a review of grammar because he needs it.
  22. Hi Janna! My youngest son moved in with my oldest when he was still in a crib. My oldest was 12yo at the time and it was actually his idea. It sounds like moving him while he is in a crib (and confined) would be a good idea. Your older son will probably fall back asleep if the little one gets up early, or the toddler may actually sleep later when you move him. As for toys, you are probably going to have to teach your older son to put his toys up where the toddler can't reach them, or maybe in the closet if the toddler cannot open the door by himself. It doesn't hurt older children to make adjustments for younger siblings. It teaches them to be unselfish and they feel mature when they get to help with the littles IMO.
  23. There are seasons to life -times when priorities are different. When I had three babies at once and was trying to school three older children, our school was much less organized (negotiating around naps) and my house was clean only because I had hired help. We stayed at home a lot. I have always cooked a lot from scratch because I enjoy it. Now that my kids are older and are involved in so many activities, I aim for a picked up house every morning and clean once a week. I have to be very organized and on top of my game to keep laundry done and cook from scratch every night. I do it even when I am so tired I don't really feel like it because it is a priority. I am absolutely anal (I hate that word, but it fits) when it comes to getting up and starting school on time and getting all schoolwork done every day. I am terrified of getting behind. No one can do it all and sometimes I fall short. Sometimes my house looks like a hurricane came through. Most of the time I am in my pjs until I have to leave the house. It is more important to me to have a few minutes of quiet time to myself in the morning than to be dressed. :001_smile: ETA: I have some kids that are super smart and easy to teach, and some kids who are not. If I only had the first two I would think I was doing a GREAT job, but I had the other four and realized it wasn't me at all.
  24. When my girls were little I found some "party" dresses at reasonable prices at consignment shops. I also second the Goodwill recommendation.
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