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Everything posted by trulycrabby

  1. Wishing you a wonderful birthday! :party:
  2. I am a figure skating fan; the competition is recorded but have not had an opportunity to watch. I like Ashley Wagner, but she has to earn her spot on the Olympic team. On the other hand, I'm thrilled for Mirai Nagasu, who has had a number of very difficult seasons.
  3. Jackson Hole, Wyoming this winter. No firm plans, but I also want to go to one of the springs in Florida so we can see manatees.
  4. I voted no, but after reading your story, then yes in that situation I would pay for it.
  5. Try it and find out; your body will tell you whether or not it feels good.
  6. Oh rats! Sparkling water is my go-to drink. :ack2:
  7. I would allow it if the significant other and my child were in a serious, long-term relationship. Otherwise, the son/daughter could potentially bring home a different person every visit, and frankly I would get tired of having to adjust to a new person in my house. Not saying your son would do that, or that other people should have a problem with it; I just don't like people in my house. :o
  8. I had a concussion about six months, and everything everyone has said is correct, esp. if you don't want to end up with post-conclusive syndrome (PCS). DS23 had PCS and required treatment for five years after his grade 2 concussion. He still has sleep issues, btw.
  9. Eeks! :ack2: It's a balmy 26F here in north Alabama, and is expected to be 12F overnight with a brisk wind. I'm geared out for an Antarctic expedition, so it's not bad at all. Our Great Pyrenees is in fluffy dog heaven and wants to walk about a hundred times a day. :rolleyes:
  10. Congratulations! :hurray:
  11. So...am I the only one here who puts wet microfiber cloths on my feet, then do my best speed skater impression to clean the floors? Sounds silly but it works, and I get a pretty good cardio workout too. :o https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aQBzs4E_hr0
  12. MIL83 has it; she has always refused flu shots. DH has it, but he had a flu shot and he is younger, so his symptoms are milder. They are both loaded up on elderberry syrup, and I've got several bottles stored for when the rest of us get it. I'm keeping a close eye on MIL; listening for lung crackles, checking her oxygen saturation every few hours, and keeping her hydrated. Local hospitals have issued flu warnings stating that all but life-threatening illnesses should stay away.
  13. River, by Sarah McLachlan All is Well always makes me cry, but in a good way, so I will count that one too.
  14. Vaccine and circulating virus are not a good match this year. I recommend sending someone to the drugstore for Sambucol/elderberry syrup. I hope you feel better very soon! :grouphug:
  15. We get the Poms pomegranite seed cups : It took six months to get the bright red juice out of my cream-coloured granite last time I used a whole pomegranate in a fruit salad. Looked like massacre had occurred... :ack2:
  16. I myself would match the amount and gift the forgotten kid(s). Then, I would cut off contact from the narcissist relative. Sorry, I know that's harsh but I dealing with a narcissistic relative right now and I'm SO OVER THEIR BS and the damage they try to do to my kids. :grouphug:
  17. Loved it, except for those invisible kids... Liked Bunheads too... It took me a minute or two to figure out where else I had seen Alex Bornstein- she also played Drella, the snarky harpist on Gilmore Girls. :wub:
  18. H. Pylori might be what your doc is referring to. If so, an easy course of antibiotics will fix ya right up. My gallbladder presented as upper right quadrant pain, and my back and shoulder hurt also-right under the right scapula. The only thing that helped was sipping apple cider vinegar; I drank about a liter of the stuff the last few days before surgery. My right lung felt like it was on fire; every breath hurt, and my abdomen looked like a seven month pregnancy (I'm slim, so it was quite impressive). I also developed a fever and pancreatitis the last two days before surgery. So, if it gets worse, cbc and/or you get a fever, then get to the doc asap. Describing my signs and symptoms so that if anything seems similar, you can go back to the doc and request more tests. My doctor, who is excellent, ordered gallbladder, liver, spleen, pancreas ultrasounds, chest radiograph, then a HIDA scan.
  19. Dogs (three), cats (three), land hermit crabs (20). Classic math textbooks, rare and/unusual gemstones (not costly ones).
  20. I take whatever gardenmom5 recommends. She has a lot of knowledge about supplements and which brands to take. To answer the OP's question though, no, I do not take a muultivitamin.
  21. I'm angry on your behalf. From your description, I would be concerned, not that there is necessarily grooming but rather the development of patriarchy in this church. Maybe it's just this one guy, but the fact that the pastor is not concerned is worrisome, in my opinion. I know it's more your husband's church than yours, but my advice is to start attending in order to get an accurate picture of what is happening, and if an ideological shift is occurring. I would also stick to your daughter's side like glue.
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