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Everything posted by trulycrabby

  1. Marc Antony is a brilliant salsa artist, and I don't use the "b" word very often. He is more famous internationally than in his native country.
  2. Yes! I would have been extremely offended, and told him so! :hurray:
  3. Here's what I was describing-placenta accretia: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/placenta-accreta/DS01203/METHOD=print
  4. First of all, I am so sorry you've had to go through such frightening and life- threatening experiences. Have your doctors said anything about it? It doesn't seem at first glance to be a coagulation issue since you were clotting, nevertheless, I want to ask if you have ever had heavy bleeding with cuts and menstruation. Frankly, I need to go troll medscape a bit for this one. My first guess it has something to do with detachment and delivery of the placenta. Sometimes the placenta can be heavily attached to the uterus which can cause hemorrhage upon detachment. Off to look into it...
  5. My husband (private pilot) is sooo jealous you get to ride in that plane! Regarding air sickness; I am really really really prone to motion sickness but never get air sick, even in a small airplane (just keep looking outside or straight ahead). Dramamine is great, you will sleep the whole trip; or Zofran is better if you can get it because it doesn't make you sleepy.
  6. Wow, that's the silliest thing I've heard all day. Sorry you now have to do those mindless worksheets (wow, I'm really a homeschooler now if I just said that...).
  7. 44 left, 56 right I am a former dancer, athlete, current yogi, highly gifted with movement, coordination, balance; but not creative in the traditional sense. I cannot draw, photograph, or play an instrument. Also, I love languages, and science/medicine, but the left brain characteristics are things I had to work at. I am ambidextrous.
  8. Your IL's and I Would Not get along. Grrrrrrrrrr. Granted, I love a clean house but she has absolutely no right to judge you; she is just being petty and competitive. So sorrry you have to put up with that.
  9. The Pilatus planes are excellent aircraft, you can feel secure flying in some of the best ever built. Those big jungle spiders are pretty tasty, I hear. Can you get a rabies vaccination before you go? Indonesia is having a rabies epidemic, not in papua to my knowledge, but in the cities where there are large numbers of wild dogs. It may not be necessary if Jakarta is not having a problem, but worth checking into. Indonesia is gorgeous, you are going to have an amazing, wonderful trip!
  10. Oops, I'd just just finish cooking it and save for tomorrow night.
  11. Take away privileges an/ or the things she loves to do/play with. With DS9, it's all about Minecraft, so if he doesn't behave or do his work, the Minecraft goes away.
  12. Birds dive-bombing my cat (who deserves it!). She strolls down the street and they follow her, squawking and fussing.
  13. Is she an athlete or dancer? Heavy, intense exercise can cause the breakdown of red blood cells. Ferralet was helpful for me; it's a carboxyl iron with a stool softener. Also the dietary recommendations are good, esp. about the red meat; also bone broth with marrow (crack the bones before boiling) How was the rest of her bloodwork? WBC'S? Platelets? Did they do a thyroid test? Hypothyroidism and anemia can be related, but it's more often seen in older women than your daughter. If you can get her to eat red meat every day, then do so! I get free range, organic ground beef or bison, make up a bunch of patties, cook, and eat one every few days when my iron and/or ferritin get low.
  14. I wouldn't worry too much; she's actually more likely to aquire viral encephlitis from the other kids or a mosquito bite. I'd say stay away from Dr. Google, but I'd then be a hypocrite since I am prone to do the same thing. Just watch her, and take her to the doc if she shows clear signs of illness.
  15. I didn't say a word about the condom box, but had a relaxed talk a few weeks later about birth control, failure rate of condoms, stds, respect for sexual partners, etc... My oldest son is 19, we went through something very similar a few years ago. I was not thrilled to find the box, but encouraged that he took birth control seriously. Good luck, however you decide to handle the situation.
  16. I asked my handy husband, and he said don't bother to repair, get a new fridge. Evaporator coils are a tough repair, and when you are finished you will have spent $500 on a fridge that is no longer under warranty and can break down agin at any time.
  17. I lived in Carmel, which is a northern suburb. Indianapolis is lovely, the people are very nice, and I hope you dont mind snow.
  18. Here's something that might help, but be aware that she may switch hands for awhile before settling down to one or the other. However, some folks, like me, are ambidextrous. Drove my teachers nuts... :p http://www.iched.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=iched&item_id=lefthand_righthand
  19. I'm on a kindle HD, no big issues, except the font just changed....edited to say, the problem fixed itself...
  20. I would always ask the doc before giving esp . multiple meds to children, but my doc has given me a cocktail of loratadine, zyrtec, and cimetidine when I was covered with poison ivy rash. I wouldn't give three meds simultaneously to a child, but zyrtec and loratadine would be very effective for mosquito bites. Call the doc, though...
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