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Everything posted by Innisfree

  1. One more sad milestone for this year. I was sorry to read this, but also grateful for his life and work.
  2. Hugs. You've been working so hard in so many ways, it's no wonder you are tired and frustrated. I hope something good comes along to give you a boost. Sending good thoughts and best wishes to all of you.
  3. That raises autism flags for me, too. I would suggest a full evaluation if you have concerns about both reading and literal understandings of speech. Social difficulties like your son described are also typical for kids on the spectrum.
  4. I just put Qustudio on my dd's phone and I think it will work well for us, too.
  5. How wonderful! This has to be one of my favorite Christmas present stories ever.
  6. Thinking of you and sending the warmest wishes to your dear little one. May he be strong and resilient. (((Happypamama and Baby)))
  7. At this point I'm not inclined to let her get involved with social media. She has ASD, so is a bit developmentally delayed. She isn't asking for any of that. I really just want to keep an eye on her as she walks her dog around the neighborhood or goes to a friend's house. The friend, while basically a good kid, has used her own texting capabilities slightly (really very slightly) inappropriately. I just want to be able to tell dd accurately that her own cell phone use will be transparent and visible to us, just to help her get in the habit of making good choices.
  8. I am so confused, any suggestions would be really welcome. Dd12 is getting her first smart phone. The main reason for a *smart* phone it to allow me to use a gps tracking app to monitor her location. I would also like to be able to see texts she sends and receives and see a log of phone calls. I'm less worried about tracking or controlling internet use. That would be fine, if it comes as part of an app, but not essential. Her new phone is a Samsung, mine which I'll use to monitor her is an older iPhone. Any suggestions for the best and easiest and (relatively) most inexpensive ways to accomplish this? I am so technologically challenged I'm really not comfortable with all this, and I'm worried that trying to monitor an android phone with an iPhone may be a problem. Thanks!
  9. Oh, no. I wish we could offer you some concrete, in-person help. You have my profound sympathy and admiration for what you are doing for those boys. I hope the transition settles down as quickly as possible.
  10. I am so very sorry. Thinking of you and your family.
  11. Sounds like she is clearly not really stable right now. I'm so glad you are getting professional advice: that sounds like a smart plan. Hugs and best wishes.
  12. I'm so sorry. She was a lucky dog to be in a family that loved her so much. Many hugs.
  13. Thank you both so much! Off to the freezer it goes.
  14. Someone gave us a spiral-sliced, honey-cured ham which we can't use for a good while. The box says "Keep refrigerated 28- 34 degrees F." I think our freezer is significantly colder, but it's taking up too much room in the fridge. Will it harm the texture or flavor or anything to deep-freeze it for a month or two? I'm not used to this sort of ham, so will appreciate any experience the Hive can offer.
  15. Our kids did not like Lego and love Minecraft. It has been good for cooperative, creative, open-ended play here. We just have the PE version on their Kindles, which allows them to play with each other or friends who visit here, but not with anyone outside our home. Some people would probably feel they spend too much time on it. We do not actively restrict them, and they still read, play with their dogs, and generally live a normal life. But Minecraft is probably the most important way they play *together*, and that has a lot of value to me.
  16. So, like pretty much all the other parents of SN kids here, we've learned that punishments do not work for our dc. That learning process was painful for us, but far worse for our child. In the interest of others reading and wondering how to handle tough situations, I'd like to offer an alternative which has made a big difference here. I was really pleased to stumble across this article recently and recognize the techniques it describes as those we have been taught to use. I know the op of the other thread is likely very familiar with all this; my thought is that it may help others. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2016/03/no-spanking-no-time-out-no-problems/475440/
  17. What an awful bug. I'm sorry you're still feeling so bad.
  18. Around here, this is the interpretation I'd put on it. A lot would depend on tone of voice. In my mind I "hear" it with a humorous tone, meant as a back-handed compliment to a no-nonsense mom who's done well.
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