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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. I have never had to wait that long for a new appointment. I agree that I would try to get on a cancellation list or ask for an emergency appointment, if need be. I will also add that the first time I went on antidepressants, my GP prescribed them. So, I agree that that is also another possibility.
  2. Wow, there are shockingly few test centers in California. Our closest one in San Diego is an hour away. Also, do you guys enroll by actual grade or the grade level at which they are working?
  3. I also posted about it on this board. For level one students, the second edition of the books combines everything into one volume. Here: http://www.amazon.com/Competitive-Mathematics-Gifted-Students-Level/dp/0692240071/ref=la_B00DXHDM2A_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1410543245&sr=1-1 We're just starting, so no feedback yet.
  4. Boardwalk Empire Homeland Downton Abbey
  5. Sopranos Lost Better Off Ted Cheers Breaking Bad V
  6. This one is for members only. http://www.audible.com/mt/Win_Win_Sale/ref=a_hp_c1_2?ie=UTF8&pf_rd_r=1MCCVA7BA5F3M1T0SJTQ&pf_rd_m=A2ZO8JX97D5MN9&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=5000&pf_rd_p=1920053782&pf_rd_s=center-1 Anyone buying? I am contemplating these: SAMPLE The Godfather UNABRIDGED Mario Puzo View Series Sale Price:$4.95 or 1 Credit SAMPLE The Great Gatsby UNABRIDGED F. Scott Fitzgerald Sale Price:$4.95 or 1 Credit SAMPLE The Poisonwood Bible UNABRIDGED Barbara Kingsolver Special Price:$3.95 or 1 Credit SAMPLE The Scarlet Pimpernel UNABRIDGED Baroness Orczy Sale Price:$4.95 or 1 Credit SAMPLE Looking for Alaska UNABRIDGED John Green Sale Price:$4.95 or 1 Credit SAMPLE The Satanic Verses UNABRIDGED Salman Rushdie Sale Price:$4.95 or 1 Credit SAMPLE The Remains of the Day UNABRIDGED Kazuo Ishiguro Sale Price:$4.95 or 1 Credit SAMPLE Treasure Island UNABRIDGED Robert Louis Stevenson Sale Price:$4.95 or 1 Credit SAMPLE Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War UNABRIDGED Karl Marlantes Sale Price:$4.95 or 1 Credit SAMPLE A Tale of Two Cities [Tantor] UNABRIDGED Charles Dickens Sale Price:$4.95 or 1 Credit SAMPLE Emma UNABRIDGED Jane Austen
  7. Apartment shopping in So Cal is so depressing. Everything under 2k/month is a dump.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kathy in Richmond

      Kathy in Richmond

      Sympathies here, too! Dd is currently shopping for roommates before looking for an apartment in San Diego. She's figuring it will take 3 incomes for the places she likes.

    3. SeaConquest


      She is right, Kathy. But, I guess that I don't need to school your daughter in math. ;) Our boat is in Point Loma, but we are looking in Mission Valley.

    4. Kathy in Richmond

      Kathy in Richmond

      Dd is looking in the same general area :-) AoPS is moving to Poway in Nov, but she doesn't want to be stuck in the suburbs. Hope you find something you like!


  8. I would love to hear your secular experience with TPS language classes after your dd is done.
  9. DS5 was 2. He read them with a Montessori movable alphabet. We did Reading Eggs at 3 and started formal reading instruction with Progressive Phonics at 4.
  10. I had the exact same experience while living in Russia. Communal societies are interesting that way!
  11. I would echo a lot of what has been said here, but would add SAM-e 400 mg. to the list of natural supplements.
  12. My favorite playlist -- changes every week: http://www.noonpacific.com/
  13. Bumping this topic with a related article from the New Republic: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/119321/harvard-ivy-league-should-judge-students-standardized-tests
  14. Thank you so much for sharing all of your experiences. Sacha is doing well in Singapore, so it sounds like it makes more sense for us to keep plugging along into at least SM3 before considering Beast. I really appreciate the input.
  15. If you did BA with your 6 year old, how did it go? Was it a gentle intro to AOPS-style learning? Did anyone have a rough go of it at first or was it a welcome addition/smooth transition? My DS5 and I are currently working through Singapore 2 with just the TB/IP/CWP. I have Zaccaro, Borac, and LOF/living math books for additional enrichment, but I think we may end up hitting Beast this year regardless, and I'd would love to hear your experiences. Thanks!
  16. Did you see this thread? http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/516909-elements-of-mathematics-could-this-replace-aops/
  17. Following because I would love to know as well. I haven't seen much point either. We have a group of gifted kids that get together here locally for activities, and have found it to be beneficial.
  18. Fight On, Baby!

    1. readinmom


      and on and on...good game. I hope that's what you're talking about!

    2. SeaConquest


      Yes. It was kinda nutty, but am very happy. :)

  19. Rose, I looked at it more closely and decided to go for it. Thank you! I added Write From History -- Level 1 Medieval Manuscript -- to coordinate with SOTW2. They are running a 40% sale on ebooks and 20% off hard copies. http://brookdalehouse.com/
  20. I looked at this, but wonder if there is a lot of overlap between it and ELTL. Do you have any idea?
  21. We like Operation Math, Math Museum, and Sushi Monster.
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