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Everything posted by Lilaclady

  1. She has been on my mind a lot. Praying for her and her family
  2. There is a reason I don't bother reading comments section anymore. It seems people now use it for their personal 15 minutes of fame rant. People say things that I am sure they will not say out to others in their presence. It is such a shame
  3. For us they need to ask so that I know if it is food we wil be using and I don't want to run out off. They are usually able to have as much fruits as they want but I do ration the sweets and the snacks.
  4. I refrigerate. My kids love them but they are a bit expensive so I don't buy as much as they will like. Yummy though
  5. So sorry for your loss. Hugs to you and your kids.
  6. I think you are doing great as a MIL. Just keep the lines of communication open and if you feel discomfort about a discussion, it is always nice to bring it up and clear up anything before it gets misinterpreted and escalates. All the best and congrats on your grand baby.
  7. On their actual birthdays, my kids get breakfast in bed, no school, they may get to pick an activity but if we've had a party and spent a bit, it better be a free activity and we usually go out for dinner at a reasonable place that they pick.
  8. Thanks hat will come in handy for our medieval study next fall
  9. I think the redeeming side is the fact that slavery has been abolished. I think while it is a very hard topic, it is also a topic that a parent should best introduce to a child. Just like talking to pre-teens about rape, molestation etc, they are very hard but we have to do it. All the best
  10. I agree with what Bill said. While there are definitely those who will not mourn her passing, I think she left a huge mark on the political climate of Great Britain and she is a commendable lady. I appreciate her ability to stand firm on her decisions when a lot of people would have faltered. What a life.
  11. I tell them it is what we have fund works for our family now. We are always evaluating and looking at the best options out of all the alternatives. Most of my friends will not give up their jobs to homeschool so it works for us all.
  12. So sorry for your loss Kathryn. Pls try and rest and take care of our self.
  13. I will say lasagna too of just pasta bake. The trick for me is to make lots of side dishes so people can eat what they want but small enough so there is little left over.
  14. We study geography year round but just once a week. My kids first learn about the continents, oceans and where they are. Last yr, we did American history so my dd1 learnt about the 50 states and can roughly place over 35 states correctly. This year, my oldest two learnt about where some countries are- mostly the ones they are likely to hear about and where we have relatives around the world. On Monday, I will be testing them by giving them a blank map of the world and see how well they can label it.
  15. I don't think I will combine. 1st and 2nd can be combined well but an 8th grader just needs so much more to be ready for high school. I will do ancients with the longer ones, if you get the activity guide, their are tons of things to do for hat age group.
  16. I don't think it is also true to assume that all homeschoolers are academically more advanced than their schooled peers. Not all are and some teachers bias against homeschoolers is more because they have had kids that were educationally behind because they were homeschooled. I wouldn't think my kids when they get there will want to join but it's still a while for them .
  17. I guess they will get a lot of traffic
  18. Hope he is treated soon and feels better. Hugs to you both
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