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Everything posted by dm379

  1. Moving back to Houma in 11 weeks. Not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not!
  2. I've been having my Prius since 2007. I still love it. Never been in an accident so not sure how it would hold out. Just wanted to highly recommend it too. Dh can get 60 mpg on it, I usually get about 48 since I have a heavy foot.
  3. Done? That's a joke! Our move completely killed our schedule, then I switched almost all the curriculum, then dd had surgery on her arm so it was a killer for her to write. And now we're moving in 3 months and I have to get them ready for ps.
  4. Field of Dreams. Dh still teases me because it gave me nightmares.
  5. Today is national "Eat What You Want Day." Enjoy! :D
  6. My LD ds7 learned to read right after his 7th birthday. He's now at a 4th-ish grade level.
  7. We took today off because it is military spouse appreciation day. We absolutely take birthdays off. I'm always up for an excuse to take a day off. And then I stress because we're behind but it is usually worth it. :D
  8. I've never shipped stuff back but once they were completely out of something I ordered. It took about 8 weeks to get a refund.
  9. All those came with it when I bought mine. Only on level 2 now so not sure if anything else comes in with later levels.
  10. My bank account has negative numbers all the time. :tongue_smilie:
  11. We switched from Horizons to TT earlier this year. Both kids placed a year ahead. I like TT because I don't have to do the explaining and at this stage in my life I need the kids to be a little more independent. The kids love it and do well. It has been so much easier on me. They still do Horizons for extra practice and then Singapore word problems.
  12. I was about to get all jealous that you had a special room just for teA. And then I got to wondering what would be IN a room like that. :tongue_smilie: I just take a razor to it. I have for years every few days, never had any problems.
  13. We got hit with flooding but very little damage to our house, thank goodness. A fallen branch hit our new (to us) car. The neighborhood looks horrible. There was one touchdown not far from here and then a few hit a couple of miles north. We lucked out.
  14. I'm not a Jennifer but my sister is and nobody could ever tell us apart so I answered to it all the time. I like it better than my name.
  15. Don't start until you get settled! I made the mistake of starting again the day after we got to a new place with dh gone. Lots of yelling, fighting and crying - all on my end. I learned my lesson.
  16. I'm right there with ya. My bff lives in Hawaii. Most of my other friends live in Korea. It's good for the insomnia nights but most of the time it sucks. I don't care enough to talk to my family, only 1 time zone away. :tongue_smilie:
  17. Forgot one, the only reason I got up at 8 this morning was because I remembered there was cookie dough in the fridge.
  18. $160/month. Verizon. Dh and I both have Droids. He has limited text, not sure how much. I have unlimited. We both have unlimited data. I think we share 700 mins.
  19. 1. I routinely get up at 4 a.m. to have ice cream. Even though I'm on a diet. 2. I can say "me too" to way too many of everybody else's confessions.
  20. Apparently it doesn't always need to be sweet too. :D
  21. Why is it that I was expecting the links to show men in kilts? :D
  22. Same here although I don't much care if anybody ignores me. :D I hate, hate, hate the stereotypes involved with BPD. Not all are impossible to deal with.
  23. Thank you!!! All right, I'll admit. I have a serious mental illness. If it weren't for my friends, I would not be alive today. I'm probably the only atheist ever to thank God every day for the wonderful people in my life and they don't hold it against me because I can't always control the side effects of having losers for parents.
  24. I lost 80 lbs. in almost 2 yrs. on WW. Still need to lose about 35 more but have slacked lately. I like the new plan better because you can eat just about as much fruit as you want for "free" whereas on the old one a banana costs you.
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