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Everything posted by dm379

  1. Thanks! We'll check it out. Never heard of Greg's Pottery, we're still pretty new here. We spent a small fortune at Just Claying Around a few days ago so good to know some place offers discounts.
  2. Funny! Yep ds goes to Pilgrim's Journey. We like it but it's a little pricey so this will probably be the last time. The teacher is great though. I've never heard of the Cape Fear Studios I'll check it out. We live in Raeford but if you throw a rock hard enough, we hit Fayetteville so we do everything there too.
  3. We had 1650 sq. ft. before and it was great, especially since we had tons of storage outside where we put a lot of junk dh won't get rid of. We have 2500 sq. ft. now and it's too big.
  4. The only neg. comment I've gotten was from a friend who said that the kids need to be away from me more. And then when I would meet up with her twice a week she would complain because I never brought the kids with me. She doesn't have kids so her opinion doesn't matter yet. :tongue_smilie: I know lots of people don't approve but they never really say anything. They hold their tongues.
  5. I guess I'm more unpopular than I thought. :tongue_smilie: I very rarely get PMs so no need for that here.
  6. Funny, I was talking about this board while the kids were in art class a few days ago. It was in Fayetteville not Weaverville though. Close but not me!
  7. Sorry I forgot to update you guys! We've had a long 2 weeks - brother got married, dh came home after 5 months away and dd broke her arm. We really appreciate everybody's concerns and prayers! His tests came back that he needs surgery to make room for his brain but we have a few years before it becomes a problem. As of right now we're waiting on that since dh is about to deploy. We've got check ups every 3 months just in case. The spot was a "dead" spot in his brain that they're not sure how it happened. The brain damage could have been from a bad fall he took last year or something that happened before he was born. They're still researching it and making sure it isn't growing and won't be a problem.
  8. This is hilarious. :lol: We ebb and flow. Dh likes his cup at night and me in the morning. Even though he's on leave this week after 5 months away, we still don't seem to have the time!
  9. Same here, AD military. Our pay has been screwed up since before Christmas. We haven't seen any base pay in months due to a clerical error. This next check it was finally going to be right and start getting our back pay. We've been running on savings for so long we're almost out. If it shuts down, we're going to have to go begging to Mommy and Daddy just to pay our rent, forget any bills. I'm really worried because Tricare hasn't said if they're going to shut down or not yet. I've got one child in a cast and another needing surgery.
  10. They were the first books my ds would read willingly. We love them!
  11. We never covered either of those in school either. I don't think we ever made it much past the Revolutionary War.
  12. Lunch: spaghetti Different: who says there's a normal?? Wish: Housekeeper. Or at least kids that will do their chores without 5,000 reminders!
  13. I've gone back and forth for a while about whether to post this here or not. Especially since we're not exactly the praying type of family but I guess it couldn't hurt. :001_smile: Ds7 went for a regular check up at the doctor's last week. He has had an indention on his head since he was born and every single doctor we've seen said it was nothing. Until this one. She sent him for a ct scan and we found out that the plates in his head are slightly overlapped. They scheduled another scan to see if there's enough room for his brain to grow properly. It should have been caught years ago but whatever. We're still waiting to find out if he needs surgery to get his skull fixed to make room for his brain. The scan was yesterday and they found a spot in his brain. They think it's a tumor. We're waiting on blood results and then they're going to get a better look. There was nobody on staff at the tiny hospital to deal with something like this so we had to be referred elsewhere. Needless to say dh and I are devastated. I buried my first child when she was 8... I can't go through another sick child again.
  14. We each have boxes we got from Target. There's an organizer too but we don't use it, the boxes stay on the floor of the homeschooling room. It works for now.
  15. All right, who took my motivation? I have zero motivation to do anything. Not school, not go to the gym, cook, read, clean - nada! How do I get it back??
  16. Can you bring in a mother's helper for a couple of days a week? A pre-teen or early teenager to either help clean or watch the kids while you nap or clean. They usually work for cheap. Does your dh help a lot? I have chronic fatigue problems along with other stuff. B12 helps some days. When dh is home, he teaches on the weekends or other days off. I'm working towards more independent curriculum for the kids. Your 7 yr. old should be getting just big enough to start taking on some responsibilities. Right now we're working on my 7 yr. old taking over most of the laundry.
  17. We haven't seen any yet but the neighbor tells us that there's a huge snake problem where we live. She said they're always coming into the garage and stuff. I want to move just thinking about it! There's a creek in the back end of the 3 acres we live on and the mosquitoes are already a problem.
  18. Did you call the police?? This is a serious offense!!
  19. That reminds me, I used to work at a fast food restaurant when I was a teen. One day my manager got in a fist fight with a customer because he didn't want to pay .25 for an extra BBQ sauce.
  20. My dirty mind and I are leaving now. It is just way too tempting. :D
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