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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. What ingredients are common to both salads? I've never heard of a lettuce allergy..but anything is possible.
  2. I had one explode after taking it out of the oven...so a temperature change, but not rapid. My BIL had one of the Pyrex sauce pans explode while boiling water in it.
  3. Coffee...that's about it. On good days I can read my Bible before the herd wakes up. Thankfully, my kids are pretty independent workers, so my job is mostly just getting THEM awake and started.
  4. Your kids will be fine. But they WILL be different, and I think that is what scares people into the socialization myth. Your children probably won't act like their peers. (and that is OK!) Homeschooling will affect their social skills, but IMO it's in a positive way. I've noticed that homeschooled kids (the ones I know anyway) are often much more polite, considerate of others, accepting of differences in people, and are capable of having intelligent conversations with adults. I'm not saying that PS children can't do these things, but it doesn't seem as commonplace.
  5. Most I've talked to have either been supportive or don't have an opinion. The most supportive were the ones that were close friends and actually knew my kids. I had several that I talked to at legnth about how bad the school system was getting, and they would do the same if they could. Then I have the group that like to dissect you...find out how you teach, what your background is, what your kids think about it. Not hostile by any means, but more of a "that's weird, how's that work?" kind of thing. I've had a ONE teacher that was down right hostile, and he was mostly mad because I was taking his best student out of his class.
  6. Yep, mine were confused by it as well. They also found themselves unable to roll down the windows in our new truck a couple of years ago. You know...the crank? :glare: They were clueless. I have since toted around several teens in the same truck and most of them were similarly clueless.:lol:
  7. This sounds like a folk remedy, but it really works. I used to get them a lot. Anyway, just wet a tea bag in warm water (as warm as he can stand it) and use it as a compress.
  8. When my girls were in PS, we were nickel and dimed to death. There aren't just the normal beginning of school fees and supplies. There are fees for field trips, fundraisers, class parties, projects that have to be done, special event t-shirts to buy, school supplies scattered throughout the year, etc. There are school clothes, which they need more of and more often than they do when they are at home. Transportation costs, AND for us the cost of doctor visits because they bring home every bug that floats through the school and give it to their mom :glare: Then factor in extra curricular activities. I just went through and shredded years worth of carbons from checks I had written. Even my girls were amazed at how many were written to XYZ school for various things, from when they were in school. For us it's cheaper or at most break even. I'm pretty frugal with curriculum purchases. I could definitely make it MUCH cheaper if I chose to.
  9. We currently have a Jack Russell. I love her to death, but I'm not sure I'd get another. It's hard to train a dog that is smarter than you :lol: We've have labs in the past and they are by far my favorite dog. We had a chocolate lab who was an absolute baby, and I miss him!
  10. You need to have a rescue inhaler on hand. I would also have him tested for allergies, since severe sudden asthma attacks are often allergen related. Positive results may mean he needs to carry an epi pen.
  11. I don't know about it's effectiveness, but I was dosed with it several times growing up. It was my grandmother's favorite "medicine" and tastes as horrid as it smells. (Of course she also swore that rubbing it on your belly button got rid of worms :lol:)
  12. Lol...the same thing appears to be happening here. My tomboy suddenly wants me to fix her hair for her on Sundays.... Yesterday I stayed home from church with a sick kid...when my dh and the girls got back, he asked her "So, who's the boy you were making eyes at today?" Younger sis immediately piped up with a certain boy's name :lol: Older DD turned a thousand shades of red, made worse when I started telling dh about what a nice boy he is...lol.
  13. One of my best friends set me up to go on a double date with her and her boyfriend, and someone he worked with. The guy he worked with found out I was only 15 and bailed. My future dh just happened to walk into work at the same time to pick up his check, and my friend's boyfriend snagged him to go instead. (Apparently my age didn't scare HIM, but he was only 18) We went to McDonald's and bowling. My friend got sick, puked all over some guy at the bowling alley, and we ended up sitting in the living room of the friend's house for hours just talking. It seemed like we'd known each other forever. I think we are proof that love at first sight exists. (or at least very, very big crush :tongue_smilie:) We have been together since that first night.
  14. 1. He was a super cute mechanic with a mullet when I met him. 2. He has totaled two vehicles in head on collisions and walked away from both of them. 3. He totally lives the meaning of "forgive and forget". 4. He's the hardest worker I know. 5. He's currently a seminary student. 6. He risked it ALL to follow God. 7. He has worked for the same company for 19 years. 8. He's addicted to peanut butter. 9. He can bake like nobody's business. 10. He cannot stand the feel of lotion. I :001_wub: him :)
  15. These books are awesome: http://www.davidmacaulay.com/ He has videos too (your library might have them)
  16. We lived within 10 minutes of my inlaws for most of our marriage, and right next door for part of it. We saw them several times a week, and most of the time it was a pleasure. Not always though. (We get along very well, btw) The closest I've lived to MY family as an adult has been 3-4 hours away. Which is fine. It's often a sense of duty to visit and that was only 1-2 times a year. I only saw my step-dad and grandparents most of the time. My mother passed away shortly after I moved out. I've gone for years at a time without seeing my bio-dad, starting from when I was a kid, so it isn't that big of a deal to not visit him that often.
  17. We are 790 miles away from ANY family. My bio-dad, and inlaws are all in TN. Some days it seems too far, some days just right. :001_smile:
  18. :iagree: this exactly. Although I have a hard time always sticking to it, we are much closer to this than we were just a few years ago. I struggle the most with meat...we have a very carnivorous family of 5 and I can't afford the meat I WANT us to eat.
  19. These two made me tear up :grouphug: I can relate to #10...although I did love my dh, it was a 16 year old teen crush kind of love. 90% of agreeing to marry him was to get away from family. He knew. 20 years later we are still here :) Ok, my 10 things... 1. I'm terrified of flying. Actually flying only made it worse. 2. I've made money at drawing portraits, painting murals, scrapbooking and photographing people..and have been amazed that people pay me to do what I love :lol: 3. I once sang a song I wrote in 15 minutes (it was a spoof of Nickelback's Rockstar) in front of over 300 people. I can't sing. And I wasn't drunk :tongue_smilie: 4. I was afraid to have more kids after my twins for two reasons. First, I was afraid of more twins. My first dd had a disappearing twin in utero. Second, my PPD was so bad after the twins, I was afriad of going completely off the deep end (and never returning) if I got pregnant again. 5. I wish I had taken the chance :( 6. I met my dh at 15 and we got married 9 months later. No I wasn't pregnant. 7. I've moved over 25 times in my life, and only once was military related. 8. Chocolate is my kryptonite. 9. I'm missing a permanent front tooth, but no one ever notices. 10. I've only broken one bone in my life, and it was my finger. I was reaching for a crayon in 1st grade and flipped my desk over...it landed on my finger.
  20. Our bedroom is the closest it's ever been to looking purposely put together. The first oh....17 years of our marriage it was a cobbled together mess of whatever we had on hand. But it is STILL not a 'matched' set. It all came from different places, it just all happens to compliment each other. Our night stands are actually two nicer dark wood filing cabinets. Works great!
  21. Yes, I love to compliment people. It often brightens their mood. I did a little experiment just the other day. The lady at our dry cleaner is a very stereotypical middle aged Russian woman. Large, very stern and a little intimidating. She's never been rude, but never friendly or chatty either. The last time I was in, I noticed a gorgeous bead bracelet she was wearing. I told her I thought it was beautiful. Her whole demeanor changed.She smiled, talked about the weather ("it is so hot, I feel like roast chicken in car" :lol:) and was just so friendly. It was SO worth it to step out a little and compliment her.
  22. I don't wear make up. I used to occasionally, but I've pretty much stopped. I feel and look better without it, IMO. I'm also a jeans and t-shirt gal 90% of the time. I do, however, try to keep my t-shirts up to date. My hair is crazy. I have 3 daughters. They are beautiful and don't need help to get that way. We've talked about make up and why people wear it. They all pretty much agree that they feel no need to alter their appearance. I have one that does like to wear lipstick occasionally, and that's fine. I've drummed into their heads the importance of NOT using make up to try to make a new face. It's just to enhance what you have, if you choose to go that route. Hair, I'm pretty lax about that too. My requirements are clean and groomed. My oldest has a super short pixie and likes to wear hats all the time. One of my twins likes hers long, and one is like me and can't decide what she likes. They all enjoy "playing" with hairstyles. I think my oldest just realized that she can look tired and frumpy (hats and unbrushed hair) or cute and funky (spiked out hair-do with spray)...and is choosing more often to go for cute. Clothes are a constant source of contention between my oldest and I. She dresses just like her frumpy 60 year old grandma. :lol: I'm trying to get her to realize that just wearing a shirt younger than she is, and that has a feminine cut to it works wonders. And that half the clothes she chooses to wear make her look uncared for and overweight (which she isn't) She is getting there. My twins...they have better fashion sense than I ever had and I rarely have to discuss it with them.
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