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Everything posted by MommyX8

  1. Can't wait to read posts from others. I have used at least 5 reading programs with my son and I can't get anything to stick. I was eyeing this but the cost scared me off. :001_huh:
  2. Big waste of money here, too. I find it difficult to schedule and maintain online subjects. We barely used it. It just didn't keep my daughter's interest although she liked the books.
  3. I've waited for many grade levels to come out. When I saw that they were saying October '09, I knew it wouldn't be anytime close to that. I just decided to use something else in the meantime. You should be fine with TT4 at any rate.
  4. I did. I haven't printed it out yet, but it looks pretty good. And the price was right at $4.
  5. So am I reading this correctly that you are NOT using the poetry? I have Island level. We've done Sentence Island and Grammar Island and are working through Practice Island. I sat down today and read the Poetry and the Building Language book. It is way more poetry than I want to cover. I'm just not that into it. And I can't visualize how the Building Language actually turns into concrete work. But I have enjoyed the other books.
  6. DON'T call them on a Sunday unless you want to get screamed at.
  7. I've seen Wicked 5 times (3 times from the front row.) But now that it has left Chicago, I probably won't see it again.
  8. If you tip your head upside down, and then one side down toward the floor for a few seconds and then the other, it will help the water find the exit. We use a standard Neti pot, though.
  9. My daughter nannies in Chicago and the family that she works for would be perfect candidates.
  10. Go through HSBC and save 20% on downloads.
  11. I don't think so. I started my daughter on one computer and then switched over to the living room computer. So some grades are on one computer and the rest are on the other.
  12. We just got about 20 inches of snow and our 42" snowblower did well (even on the steep part of the driveway.) Personally, I spoke to a plow guy. He charges $65 an hour and I'm thinking that is a bargain. How long could it take?
  13. You heat the milk to 180 degrees anyway, which is hot enough to kill "stuff" in the milk so that the yogurt cultures can flourish. If I have the extra raw milk, I'll use it. But since I am heating it anyway, I am fine with using pasteurized milk.
  14. I just bought the 1-3 set download last week. My boys REALLY like it. It is a LOT of pages to print from download. I had one file (Clocks) not download properly. But other than those minor glitches, it is working well here.
  15. They do accept the CAT (which you can buy from Seton in Front Royal.) You can buy the IOWA from Bob Jones, once you submit your qualifications (college degree will do it.) There is a world of difference between these two tests. Plus, you have to have active homeschool groups out there that band together and test the Stanford. My daughter's best friend lives in Fairfax and the homeschool support out there is phenomenal. Plus, some counties will test their homeschoolers for free (usually sometime in April.) Of course that may have been cut from the budget by now.
  16. Our water softener just died so now we need to replace it. I priced around at the local home improvement stores. But now I am thinking about ordering a Clack from an online vendor. Our plumber said that his prices start at $1500 and that just isn't going to happen. Anyone install one themselves? We already have the bypass so I'm thinking that it may not be so difficult. Thanks.
  17. Seton's CAT for 1st grade isn't all that meaty. Is this for your reference or do you have to turn in your scores?
  18. My 4th grader took a look and totally dismissed it as a K thing, so judging by her assessment, I'm pretty sure that even one level up would be below her level.
  19. I just looked at Level 1 this morning and the kids on the video looked young, maybe K. Way too easy for a 2nd grader, IMO.
  20. My husband is on the road for two weeks each month and he brings all those little bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, and soaps home. My teens take some. Most go to the Rescue Mission. He usually travels in Asia so he brings home some really neat little products.
  21. I get calls/texts from my college daughter several times a week. I hear from all of my kids who have cell phones, A LOT. And I don't know how they do it but if one calls me, another one will usually call me during that call. Gotta love the family plan with unlimited texting.
  22. Well, the cast iron ones are non-stick and NOT teflon. They heat more evenly. They are made in France, not China. And I'm pretty sure that the carry a lifetime warranty although I've never tested that theory. I use my frypan more than anything. They aren't really for boiling water, though. So not good for a pasta pot. You only use up to medium heat on the stovetop and I've had no problem with my ceramic cooktop. I found a really nice, new set on Ebay for less than $200. That covered my smaller saucepans and small Dutch ovens. I added a couple of larger pieces for ovenware and a couple of large frypans (for biscuits, frying, you name it.)
  23. Have you had your child go to Challenge CC for a day? That will give you a lot of insight. Plus, it is very expensive and you don't want to spend all that money on something that your child won't like. I went into it with the preconceived notion that since this is classical education that there were going to be some pretty sharp students in the group. We didn't come away with that feeling so I am thinking that the group is only as good as the students in the class. If they don't want to be there or participate, then the whole group suffers. I am doing Foundations at home. I don't agree with putting a 4 year old in classes. Plus, I would have 4 in Foundations and if I have half the class, I might as well do it at home and save a lot of money. We have other co-op classes anyway so fellowship and socialization is not what I want to pay the big bucks for.
  24. I own Island level for my 4th grader but I am actually reading through it with my 8th grade boy. I thought that he was weaker than he actually is (gained that insight through the one-on-one with MCT.) I plan to just progress through the levels. There are bound to be holes (especially in poetry.)
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