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Everything posted by MommyX8

  1. I need some fresh eyes to evaluate this for me. Choice 1: Premium $2400 year First $1500 paid All preventative paid at 100% (no deductible) Next $1500 we pay Then we are on 80/20 up to an additional $5000 out of pocket Prescription coverage ($10-$200 depending on tier and cost) Choice 2: HSA Premium $1440 year All preventative paid at 100% (no deductible) $4500 deductible including full priced prescriptions 100% paid after that I think that Choice 1 would be our best choice but I hate having to guess (without going over) how much expenses for the year will be. Choice 2 kills us on prescription charges. My daughter and I each have a prescription that costs over $1500 for the year. Those same prescriptions would only cost $200 with Choice 1. Plus we had some ER visits this year. Only 3 out of 5 are in right now and they cost over $3000. The positive about Choice 2 is that my unused savings will roll over from year to year. So I am basically weighing the worth of insurance covering either 80% or 100%. Please help!
  2. I am working through LTR with my 7 and 5 year old boys. We do 5 lessons per day (as on my last visit they said it was a 6 to 8 week course.) At this pace, we do one book every two days. But I know that I can't match the LA with the LTR at this pace. Anyone just use LA as a stand alone for 1st grade?
  3. I have one that I bought almost two years ago (double-sided.) It is still going strong. My kids play with it often. It isn't anything that I would want to try to sew. Lots of velcro tabs, windows. I don't even like folding the thing no less sewing one.
  4. I heard on the radio that she disappeared on her MILE LONG walk home from school. Hello?? She is 7 years old. I think that not one person on this board would just let our 7 year old walk a mile anywhere.
  5. My college student went to the ER last Thursday for flu. She improved greatly with the Tamiflu and then went back downhill when it was finished. She was back at the ER yesterday with severe dizziness (could barely walk) and they said it was a secondary infection so they are treating that. My other daughter who tested positive on the same day thought that she had a sinus infection starting when she finished the Tamiflu as well. She worked through it with the Neti pot and she feels like she got rid of it.
  6. My daughter had red eyes around 5 days in. I figured that it was just because she had worn her contacts in so many days. I read that incubation is 2 to 7 days. She tested positive last Thursday. Nobody else got big sick. Just a little quick fever here or there. A few coughs here or there. My teenage son is knocked out exhausted (what else is new.) So I am thinking that we are just working on our immunity and winning, for now.
  7. My college daughter got it last week. We found out how sick she was when we called to tell her not to come home because her younger sister tested positive for flu. Her fiance brought her to the school clinic and they gave her hand sanitizer and 3 cough drops. Her fiance then brought her to the ER where they gave her Tamiflu and Zofran (for nausea.) She felt much better on the Tamiflu but this is still lingering a week later. So do be careful with school clinics.
  8. My daughter started a cough with mucus. She was also very tired. The next day she felt worse and then her temperature went to 104 degrees. She tested positive the next day and started on Tamiflu. She felt much better by the third dose. Now she just feels like she has a bad cold. The other seven of us that live in the house with her did not get sick. Low grade temp here and there. A cough or stuffy nose. Nothing to signify that anyone else would even remotely test positive. Same story with my college daughter. She got sick and her fiance did not. I don't know how on one hand you can catch this by walking by someone who is sick yet when you actually live with someone who has it, nothing. :confused:
  9. Personally, I'd pull them both since your 3rd grader is already struggling. Set your own pace at home since you won't be tied to a school system's timing and schedules. :)
  10. I read through CDC stuff yesterday and I noticed that they said that most of the H1N1 cases won't even need the anti-viral. IMO, that is a total different song than they are singing then when they are telling people to get vaccinated.
  11. My daughter came home in tears after the test. She had scored 98% in her sophomore year. They had no clock so she missed three questions. The vocabulary was unknown to her. But then her temp went up to 104 degrees and she tested positive for influenza. :(
  12. I have the 2 TMs for sale. You can buy the workbooks with the readers. We never used the cards and games. Too many pieces to keep up with.
  13. I bought it for 3 kids. My son get very frustrated with the repetition of the instructor. Good thing he isn't in a classroom. I think that he might scream. That being said, my purpose was to occupy one while I worked with the other. It does that. It isn't all games. It includes lessons, activities, games and quizzes. I'm not interested in printing off activities and working through them. That is what I have curriculum for. I did a rough count and I think that there were 28 games for K although some were duplicates of games but at a higher level. But 3rd grade only had 12 games total with most things being lessons and quizzes. I think that my daughter is going to get terribly bored with this. It was better than any of the other "game" activities for the computer that I have come across. And for $7 a month for 3 kids, it was acceptable in price.
  14. I bought 4 books from Amazon. My son read them once. That was it. Now they sit.
  15. This year I have a K boy and a 2nd grade boy (among others.) I need to work one on one with them but not together. I was thinking that it would be best if I could find a computer activity for one while I work with the other. I already have Headsprout so that works for reading but I need something for math. They are both doing CLE math. I have the Singapore Math games but I thought they might be a little off of what they are doing. I also have QMM but that just won't hold attention for the time that I need. Any suggestions? It doesn't have to be free. It just has to be fun and educational.
  16. I think that there is a TESOL certification course that you can take post BA. My daughter graduates next December with a TESOL/Linguistics degree. She LOVES it!! Her goal is to go abroad (probably Asia) and teach.
  17. She will email you back with her response. The short answer is yes but she can't afford to do it while people buy used and not directly from her. I'm not a big fan of curriculum companies that tell me to destroy something that I am not using.
  18. Can somebody forward me the email? I never got one. I emailed them but I've heard nothing.
  19. Maybe pick up the last half of 300 as a confidence booster.
  20. We went to a production of that in April. It was racy as the actors are given free reign of costumes and adding in lines. We went with our homeschool group but most all of the other groups were middle-schoolers. Some of our girls turned their heads or hid their eyes. But the public school groups got ALL of the innuendo and they were much younger than our group. There was one dad who had brought his 2 younger daughters and I felt bad for him. He looked really uncomfortable and they didn't look like they had a clue.
  21. Did it change from the old version? I have one of those that I was going to list for sale.
  22. I never got a refund. When did Discovery Streaming end?
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