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Everything posted by MommyX8

  1. I buy the IG and whatever books I cannot find elsewhere (specifically, Amazon.) Then I go through and put the books in order of when I need them. Most books are on the 4 for 3 special so I try to group according to price and when needed. So each paycheck I order 4 books. They usually cost around $18-20. I don't feel it that way. And I get new books. We have Prime so I have them within two days, too.
  2. We use Calms Forte. There is a Rescue Remedy for sleep as well.
  3. We are crashing and burning on PZ. I never used it with a 3rd grader before and now I know why. :001_huh: I need a workbook style program that will have her doing a page or set of exercises every day. Thanks.
  4. A different CD box. My 4yob did that. He found one and put it in a box that most looked liked the picture. A 2 year old might just stick it between boxes or in any box.
  5. I have a Stokke Tripp Trapp with the baby rail. There is a white piece that surrounds the strap on the top of the seat, and it sticks out about from underneath. The tongue of the baby rail snaps into there. I do think that I remember reading that the rails didn't fit with the Kinderzeat, which was the precursor to the Tripp Trapp.
  6. I think that it is the probiotics in the raw milk (that are usually killed in pasteurized milk) so your body is adapting and cleansing. We started drinking raw milk last March. We've been very healthy as well. Even my 22yod noticed that we have no colds, stomach flu, nothing. She thinks that it is the milk as well.
  7. I used Phonics Museum to teach a son how to read. We enjoyed it. Then we used First Favorites. I am selling my Phonics Museum if you are interested.
  8. I am just finishing up Short A with my 7yob and I rather liked having the teacher manual. I don't like making up stuff on the fly. And we didn't write in the book, so I can resell the whole set when we are finished next week. I am ordering next week as well. I just can't decide if I want to get A1 and B1 or just go ahead and buy all 4 books right now.
  9. Sorry to hijack, but does anyone know if plain yogurt that had been frozen can still be used as a starter, or does it kill everything?
  10. I just bought a new retainer for my 22 year old. Our orthodontist said that he wears his own retainer every third night (he is around 40). My daughter requested one as she felt that her teeth were shifting over time.
  11. And if you are close enough, you can walk the tests in to be scored on the spot.
  12. They have some at Costco. We have one that was about $500. It works well except now the paper tray doesn't work. We have to manually feed it and as soon as I run out of the few toners that I have, I will replace it. The new ones are around $80-$150. I haven't priced out toner, though. Just don't get one that has a tray that moves back and forth.
  13. Amazon Prime is awesome! One time I ordered a case of Newman's Organic "Oreos" since I had no idea what could possibly be in a regular one. The case came and they left it at the bottom of my driveway in the freezing rain. It was wrapped in plastic, but out in the weather for a couple of days. I called them and the told me to keep those and they would replace the shipment. The next day the replacement arrived. So, two months later my subscription comes up again. We are still swimming in cookies so I put it off another 2 months. Then on that next shipment, the box comes in destroyed. It was even missing a package and UPS maintained that they had no idea how that happened. Anyway, I called Amazon and again, they sent me out a replacement case of cookies. :001_smile:
  14. I had someone write a check and the number section had the change amount in it, but the written part did not. They told me that they have to go by what amount is written as numbers are too easy to alter.
  15. I think that up to 4 people can use the account. I've shipped books to 3 different college students, gifts to inlaws and family and I've even shipped books to myself when we were away from home and wanted a book. So I don't think that it is 4 addresses as I definitely exceeded that. My oldest daughter uses my Prime account and she has here own credit card information in the system. It does ask for new payment information for each address you ship to.
  16. I imagine that it was to verify the card as it is automatic renewal. We LOVE Prime here. We just renewed our yearly contract this week. We've probably received over 100 packages from Amazon in the past year. I want a book, in the cart it goes, check out, and done. I send gifts. Buy books for college students. Homeschool books. Organic cookies. All 2 day, some they even come next day. And no tax.
  17. Sounds fine to me. I just bought a 2007 1st IG on eBay for $7, so there are deals out there.
  18. There is a passport card available for non-air travel to/from Canada, Mexico, Caribbean and Bermuda. It is a bit cheaper but still pricey, IMO. We were at the Passport office for 4.5 hours today so that my dh could renew his passport. And this place was packed. I'm too cheap to get a passport. Maybe this summer. :glare:
  19. I want the ease of SOTW and the wonderful reading from SL, too. So, my plan is to do SOTW 1-4 with my little ones. They want to do it every day anyway. So, we will listen to the CDs, do the comprehension, map and coloring work. Then after that, my plan is to go to SL 3 at grade 5 and do the fun American history and go on through at least SL7. Then we have high school work, co-op classes, and Associate's degrees to keep us busy. For 3rd grade, my daughter is reading all readers up through 3rd grade. For 4th grade, I'll assign the fun read-alouds from K-2. I always get hung up on history. I just want my children reading. And I don't have time to do tons of read-alouds. IMO, history is not the biggest part of homeschooling. I don't know why it makes or breaks so much. I should be more hung up on math and english. :001_smile:
  20. We only drink raw milk and my kids do not like the taste after it has been frozen. I couldn't even use it in yogurt. :glare:
  21. I totally disagree. It is all in the stewardship. Christians haven't been doing their jobs of stewardship of God's Creation so others have picked up the cause and elevated it to worship. It is a bit much to mark passages in green, though. Stewardship of God's Creation isn't really a consideration for most churches. At the church that we attend, they offer coffee in styrofoam cups. I suggested that we encourage members to bring their travel mugs. Everybody has them. Less money spent on supplies and less trash. We recently redesigned our bulletin so that parts of them can be recycled into new bulletins. Why print the same thing week after week, just to throw it out? It is just a shift in thinking.
  22. We went to Waikiki. It was interesting and certainly for tourists. We went to a luau. We shopped in the International Market. One day we rented a car and went to the north side of the island. We had lunch on the beach in the sand. We saw the turtles and sting rays. The beach we went to only had about 10 people on it. We met a man who had lived on the island for 38 years. He said that he remembered wearing a long-sleeved shirt once. Once. :001_smile: When we go back, we will go to a different island. There is an island that is zoned so that no building can be higher than a palm tree. That is where will will go next time. I sat in coach on the long leg home from Hawaii and the lady that I sat next to said that she paid about $575 each for their tickets to Hawaii. Not bad if you buy in advance. We were there in September, which is a low time for travel, hence better deals. I don't have a passport, so our scope was limited. I think that I will fix that this year, though. If I had my way and could afford it, I'd move to Hawaii.
  23. We went to Hawaii in September for our anniversary. We had a hotel on the beach and it was like $250 for 4 nights. Yes, it is a long flight. And the time difference was difficult to get use to. But, it is a whole different US over there. When we left, there was a big hurricane in the South and the stock market was tanking. We had to go online to find out how things were back on the mainland as they didn't even mention them on the news. So it was actually refreshing to get away from all that.
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