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Everything posted by MommyX8

  1. I wish that I lived near you. I LOVE to make concord grape jelly. We moved and didn't get our grapes going yet. So I have to buy them. I think that it cost me around $30 last year. I would list some on Craigslist or get them to a farmer's market. Everyone is more CSA friendly and health conscious now. And since jelly is a huge high fructose corn syrup item, it only makes sense to make your own. I have to search high and low for someplace to buy them.
  2. I have Prime and it shows my shipping date as September 4, which is a Thursday. Worse case, it should be on Monday, the 8th. I'm not holding my breath, though.
  3. So what is needed? The guide and the hideaway books?
  4. I made up my timeline in Excel. Then I print it up and use white labels to make it accordian-style.
  5. I do this all the time, for my college students. Now I have Prime and they still have no problem.
  6. We waited over a month for a test to be graded. And then we got a slip of paper stating that more students than normal are taking this course, hence the delay. We always make copies of the tests to go in. In fact, a few months ago we actually received another student's uncorrected test. We sent it back in our next mailing. They can be annoying, though, can't they? We used to be able to test out of 8 subjects. Now they say that while you can test out of 8 subjects, you can only take 1 test in math. So, dd took the Algebra test and we sent in the silly little tests for Essential Math 1, 2, and Pre-Algebra. We do the general route as my children get their Associate's Degree during their Junior/Senior years of high school. Besides, correspondence foreign language just doesn't work.
  7. I have this in my right foot. I stretch it often. I found that it hurts when I put my foot up. Go figure. No relaxing for me. But, when we were away, it didn't hurt at all. I had suspected my computer chair was part of my problem. I dumped the chair for a different one and now it is much better.
  8. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/32973400/
  9. There is one on sale at Staples this week, from HP. There is a $100 instant rebate and a $20 mail in rebate, so the total for the LaserJet and a cartridge is $122. Plus, they have a 12% customer appreciation coupon that you can find online. It prints 17ppm.
  10. I only use Hanna Andersson and I usually size up. The only problem sometimes are the pants are too long. I have my soon to be 5yob in 120, while his soon to be 7 year old brother just started wearing 130s. And their sister who is 2 years old than that, just started wearing 140s. They do slow down when they get older.
  11. Digging this post out--- I started thinking about the census and we received no letters and no visits. I live in VA. I am beginning to worry that my school district just took the information off our religious exemption. If that is the case, I am a bit miffed about it. My kids cannot participate in anything in our county. I even have a child who needs speech therapy and they refuse to help her.
  12. I tried it with raw milk and my kids won't touch it when it is defrosted. They can even tell when I use that milk for yogurt.
  13. See if your hotel runs a shuttle from the airport. We flew into ORD a couple of months ago and it took us about an hour and a half to get to our hotel on LaSalle. My MIL arrived the next day, and she made it in less than half the time as she took the shuttle. And try to win Wicked, front row seats for $25 each. You do need a photo ID for those entering, though. And children under 5 cannot attend. And I think that they might do fireworks at the Navy Pier on Wednesday nights. At least they did a couple of years ago.
  14. We NEVER use paper plates or cups at home. I'm trying to teach my children to be good stewards of God's Creation. Paper plates and paper cups just don't play into the equation, IMO. We don't use paper napkins, paper towels, etc, either. Actually, I think that fast food packaging (wrappers, cups, etc) is number 2 on the list of what is in a landfill. Newspapers are number 1 and disposable diapers are number 3. We all have Sigg bottles for water, and Foogo straw bottles for raw milk. These stay on the door of the fridge when not in use.
  15. Another vote for Alton Brown's Chewy recipe. It is the only one I use.
  16. You have lots of blue in your siggie. If I had a siggie, I would have lots of pink. Pink uses way more TP than blue. :lol:
  17. I'm thinking all my non-disposable items. I don't buy TP, paper towels, tissues, napkins,sposies, feminine products. I'm not including that I don't buy paper plates, paper cups, water bottles and other convenience sort of disposable. Back when I stopped buying TP and paper towels, we were going through 2 Costco packs of TP and at least 2 rolls of paper towels per day. That was when we were a family of 8, not 10. And I actually have a different print of wipes for tissues. One time use and in the wash bin they go. My electric bill for my family of 10 is $175, so how much could the extra loads really be?
  18. The manufacturing process for disposable stuff is huge. The bleach, electricity, trees, etc. Not to mention the trash issues and groundwater issues we have from pollution now. I've been using some of these wipes for over 4 years. I have a frontloader so I can't tell a difference, even washing 3 times a week, times 3 different loads. We have a well, too. Also, we have a septic tank. We just had it pumped this year for the first time in 3 years. We are a family of 10. The guy takes the cover off the tank and says that it is the cleanest system that he has ever seen in all his 18 years of business. The bacteria level was perfect and whatever I was doing, keep doing it. So technically, I can't tell a difference in my electric bill as I already do 125 loads of laundry and 75 dishwasher loads per month. But, my savings in tp and paper towels is more per month than my entire electric bill.
  19. My 19yodd skinned her knew while rollerblading one day. They went swimming in a lake the next day. She came home that night and could barely walk. She went to the doctor the next morning and the infection was so bad that she had to get an antibiotic shot, and then take 2 different antibiotics. She picked up SOMETHING at the lake and it moved FAST!!!
  20. We've been using family cloth for over 4 years now. Everybody, including dh uses it. After you use it for awhile, you actually hate to use the paper stuff. I serge two pieces of cute flannel together. Everyone has their own prints. I wash 2 or 3 times a week. It is life, now. And it is actually cleaner than tp. It doesn't shred and you aren't continually using something that has been bleached (think DIOXIN here) on sensitive areas. We don't use paper towels, either. I have flour sacks and serged kitchen cloths. I calculate that we save over $2000 a year, just not using these two paper products alone. We've made lots of changes as to not trash God's Creation.
  21. I've ordered from them MANY times and always had super fast shipping.
  22. My oldest and youngest are 20 1/2 years apart to the day. So, when my little one was born, I had a 20 year old and an almost 18 year old, just to name a couple. It was pretty much like any other time. Although, it is really neat to see how they interact with babies when they are a bit older.
  23. Pretty common to hit birds, actually. And I once met somebody whose job was to pick up the dead birds at an airport. It was on the coast and seagulls commonly got in the way.
  24. My husband thinks maybe a goose or something like that. But the picture isn't close enough to see if there are any remains anywhere.
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