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Everything posted by MommyX8

  1. I think that the bigger problem will be how to keep little fingers off the lead-tainted Christmas lights. I know that is my problem this year. Ornaments on the floor I can handle.
  2. I need to keep them occupied (and quiet) at Grandma's house. I need some ideas. We have one Waldo book, so I will pick up another one of those. But I'd like to find some fun books for my 7yo and 5yo boys. Amazon books are a plus as I have Prime. Thanks.
  3. Overwhelmed in decisions here. I have MFW Ex-1850, and SOTW 3 and most of the books for SL 3, which are awesome books that I want my kids to read. I thought that I'd use my upgrade and get the new IG. I really like SOTW but I'd like to get the SL 3 books in there and use the SL guide for comprehension questions. (They are in the guide, right?) I don't want hands-on activities. It hangs me up and history doesn't get done. So that is why I am veering back to Sonlight to get my children reading more. Has anyone combined SOTW 3 with SL 3? I know that it combines in the later grades, but I want to classic historical fiction books.
  4. I voted 2000 because I know that I was on the pre-order for SOTW 1. But, I do remember all the Y2K stuff, so maybe it was 1999.
  5. The basic Wii is $250. Then some stores have bundles with games/controllers added in. I think about the best bundle to get is one from Costco, if you are a member. As for games, my 5,7,8,13 year olds love the Lego games. They have Indiana Jones and Batman. The younger ones enjoy Cars and Cookin' Mama. The older ones like Wii Fit and the little ones are not allowed on that one. I usually read reviews before I buy a game. I am cautious about character dress and behavior. Those aren't role models that I want for my children. Also, we have stayed away from Guitar Hero, Rock Band sort of stuff as again, I do not want my children learning those lyrics.
  6. I use Chico bags. They are about the same size as the plastic grocery bags, but they will hold 20 pounds. I buy them from coops for usually $2.50 per bag. And I only use cloth bags for my larger than average size family. If I go into a store and don't bring my bags, I only buy as much as I can carry out without a bag.
  7. We are bad about taking pictures when we should. Dh and I went to Hawaii in September. We took five pictures. That's it. Five.
  8. We pay about $225 a month as our portion of dh's BCBS company plan. We will be changing in 2010 and it will go to about $500 per month. We also put just over $6500 into our flexible spending account this year, for deductibles/copays/out of pocket charges.
  9. We use the Desmopressin but in the nasal spray. It works like a charm. The pills do not work for us at all. I have my 8yog and 6yob on it. We periodically wean off and my 8yog just cannot stay dry yet without it. We did do the ultrasound and labwork and came up clean. So it is just the hormone issue, which this takes care of. My 5yob is too young for Desmo, so I use Hyland's Bedwetting tablets and he has had maybe one accident in the past 6 weeks.
  10. I just received it yesterday (a kickin' deal from CBD.) I had really wanted TT4 but I'm not waiting around until March (best case scenario) for it. My daughter is only in 3rd grade so it is definitely a stretch for her. Plus, I think that there is a learning curve for younger children (at least for her) to transition from the workbook to the computer. I let her do the lesson and then on the spot, we go over the errors. My plan is to move as quickly as possible through Horizon 3 and then go on to the TT5.
  11. We use the Hyland's now. It is working quite well. I never really looked at the homeopathic stuff until the HFCS started creeping in. Now we use that more than anything else. And it is a bonus that flexible spending accounts now consider most homeopathics as an OTC. :)
  12. My inlaws looked into this. I think it was around 5-5.5K to join. So I guess it depends on how much you expect to buy as to whether it is worth it.
  13. Teflon can be added to that list. That is a baddie. I don't buy high fructose corn syrup unless I have NO substitute and it is way down on the ingredient list. Typically I just don't buy it, though. But when you need cough syrup, you are stuck. We drink raw milk so now I am beginning to read up on the evils of pasteurization and homogenization. I also don't feed my family sucralose, Nutrasweet, Sweet n Low, either.
  14. Me, too. I did order Horizon 2B and 3A, figuring that they were a bit ahead. So we will crank through those and slowly go through TT5 until we hit the new material. Hopefully, we can cover the gaps with Horizons before TT5 hits her over the head with it.
  15. I would if the book was in like new condition OR if the book was OOP and difficult to find.
  16. I called last week and they told me it was pushed back from December to January. Well, I decided that I couldn't wait, so I bought TT5. I just activated it and the rep asked if I saw that TT4 was pushed back to March now. Does anyone else feel that they are always on the waiting end of a curriculum release?
  17. We used to have a forfeiture date of 12/31, but now the company has an agreement that expenditures through 3/15 of the next year are also included. So, it all depends on the contract with your employer. I have $2000 in my FSA still. Even though they "tell" me that I have until March, I still plan to buy lots of contacts, glasses, and OTC stuff.
  18. I use my Caller ID and my answering machine. If I want to pick it up, I will. If it comes through as unknown, or an 800 number, I'll let it go to machine. Typically I don't get any messages when that happens, so it wasn't worth my answering the phone to begin with.
  19. My oldest got my 5 and 7 year old hooked on Man vs Wild. Dh always watches it, but it is on after they go to bed. They just love it when he eats a sheep's heart. :glare:
  20. The price of maple syrup is just terrible now. But as all imitation pancake syrups are made from high fructose corn syrup, I'll find the money to buy it.
  21. We have all the Little House DVDs and my kids LOVE to watch those.
  22. I avoid MIC unless it is from a "reputable" US company, who oversees their plants. I think that the problem is with no-name, fly-by-night companies, who upstart just to make a buck, then get out.
  23. First Molly went to the doll hospital for a broken leg. Next Samantha went with a severed head (poor dear!). And right now, I have a leg in my closet and no Josephina. :001_huh: Siblings can't keep their hands off these dolls. Our Bitty baby and twins have been fine, though.
  24. I originally bought the 5000 and returned it in my 30 day trial period. It didn't have the new container that did not contain BPA. And since BPA leaches through heat and things get heated up in the Vitamix, I opted for the safer albeit more expensive model. Refurbs are on the Vitamix store site. Vitamix also has roadshows that goes to Costco. Those are a pretty good price, too.
  25. I have a 5200 that I bought as a refurb from Vitamix. It holds the same warranty as new ones and everything except the motor base is brand new. The motor base was used in demos, so basically a non-issue for me that it was used. It is $379 and you can usually find a coupon for free shipping. You can buy a 4500 for $319 from a co-op, plus actual shipping to you. The difference between the models is that the 4500 has on/off, low/high. The 5200 has a dial for speeds in between low and high. I make my own butter and I need the variable speed dial.
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