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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I really don't say things here that I wouldn't say IRL. But I am kind of opinionated and out-spoken that way. :D I do know what you mean, though. My dh calls them "internet muscles"... :tongue_smilie:
  2. We have an enormous bed so dd and younger ds are usually in there with us and we all sleep just fine. It is very common in this country for everyone to sleep in the same room. We have thought about putting two big mattresses on the floor and all sleeping in one room to save on A/C bills!!!
  3. It is not only VERY traditional with my family in the south, it is ONLY the family who buries the body. In fact, it is the family that "dresses" the body before the funeral. When my grandmother died her daughters dressed her, did her hair and makeup and all of her sons and grandsons buried the casket in their shirts and ties while the entire crowd watched and sang hymns. It was very meaningful. I can't imagine walking away from the casket as it still sat there out in the open... We bury our own.
  4. That's what I am afraid of. My dd got it first and seems to be nearing the end. Now my youngest ds has it and I am afraid they will keep swapping it back and forth. .
  5. My two youngest have that hand/foot/mouth virus. :glare: Super high fevers, the spots, the sore throats... It has been spreading through our school like wildfire. Tell me this will be over within a week?????
  6. This link sums up my thoughts on the issue: http://www.gotquestions.org/cessationism.html
  7. I believe that the male should pay for the date and my ds will not date until he is old enough to pay for the dates.
  8. Oh my word. :svengo: We were just excited to have 4 walls and a roof and you show me THIS??? If that is the look you are going for then we better buy new clothes so we can be classy enough!!! :tongue_smilie: You have quite an eye for decor. We are SO EXCITED to meet you and your family. I got all of you some fun things from Malaysia and we can't wait to see you all! We are going to have FUN... but I promise we will be super careful with your gorgeous guest house.
  9. I tried to make Mexican Fried Ice Cream and almost set my house on fire. Thank goodness we had a fire extinguisher nearby!!!
  10. This week... Started Reading: Desiring God by John Piper Still reading: A Good American Completed: 23. They Say/I Say:The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing 22. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking 21. Insurgent 20. Stand: A Call for the Endurance of the Saints 19. The Strength of His Hands 18. The Meaning of Marriage 17. Funny in Farsi 16. The Constantine Codex 15. What the Dog Saw 14. What is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission 13. Gods and Kings 12. A Skeleton in God's Closet 11. My Hands Came Away Red 10. The Omnivore's Dilemma 9. Dead Heat 8. Redeeming Love 7. Family Driven Faith: What it Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God 6. Organized Simplicity 5. Year of Wonders 4. The Holiness of God 3. The Paris Wife 2. The Peach Keeper 1. Relic
  11. There are many different ones to try. We had the best luck with Strattera. Loss of appetite and "crashing" in the evening complete with mood swings and irritability are common side effects of any ADHD meds. We had to force our ds to eat when he was on meds.
  12. I never leave the house without at least a bit of makeup on. I don't have to have my hair done. A ponytail will suffice.
  13. Me too but I live in the tropics so I wear skirts and shorts almost every day.
  14. If you pick a boy- Romeo and girl, of course, Juliet. :D Now I have ANOTHER reason to be excited about meeting you. I LOVE (other people's) puppies!!! :tongue_smilie:
  15. 1. My ds turns 14 this week. He has never spoken like that. He has never even cussed around me much less at me. If he did, and my dh was not there to handle it, I would simply smile and go about my business because when my dh got home, whether it was that day or a week later, he would take my ds to the woodshed and take care of business. And my dh is a big man. He will not let ANYONE disrespect his wife including his own son. While my ds has never cussed at me, he HAS spoken quite disrespectfully to me and I DID slap his face just like I said I would and I don't care what anyone thinks of me for it. My son's reaction? He apologized for the way he spoke. 2. While it (the cussing) has not happened TO me...I WAS the rebellious teen and I DID say that same phrase to my mother at that same age and my father was not at home. What did she do? She slapped me across the face, hard. Then she made me wait a YEAR longer to get my driver's license (It happened right before I was supposed to start driver's ed. She refused to pay for the classes and made me wait until the following summer). I can tell you that I NEVER spoke like that to her again. .
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