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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. :lol::lol::lol: It felt a little weird to be standing in Target yesterday debating with my ds over which ones were better. They are still a big deal in Asia (so far) but they are pricey. I can't believe how cheap they are here! So question: which stadium should I buy him? I need something a little more durable than that thin plastic one he got originally. .
  2. I love FB. I block people who annoy me and then enjoy the rest of it. Easy peasy. :D
  3. My BFF had it done and it changed her life for the better in so many ways. She is so glad she had it done and that was years ago. I bet they are even better at it now (less scarring).
  4. We saw it and thought it was OK, not great but not awful.
  5. A lot of cities nearby have canceled because of money issues. We are going to see them in DC this year!
  6. No cotton-pickin' way would I get 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed without IV sedation. Even with IV sedation it was awful.
  7. I was at home and didn't even realize anything had happened. Dh was at work, in the employee bathroom, on the toilet when the lights went out. :lol::lol::lol:
  8. Love love love my iPad. In fact we love it so much we have 4 of them. :D
  9. Well, considering I have one Caucasian child, one Korean child,and one Indian child... Yeah, we get ALL kinds of comments. :tongue_smilie: Where did you get them? Are they all yours? Do you have any REAL children? Are you going to tell them they are adopted? And I once had a worker at Chuck E Cheese accuse me of trying to kidnap my ds because he doesn't look like me. Thick skin and a good sense of humor gets me through it. :glare:
  10. Let me know when it is six DAYS until Christmas. Then I will go get some presents. :tongue_smilie:
  11. Nope. In fact, we scoop in the kitchen then take the plate to the dining room table to eat. Hey! Maybe that is plating! :lol:
  12. I feel your pain. We are exactly the same. Now add in a live-in maid/cook and there is nothing to clean either. My 14yo ds takes out the garbage, and helps carry in groceries once a week but other than that I can NOT figure out chores for him to do. There is literally NOTHING left. I guess that is city living for you. Last year we started making him do volunteer work (that sounds funny!). He volunteers by reading to kids at a local orphanage on Monday nights and he is a group leader for little kids at AWANA on Saturday mornings and those activities are helping to build a sense of responsibility in him. But they are not traditional "manly" activities. My dh can do all that manly stuff and he would love to teach our ds but there is no place to work on a car or work on wood or have a garden or any of that stuff. And this isn't me whining about it, it is me a little frustrated about it. .
  13. 1. Celebrating my brother's birthday 2. It is cold here to me... Like 80 degrees. :tongue_smilie: 3. I would want to fly!!
  14. I love Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, WB Yeats, Robert Frost... The list goes on and on... :D
  15. I am Heather but no longer in NC. :D. I live in Malaysia and have for the last 3 years. I am a principal at an International School. I have been married for 15 years. I have 3 children two of which are adopted. My oldest ds is 14. My middle child is 8yo ds adopted from Korea and I have a 2yo daughter adopted from Malaysia. I have been on the boards for about 9 years.
  16. I know exactly what it is like to be waiting and waiting... :grouphug:
  17. I bought squares of cork board, cut them into strips, attached them to the wall with those mounting squares in rows, and used push pins to hold their work. Cheap, fast, and cute.
  18. Is there anything you can NOT do? :D If you run across any before we get there I will happily pay you for them. She is about 21lbs and is between a size 18 months and a 2T. .
  19. Thank you for these awesome suggestions. I am off to check these out online...
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