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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. http://www.gotquestions.org/double-predestination.html This gives a pretty good explanation.
  2. :iagree: My mother has been very unsupportive of us living here. She has made me feel guilty for three years and never misses an opportunity to remind me of what an awful, selfish daughter I am for moving so far away. :glare: I will NEVER do that to my children. .
  3. I watched the same movie as a kid at church! I was traumatized. That is the kind of church I grew up in. No makeup, no jewelry, no shorts or pants for females, no "mixed swimming", no movie theaters, no dancing, no bowling... The list goes on and on. I clearly remember there being a pamphlet given to members called "The 29 Prominent Teachings" which has all these things listed and was essentially 29 ways in which to send yourself straight to hell. They also believed you were not truly saved unless you spoke in tongues and that our denomination were the only TRUE Christians. I remember them saying things like our denomination would be sitting at the table of the "wedding dinner" with Christ and all other Christians would just be guests. Except for Catholics, of course. We weren't allowed to consort with them. :glare: It is a miracle I am still a Christian today after being raised in that whack job church. .
  4. I have a few obnoxious relatives that bugged us a lot about homeschooling when we first started. The response that finally shut them up? "Let's play a game called Mind Your Own Business. You can go first!"
  5. Exactly. I tell all my elementary students that they do not have to be best friends with everyone but they DO have to treat everyone (including people they don't like) with respect.
  6. I'm in as long as it is some place warm and we each have our own separate abode (sorry, I can't do communal housing). But i would totally do communal meals!
  7. I know what you mean. Sometimes I think it is pointless to even discuss controversial topics because very rarely does anyone ever change their opinion on something. I read a blog post about this that I find interesting: http://youarenotsosmart.com/2011/06/10/the-backfire-effect/ Heather (who has opinions on things but doesn't hate anyone)
  8. My ds had it done and it didn't work. Then he had his adenoids and tonsils out. Still didn't work. The only thing that has worked is moving to a VERY humid country. :D He has not had a nosebleed since we moved there 3 years ago. We have been back in Michigan for 6 weeks and he has had 3 nosebleeds already! :glare:
  9. I just got back from DC and it was awesome (although much of that has to do with my hostess!!!). Definitely got to DC. Grandfather mountain was boring.
  10. Well, my mom was called by her middle name her entire childhood and a good part of her adulthood. Somewhere around age 35 she decided she wanted to be called by her first name instead. She is now 62 and the only ones who still call her by her middle name are her siblings.
  11. Wow! This thread is a blast from the past! It was really nice to read through it again. Your answer is fascinating. I worked in a heavily Jewish area many years ago and most of them followed the same sabbath rules except I have never heard of the tying knots one. Can you give the reason behind it? Oh, and the watering flowers one. thanks! .
  12. Wow, I just woke up and there are all of these great ideas!! It gives me hope that we can find a great place when we leave here. We need to plan in advance which is why we are asking now. That way we can possibly visit some of these places on our summer trips to the U.S. and scope out the job scene. Part of me really wants to stay abroad and maybe try a new country but it is hard to imagine sending our ds to college on the other side of the world. Different state? Sure. Different hemisphere? That's a little more dicey. But that is a different thread... Thanks ladies!
  13. I guess I should have put socially/politically conservative to be specific. Sorry about that!
  14. I realize you said more than that but that is the only part I felt I needed to clarify. I have nothing against liberals; I would just like to have like-minded people in my neighborhood. I am sure someone who is socially quite liberal would not choose to live in a very conservative area if they could avoid it. It is hard enough being a "different" kind of family as it is. Having others that believe the way we do in our town would be a nice perk. .
  15. Of course they are nice. We just don't share the same values. I would prefer to live and raise my children in an area that is more conservative than not. Of course, I am spoiled because I have all 4 items now but we can't stay in Penang forever.
  16. I actually love Asheville, NC, but it is also missing the conservative part. I think that one is going to rule out a lot of places. :tongue_smilie:
  17. Really? I have never heard of SF being described as socially conservative. Interesting. I have never been there but I have heard it is beautiful.
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