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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Ok, now that I have read through the responses I noticed: -many of the posters who think pulling a child for a vacation is ok also either had bad experiences with PS or are still having bad experiences with PS. This colors their opinion on the matter. -those who homeschool often have a "maverick" mindset and want to march to the beat of their own drum rather than join in with the band. There is nothing wrong with that. It just doesn't mix well when one who thinks the rules are stupid and either don't or shouldn't apply to them also have their children in a group education setting where group rules are the norm. -the "I'm going to do what I want to do and I don't care what anyone thinks and how dare you infringe on my right to do exactly as I please" mindset WHILE still expecting to be part of a group that has certain standards and expecting that group to lovingly embrace your individualism-run-amok or be labeled a family-time-hater actually IS a bit selfish. I am not sure where everyone got this idea that a family vacation is some kind of civil right every person is entitled to? -I don't get the "well, our school sucks anyways so who cares if my kid misses a day?" attitude either. If your school is THAT bad either pull your child out or roll up your sleeves and be a part of making it better. Contributing to the problem by disrespecting class time and a teacher's time is not the answer. But if it makes you feel better to justify your choices that way then...proceed. I am very thankful at this moment to work at a private school where parents who disregard the importance of what we are doing here are asked to leave and that spot is filled with a child whose parents are willing to fully support what we are trying to do. I don't think I can ever work in a PS and be that beholden to parental whims again. Also, I am agreeing with Bill and I think someone should write that down. ;) .
  2. I've read loads of MacArthur and I have never read one thing that is mean-spirited. But I guess we just have different tastes in theologians.
  3. If you did this at my school you would be fired. I have worked in 6 different school districts and ALL of them had rules against this. If you were gone more than two days for illness you had to produce a doctor's note and if you took your sick or personal days and went on vacation and they found out you were fired. .
  4. Yes, the school cares. When your child misses a week of school it puts an added burden on the teacher to provide make-up work and make sure your child is caught up after they return. And if the things you miss include projects or group assignments you have now hurt the group and made it very difficult for the teacher to recreate the learning that went on. If you miss a week at my school you miss A LOT. If your child can easily miss a week at their school and not miss out on much learning then you need to change schools. Homeschooling is the perfect alternative for people who want to call their own schedule. Those who join group education need to follow the rules of the group. . .
  5. Me either. My step-father is a TSA supervisor at Detroit Metro and says none of these horror stories happen where he is at. The entire area is on camera and the TSA workers are being videotaped and watched. The slightest inkling that they are doing something wrong and they are fired. He said the TSA agents there are terrified of losing their jobs and are hesitant to pat anyone down at all. And he hates when people talk about TSA agents "getting off" on people going through the scanner. Basically, he says people are overreacting to a few isolated cases compared to the millions that fly all the time. He also had a few choice words for people who use these sweeping generalizations for TSA agents but I won't repeat them. I have been patted down... Ummm... "vigorously" .... in other countries but it doesn't bother me. If you have a history that includes sexual abuse I guess I understand it but other than I just don't understand the hysteria. YMMV. .
  6. We just flew here from the U.S. and it was easy-peasy. It was way less invasive than the Singapore airport! They REALLY pat you down!
  7. Oh that is just awful. She is so sweet and was handling it like a trooper. How are you holding up? Was she able to start school? :grouphug::grouphug:
  8. NO WAY When I lived in NC we lived in a pretty rural place but there was a big city within an hour and a Target within 45 minutes. That is far enough for me. .
  9. He is not a false teacher. He is a solid defender of truth. Truth always gets people riled up. ;)
  10. Ours was fairly easy too. She mostly took a brief look around the house primarily looking at where the baby's room was then mostly questions. Not a big deal.
  11. It's not that uncommon really. All 3 of my kids (who are not genetically related) could do letters and letter sounds at that age. Keep doing what you are doing!
  12. Pedestrians do NOT have the right of way here at all. Pedestrians have no rights whatsoever. If you plan to cross the road you are taking your life in your own hands and drivers will RARELY stop for you... not even at an intersection... not even for children. It is every man for himself here with both driving AND walking.
  13. Thanks for all the great tips! I am not sure the rainy season was the best time to take this on but I will give it a shot! :D
  14. Completely off topic... How did I miss that you moved back to the states??? Do you plan to stay for a while or will you be going back to Asia. Any desire to come out our way? :D
  15. Yeah the humidity makes the process a lot longer. Then we are about to hit rainy season which means random monsoons almost daily and you have to run out and grab the laundry off the line... Can you tell I am trying to talk myself out of it. :D I want to do it to save money but I did not realize it was this complicated!
  16. Ohhhhh..... Ok, so how do you keep your clothes from getting all misshapen when you line dry them? Don't they turn out stiff as well? Are there some items or fabrics that line dry better than others? I am such a newbie at this. :tongue_smilie:
  17. So, the very first thing I bought when I moved here is a dryer. The locals all line dry their clothes but I was not prepared to do that just yet. Flash forward three years... Our electric bill is RIDICULOUS so I am trying to cut back somewhere. So I thought, OK, what if I only dried our clothes in the dryer but I line dry all our towels. That will cut back a little. So this weekend I put my towels on the line to dry for the first time in my life. THEY DRIED STIFF AS A BOARD. How are we supposed to use them like that? A lady at work said to put them in the drier to fluff them out. :001_huh: I thought the point was to not use the dryer. So all you line-dryers out there, I need some tips!! But go easy on this city girl. .
  18. It is a personal opinion. You don't have to agree. And it's not like there is nothing to be done about it if he is unhappy with the situation. We aren't all born beautiful. I look TERRIBLE without makeup so I wear makeup. If you and he are both perfectly comfortable with his body hair then my opinion should mean nothing to you and he should swim shirtless whenever he darn well pleases. .
  19. :lol::lol::lol: My 8yo ds will be THRILLED to know this. He hates baths. Now he has some ammunition. :tongue_smilie:
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