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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Well, it is pretty awesome in Malaysia for sure. :D But there are lots of great places to live and you don't even have to dislike the place where you are to want to be somewhere else, too. Take the chance if you get it. You only get to do this life once.
  2. After living next door to you this week and seeing DC traffic first hand.... I can definitely see why you would not want to do the drive! Your dd is intelligent and mature she will do GREAT!! :grouphug:
  3. I totally think you should move to Malaysia! :tongue_smilie: From one wanderlust girl to another: "Not all those who wander are lost." ~Tolkien
  4. No way. We live in a very busy city with no sidewalks and CRAZY drivers. It is so bad that we finally just sold the kids' bikes because they weren't using them.
  5. I WANTED to like this book. I really tried hard. But I couldn't. The writing was awful and the theology is sometimes questionable. A reviewer on Amazon referred to it as "self-indulgent literary rubbish" and I pretty much agree. It makes me sad because it COULD have been great. So yes, the goal to be thankful every day is something I try to stick to and I have so much to be grateful for. But the book? Ick.
  6. I can't ski or drive a stick shift even though MULTIPLE people have tried to teach me.
  7. I put the pork, some chopped onion, 1 bottle of honey barbecue sauce and 1 can of whole cranberries in a crockpot and let it go all day. Then shred and serve on buns. Yum!
  8. And this is a pic of the front of her guest cottage. I'll let Mariann post pics of the beautiful inside after we leave and drag all our stuff out with us. :D And a pic of my princess and one of her brothers on the porch of the cottage. I told you it was cute!
  9. OK, OK.... here is the pic we took tonight. Even though I look as exhausted as I felt after walking all over DC, I am still posting it because it is a great pic of Mariann! We had a lot of fun at the pool even though we just gabbed the whole time and never swam. :tongue_smilie: We Hive ladies sure can TALK!
  10. :lol::lol: My diet coke just came out my nose. Oh yes. That is definitely me sitting in the beach. NOT. :tongue_smilie: Ok, me and the fam just got back from a harrowing yet fun day in DC. Now we are going to go swimming with Mariann and her family and I will get some pics of us together.
  11. You have to get pizza at the Magic Mushroom! DE-LISH!
  12. I told her she would make a killing if she advertised it. It is super close to a metrorail station right into DC. She and her dh said they want to use it to be a blessing to others. And it is DEFINITELY a blessing to us. We could never afford a guest house like this on our Malaysian salary. Maybe when we leave and all our stuff is gone she will take pics and post them for you all. You have to see what an incredible decorator she is!
  13. I have a 6 year age gap between my boys. I kept all the clothes that were in good enough condition to keep and I was SO GLAD I did. It saved me tons of money.
  14. Heather Knapp-Fischer but be prepared for pics of weird things from Malaysia and lots of pics of my kids. :D
  15. I marked other but I actually mean both. I have been known to use both really depending on the context.
  16. Oh you should definitely come for a visit. She is super nice and would love to have you!
  17. Yep! They were spared any real damage BUT up and down the road leading to their house there are trees and wires down everywhere! It's like it skipped right over their house.
  18. Guess who I hung out with tonight? That's right, MariannNOVA. :D She has an AMAZING home...totally gorgeous and this "little guest house" she is graciously letting us stay in? Um, yeah, it is BEAUTIFUL. It is fabulously decorated down to the last detail. Her children are so beautiful and totally delightful. Her dh is friendly and charming. And she is a STITCH! Even her dogs are awesome! So no matter what you are doing right now it is nowhere near as fun as hanging out with her. :tongue_smilie:
  19. Got it, thanks! Has anyone heard from Mariann? I am worried about her. I just tried to call her and the phones were down.
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