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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Exactly. You are trying to apply a HUMAN definition of "good" to God who is the very definition of good. If God does it, wills it, says it then it is GOOD. It may not fit OUR definition of good but God is beyond our definition. Isaiah 45:9 “Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker— An earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth! Will the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you doing?’ Or the thing you are making say, ‘He has no hands’?" The clay does not get to tell the potter what to do, how to do it, or judge what the potter does. We are His creation. We do not get to point an accusing finger heavenward and say, "how dare you!" FWIW, I loathe the prosperity gospel. I think it is one of the greatest and most dangerous heresies of this time. God did not promise us happiness, health, wealth or any of that. Will things turn out "good"? Absolutely because God wins. Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess that Jesus is Lord to the praise of the Father. THAT is everything turning out well. .
  2. My ds goes to the private school where I work for two classes a day and it is working out very well. He is allowed to be a part of whichever extra curriculars he pleases as well.
  3. My boyfriend committed suicide when we were 24 years old. It's been 18 years and I have still not figured it out. I spent YEARS in denial, YEARS being furious, YEARS feeling guilty... You name it. I still don't really understand it. It is awful. I am so very sorry. :grouphug:
  4. Exactly. My 2yo gets to win. :D. My 8yo has to earn it unless it is something that I will naturally cream him at like scrabble. Sometimes for those games we will play teams to even it out.
  5. Pork and beef are very expensive here so we have to do a lot of chicken. Here are our standbys: Pasta primavera with chicken Pepper chicken with rice* kurma chicken* Cheddar Bacon BBQ chicken Chick fettucini Alfredo Chicken tacos Sweet and sour chicken Chili rubbed chicken* Cajun chicken pasta* Beef and broccoli chicken fried rice and eggs sambal* BBQ chicken sandwich Baked ziti Buffalo chicken* Karen chicken White chicken chili* Tuna noodle casserole Chicken salad sandwiches Chicken parmasan The asterisks are spicy dishes. If any of these look interesting let me know and I will post the recipe. I am stealing some ideas myself! .
  6. What a doll! We are definitely cat people. :D Our cat was that young too and honestly, we just kept putting her in the litter box until she used it and it went on from there. I miss my cat.
  7. :iagree: But here they call two ponytails, not braided,... "bunches" :D
  8. :iagree: Pretty much the first thing that popped into my mind too. How can this even be thought of as something to make a joke about?
  9. exactly. What's HER deal? He is obviously senile but I can't believe that lady giggled over his horrid comment. :glare: .
  10. A man wrote in asking for advice about his "rebellious" wife. pat says the man should become a Muslim and move to Saudi Arabia so he can beat her. .
  11. Will someone PLEASE turn that guy's mic off? From a favorite movie of mine... This describes it well... "This displays a level of ineptitude that borders on the imbecilic. And I mean that in a very caring way." Really though, I wish he would just shut up. .
  12. Our whole family is allergic to crafts. And writing poems. And read-alouds. And lapbooks. And anything that involves paint, scissors, or glue. We tolerate crayons. Barely. Although yesterday my 2yo tried to color the screen of our iPad with her crayons. Is that crafty? :tongue_smilie: .
  13. Wow, this was really fascinating. Some of you listed categories I hadn't thought of but it is areas we still spend. No wonder I couldn't figure out where the rest of our money was going. :glare:
  14. :iagree: There are some people for whom extreme hoarding is a sign of mental illness but not everyone who collects clutter and has a hard time throwing things away has a mental illness. Some of these "practical" suggestions are just that... Practical... As in something that should be practiced. OP, how about picking one or two of the suggestions and trying them before we diagnose you as needing a psychiatrist? :tongue_smilie: .
  15. 1. Get some boxes 2. Go through your house and if you find an item you have not used in the last year put it in the box. 3. When a box is full, tape it shut with duct tape. DO NOT LABEL IT. 4. Stack the boxes somewhere. 5. Wait 3 months. DO NOT OPEN THE BOXES FOR ANY REASON. 6. After 3 months, Take all those boxes to the goodwill/salvation army/etc. That's it! After 3 months you will forget what is in the boxes, you will have learned to live without whatever is in the boxes, and you obviously do not need it anyways. That's what I did. :D .
  16. This week... Started Reading: nothing new this week (I am still behind!!) Still reading: Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy Alone With God by John MacArthur Completed: 31. Frankenstein 30. The Lotus and the Cross 29. Desiring God 28. Blood Feud: The Hatfields and the McCoys 27. Among the Gods 26. The Deadliest Monster 25. Faith of My Fathers 24. A Good American 23. They Say/I Say:The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing 22. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking 21. Insurgent 20. Stand: A Call for the Endurance of the Saints 19. The Strength of His Hands 18. The Meaning of Marriage 17. Funny in Farsi 16. The Constantine Codex 15. What the Dog Saw 14. What is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission 13. Gods and Kings 12. A Skeleton in God's Closet 11. My Hands Came Away Red 10. The Omnivore's Dilemma 9. Dead Heat 8. Redeeming Love 7. Family Driven Faith: What it Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God 6. Organized Simplicity 5. Year of Wonders 4. The Holiness of God 3. The Paris Wife 2. The Peach Keeper 1. Relic
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